Muslims smash multicultural dream

by ROGER CROOK – MULTICULTURALISM in Australia has failed – it is dead. 

The challenge for Australians is what we must now do to preserve the Australian way of life and whether our political leaders have the courage to do what must be done. 

People of the Muslim faith and from the Middle East have brought to Australia their prejudices and their hatred. They support the country and the politics they left behind.

The Australian people have given sanctuary to many thousands of men women and children from the Middle East and of the Muslim faith.

We were told that these people were deserving of a home in Australia and that many were genuine refugees; that they were escaping tyranny of civil war and oppression in their own homeland.


The Australian people – generous to a fault, as they’ve been for a long, long time – welcomed them into Australia and gave their support to the notion ethnic diversity would be good for multi-cultural Australia.

What main-stream Australia didn’t talk about was the gradual development of migrant enclaves in our major cities; enclaves where after decades in Australia, English is still the second language.

Integration and assimilation for so many of these migrants and refugees has not only failed, but it has been rejected by them.

They have been happy to accept the benefits, perks and generosity of the Australian people, however, generations of migrants have refused our culture.

They have shown that the only way of life they want is the one they or their ancestors left behind to come to Australia.

On Christmas Day this year, the Jewish people celebrated Hanukkah. That story goes back to 167 BC when the Jews fought a battle against the Syrian Greeks, who had desecrated the Second Temple’s eternal light.

Judas Maccabeus led a band of Jews in defending Jewish culture and religion against Hellenisation.

The first Christian Crusade took place in 1096 and lasted for three years. There were at least eight Crusades, the last in 1212.

The main reason for the Crusades was to stop the expansion of the Muslim States and to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land, now known as Israel and the wider Middle East.

I was nine years old when in 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181. That resolution came into effect in May 1948; it divided Britain’s former Palestinian mandate or control into Jewish and Arab States and ended the British mandate.


At that time a new Israel was born. An Israel which the United Nations agreed, that is the world agreed, that Israel would be a home for the Jewish people.

If you want more about how long the Jews have lived in Israel, read the Book of Exodus (it’s in a book called The Holy Bible, available from most good bookstores).

After Resolution 181 was adopted, Egypt and Jordan retained control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. That control lasted until 1967.

In 1957 when I was nineteen, British, French and Israeli troops responded to the nationalisation of the Suez Canal by Egypt’s President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, by invading the Suez Canal region of Egypt.

President Eisenhour of America, and many other world leaders didn’t like what the British and French had done by parachuting a lot of soldiers into Egypt, uninvited; Eisenhour threatened and told them to go home, which they did; British Prime Minister Anthony Eden then resigned.

Politicians did that sort of thing in those days; it was called taking responsibility for one’s actions. It doesn’t happen any more in Australia and seldom in Britain.

In 2025 Jewish and Christian people are still fighting to keep the Muslim nations from overrunning the State of Israel and the Holy Land.

A land, which is holy to both those of the Jewish and Christian faiths and a land to which Muslims also claim ownership and religious significance to their faith.

The Holy Wars of Israel and Judea have continued for thousands of years and show no sign of stopping.

On October 7, 2023, Muslim terrorists from Gaza called Hamas, invaded Israel, and killed more than a thousand Jews. Men, women and children were butchered and mutilated in ways that defy description and understanding.

In addition to those who died, 250 Jews – old, young, fit and infirm – were taken hostage by Hamas.

On October 9, 2023, two days after the massacre in Israel, on the steps of the non-denominational Sydney Opera House, hundreds of Muslims from Sydney – young, old, men and women – danced and celebrated Hamas and the atrocity they had committed in Israel.

An act of international terrorism was celebrated in Australia; the police watched and did nothing; the majority of the Australian people were horrified.

On that night the only person questioned by the police was an Anglican cleric carrying the flag of Israel. The police took it off him; they said it was for his own good.

These people of the Muslim faith and from the Middle East have brought into Australia their prejudices and their hatred of the Jews.

They are now supporting the country and the politics they left behind when they claimed refugee status and scrambled into Australia looking for a safe haven; or at least that’s what they told us.


The clerics of their faith, the Imams and the Mullahs preach Islam’s hatred of the Jews. In their holy places, in their mosques, they have celebrated the killing of Jews.

Is this the way it should be? Is this our Australia? Is this what previous generations of Australians fought and died for in two world wars?

There has been an awful act of terrorism in Australia. In Melbourne, a Synagogue was set on fire with Jews inside the building. Priceless religious artifacts and scrolls were lost. It was a heinous crime.

If it had been St Patrick’s Cathedral which had been torched, what would we have done?

There have been more acts of terrorism against Australian Jews. Vehicles have been set on fire, buildings daubed with anti-Jewish slogans; slogans that terrified both the gentiles and the Jews.

Jewish children have been told to cover their school uniforms and hide their Star of David; Jewish children, in Australia, have grown accustomed to seeing armed guards welcome them at the school gate.

What on earth is happening to us? Armed guards outside an Australian school!

This is not the Australia of Blinky Bill or Splodge or Mr Wombat; it is Australia with armed guards protecting children from those who would do them harm.

This isn’t Israel, this isn’t the Golan Heights or the West Bank, this is Melbourne and Sydney, Australia in 2025.

Only cowards want to harm children; these are the same people who sought and were given refuge in our country.

By their very actions they have shown that they are now unhappy in Australia; they should go back or be sent back to the country from whence they came; so, they can fight for the country they believe in, which they have made blatantly obvious, isn’t Australia.


I don’t believe they would ever wear the Australian flag on their shoulder and fight for all Australians, Jews and gentiles alike.

These people have other flags – flags which support genocide. From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free. A demand for the elimination of Israel.

Why should I support these people? Why should I pay for them to wave their flags of hatred, their flags of Hamas and Palestine while they incite hatred in my country?

I am tired of these people; there is no place for them in Australia today.

We should send them back to Syria, Lebanon and Gaza and anywhere else they want to go.

As I finish this article three hostages have been released in return 90 so-called Palestinians.

Our screens were again filled with pictures of hundreds of terrorists, faced covered, wearing their green headbands and the uniforms of Hamas; more cowards ready again to mount another war on Israel.

May God protect Israel and all the Jews.PC

Roger Crook

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Sydney Opera House 2023. (courtesy The Guardian)

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