by ALEXANDER VOLTZ – THE Australian Monarchist League has this week announced former Liberal Senator for Tasmania Eric Abetz as its Vote No campaign director.
Mr Abetz served in the Australian Senate for 28 years and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Vote No Republic campaign.

- The republic campaign has no feathers with which to fly.
- It relies on platitudes that have no basis in fact or experience.
- There are 121 years of evidence to suggest that Australia’s unique system of government works.
As a Senator for Tasmania, he held portfolios as Special Minister for State, Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation, and Minister for Employment.
He was Leader of the Opposition in the Senate between 2010 and 2013, and then Leader of the Government in the Senate from 2013 to 2015.
Mr Abetz’s campaigning and fundraising skills, as well as his extensive network, favourably position the Australian Monarchist League and the Vote No Republic against the efforts of the Albanese Government and the Australian Republic Movement.
In an exclusive interview, Mr Abetz sat down with Politicom to talk about his new role.
“It is a great honour to come on board as the Australian Monarchist League’s Vote No Republic Campaign Director,” he said.
“Our constitutional monarchy is an extremely successful system, one that respects tradition and heritage, and one that has enabled the Commonwealth of Australia to distinguish itself as a mature, intelligent nation.
“There are 121 years of evidence to suggest that this unique system of government works, and will propel us and our families forward into the future.
“In the year of Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, a monumental occasion which we should all celebrate and be grateful for, the Albanese Government has installed an Assistant Minister for the Republic in Matt Thistlethwaite.
“Mr Thistlethwaite occupies a publicly-funded office that is pushing a divisive and partisan republic campaign, a campaign that is not in the interests of the Australian people nor the Australian nation.
“In view of this, my appointment as campaign director is timely. I intend to hold Mr Thistlethwaite to account.
“For example, the Assistant Minister says he in his republican portfolio is ‘looking towards the future’.
“Only now to look towards the future is a sad reflection on his contribution to public life thus far. Some of us have been looking towards the future consistently for decades, and we understand one protects the future not by dismantling the present but by building on past strengths and solid foundations – like our constitutional monarchy,” Mr Abetz said.
“Equally obnoxious is the Assistant Minister’s insistence, as well as the insistence of many of his colleagues, to continue speculating on Her Majesty’s life expectancy. It’s just poor taste.
“I have the experience and the stamina to check Mr Thistlethwaite and the republican Albanese Government, a Labor Government that seemingly has no regard for the fact that a significant portion of grassroots Labor supporters voted against a republic in 1999.
“With my appointment, the media now has no excuse not to seek a monarchist perspective in reaction to the sensational, psuedo-moral rhetoric of republicans. If the media does refuse, history will definitively remember them as biased.”
Mr Abetz said he planned to establish knowledgeable and vibrant State and regional campaign committees, to ensure the Vote No Republic’s national campaign is felt locally.
“In any case, it’s time to acknowledge that the republic campaign has no feathers with which to fly. It relies on platitudes that have no basis in fact or experience.
“Can anyone actually tell me what a republic would look like? How would a president be chosen? Who among us would that president be?
“Our system is working exceptionally well with no hint of being in need of repair, let alone being broken. The Government must return to its task of serving its fellow Australians, period.
“The Australian Monarchist League, a genuine people’s movement, is ready to fight. While limited by its reliance on voluntary donations – compared to the republicans’ taxpayer funding – our innumerable, committed volunteers see the sense in preserving the heritage and legacy which has provided us with stable, democratic government.
“So begins the three years of relentless, taxpayer-funded Government propaganda for the republic. We must rally in the face of this and preserve our successful constitutional monarchy, lest our successors rightly ask what on earth possessed their forebears to abandon a tried and proven system.”
Mr Abetz confirmed that he has already scheduled campaign commitments in Queensland.PC
– Alexander Voltz
Australian Monarchist League
Just wondering when we are going to enact the provisions of The Australian Constitution Act 1901
If you check 51.23a you will find that the Australian Governments State and federal are in breach of this in more ways than one. ?
I am just curios, will you be pushing for The Australian Constitution Act 1901
Which most of the past Federal and State Governments, have tried to change without a referendum.?
Mr Abetz is an experienced politician and a monarchist who knows precisely why he is a believer in constitutional monarchy. He will bring gravitas and sound knowledge to a campaign started by the government which, by the way, assured voters that such a campaign would not happen ‘in the first term’. So much for political promises.
Australia has been a monarchy since settlement and we haven’t done too badly over the years. The checks and balances embedded in the Crown as protection of the Constitution and our freedoms are real and are used when needed. No governance system is perfect but constitutional monarchy is as close as we can get which is why of the top 10 most stable and democratic nations in the world seven of them are monarchies – Australia being one of them.
Thank you Mr Abetz for your ongoing commitment to our country.
Abetz is a failed politician, leading a campaign based on a hysterical attempt to demonise politicians. The hypocrisy is staggering.
As someone who backs Australia and knows a foreign monarch reigning over us is an insult, I am absolutely delighted that this rejected old conservative bigot is the best you second class poms can come up with. The man is a living joke. If you think Erica Betz is the right face for your cause then you grovelling colonials are more deluded than I ever thought possible. It is a farce.
And given the crown’s spineless collusion with Morrison, I am staggered you colonials still pretend the foreign monarchy will check or balance anything.
We now know the crown will do exactly as ordered by politicians, without question, without hesitation.
Suck is life in the Politician’s Monarchy.
You know that “big gun” is very big indeed when the republicans panic.
Laughing uncontrollably, more like.
It’s quite staggering that this specimen is the best you’ve got.
Eric Abetz is your secret weapon?
Who else, Lyle Shelton? Tony Abbot? David Flint?
Let’s leave aside the ridiculous suggestion that an old conservative bigot like Abetz can in any way influence undecided voters.
Is a failed politician really a good choice, given monarchists strategy seems to be whipping up fear of politicians?
Eric Abetz?
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho. Funny one.
Who are the other secret weapons? Lyle Shelton?
Perhaps Herr Abetz can bring some of the stunning political acumen he brought to the same sex marriage debate. His side got completely thrashed.
You must be joking.
I could not think of a better candidate. Better for the republican cause, that is.
Who are your other secret weapons? Lyle Shelton? Tony Abbott?
If you people honestly think Herr Abetz is a ‘BIG GUN’ you need a very big dose of reality.
The man is a living joke. He was rejected by his own party, before he could be rejected by voters. He is the epitome of conservative bigotry.
I nominate Malcolm Turnbull and the Red Bandana Man.