MALCOLM Turnbull replacement Dave Sharma has continued to undermine the prime minister on climate policy as the Left ramps up efforts to remake the once centre-Right Liberal Party.
The novice Wentworth backbencher has again demanded a Greens-inspired carbon emissions deadline – even after PM Scott Morrison stated he would not set a target date.

- New Wentworth backbencher follows in Malcolm Turnbull's climate footsteps.
- Demands Greens-inspired 40-45 per cent carbon reduction by 2035.
- Tells angry Liberal supporters to “get over it!”
Mr Turnbull – a global warming activist who lost the Party leadership (twice) over climate policy – had attempted to reset the Liberals in his own image, even rebranding the Party in 2016 as “Malcolm Turnbull’s Coalition”.
Mr Sharma, who calls himself a Modern Liberal, is attempting the same.
This week he called on Mr Morrison to reverse his stated position and impose a reduction target of 40-45 per cent by 2035.
“When it comes to our climate and energy policy, the positions we adopted in 2015 no longer reflect our national circumstances of 2021,” Mr Sharma said.
“To be credible, we need a firm target and accompanying plan to reach net-zero emissions by 2050,” he said.
“We need sufficiently ambitious milestones and interim targets along the way to reach net zero by 2050.”
Earlier this year Ms Sharma joined with other hard-Left Liberals – backbenchers Jason Falinski, Trent Zimmerman, Tim Wilson and Katie Allen – in “white-anting Australia’s energy security from within”.
They were accused by the grass roots organisation Advance Australia of betraying those who supported them into government.
“This is not what most Coalition voters voted for in 2019,” Advance Australia stated.
“The 2019 election was dubbed a ‘referendum on climate change’ for goodness sake. And now we have ‘modern Liberals’ following the lead of Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese.”
Mr Sharma’s response to Advance Australia’s concerns drew praise from radical socialist group GetUp!
“The Liberal Party is a broad church, and an inevitable energy transition – like many we have been through in the history of humanity – is underway,” Mr Sharma said at the time.
“Get over it!”
The Liberal’s shift towards radical Greens’ policies has been a significant contributor to its loss of millions of supporters.
According to a report in The Australian newspaper the Coalition has become anathema to more than two million primary voters in 19 federal and State elections conducted since Tony Abbott lead the Liberals to victory in 2013.
At a federal level, the Coalition has dropped a massive 560,665 votes.
This loss was primarily the work of dumped PM Malcolm Turnbull who shifted Liberal policy Left, believing he wouldn’t lose voters.
Mr Turnbull’s disregard for the Liberal Party base almost lost him government in 2016 – and ultimately cost him his job in 2018.
Western Australia’s “fake” Liberals have shed 377,047 votes and now hold just two of the State’s 59 parliamentary seats.
In NSW, the Coalition has shed 427,216 voters.PC
Bronwyn Bishop took Sharma to task for his related climate views on Paul Murray the other night, and began to wind up to smash him, as a sledge hammer smashes a peanut. However Murray intervened to move on to the next topic, so we were spared the sight of what otherwise have been a brief and inglorious TKO. Sharma is in fact very bright, he came first in the NSW HSC, and he does speak lucidly on foreign affairs matters, but he has no common sense, so allows emotion to overrule fact. An analogy would be a barrister trying to defend a client at court who had been videoed committing the offence. He means well, but his climate type statements such as ‘get over it’ or whatever are futile denial type attempts to deny what is coming our way when his ideas smash our economy, without changing the world’s temperature.
He thinks that Britain is leading the way in these regards, without knowing what is coming their way.
Sharma is not a conservative; as I have stated any organisation which does not declare itself unambiguously to be conservative will inevitably be infiltrated by the left; sharma and others in the LNP both federally and state demonstrate this (and not just the libs, as Darren Chester demonstrates with the Nats). The alp was taken over by the greens and now this disease is taking over the LNP.
Scomo does not have the luxury of thumping majorities in both houses as little Johnnie and Abbott did, and they both did nothing about this broad church blight in the LNP. Now scomo has a 1 seat majority; he has a fool walking around in a possum skin and about a dozen creatures like sharma advocating green policies which will destroy Australia. The writing is on the wall for the libs: Christensen is going, so is Flint and Kelly was booted; all for being too conservative.
If scomo had balls he would come out, renounce the Paris garbage, declare support for coal and announce a new nuclear power industry and say our agriculture with farting cows and sheep will be expanded; plus build a few dams. Then go to election after disenfranchising all the turnball turncoats like sharma. Otherwise the electorate which gave him the coal win at the last election will desert him.
Yes yes and yes??????
Well it is no surprise that Sharma is a “Modern Liberal” (read: Greens member) given he was the choice from the other “Modern Liberal”, Turnbull whose push for net Zero is more to do with reaping his investment more returns.
Why the Liberal Party put up with the white anting and suffering the so called “modern ideologies” from the “modern left” members is beyond me. If they do not like the traditional values of the Liberal Party, let them join the so called progressive parties, Greens or Labor.
Perhaps if we were prepared to spend whatever it takes to fix health, hospitals, Defence and ridding our educational institutions of their woke culture before the Government commit to spending anything on the biggest UN and other government authorised hoax/scam of Climate change, the world would be a better place.
One Nation is starting to make more sense over the issues of Climate Change!