by DAVID FLINT – AUSTRALIA has more than reached net-zero emissions, and we are in surplus, argues the nation’s leading climate scientist.
So why is the Albanese Government pouring billions into going even further with this agenda, and in the process wrecking lives by replacing one of the cheapest and most reliable electricity systems in the world with one of the most expensive and least reliable?
- Plimer’s thinking is impeccable. Why is he being silenced?
- Why don’t the global warmists try to prove this eminent scientist wrong? Is it because they cannot?
- Professor Plimer is right. What climate crisis indeed?
And with a leading Scandinavian car ferry line banning electric cars for safety reasons, why is the NSW Liberal National Party government pushing apartment buildings into making it easier to charge EVs when it should be banning such dangerous death traps from all car parks?
Meanwhile, the Albanese Government must be thanking its lucky stars. The first poll on its superannuation changes, Newspoll, was based on a question that summarised the government case but did not mention that the changes were in breach of a clear election promise or other criticism.
The Guardian’s Essential poll, hardly a source hostile to the Labor government, subsequently found only 13 per cent strongly disagreed with the proposition that Labor was trying to trick people into accepting changes to super and only 17 per cent with the proposition that Labor wants to penalise people who work hard and are successful.
Yet Newspoll found 64 per cent approved, including a majority of Coalition voters. As Faulty Towers’ Manuel would say, “Qué?”
Meanwhile, mainstream media continues with the long honeymoon it has granted Albanese.
Apart from a well-informed cricket commentator, there was little criticism when Albanese allowed himself to be paraded around Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium in Modi’s grotesque chariot like a fawning minor potentate from some tributary State.
Worse, he even joined the national cricket team line-up during the national anthem as if he were one of them. Imagine the media reaction if Howard or Abbott had done this.
As the Essential poll shows and talkback confirms, there is widespread concern in the country about where the government is taking us.
If they’d been honest in the election and revealed what Treasurer Chalmers did recently, that they’re considering, among other things, a massive lump-sum tax – hundreds of thousands of dollars – whenever voters sell their homes, they would have been more unelectable than Bill Shorten was in 2019, as this column demonstrated before the election.
What is clear is that when Australians realise that, rather than the promised reduction in energy costs, these will go through the roof and blackouts become common, they will not be in a forgiving mood whatever honeymoon the media is still according Mr Albanese.
Polling indicates that the relentless global warming propaganda has worked, but only to a point. People are not prepared to pay more than a nominal sum for the useless but damaging policies the political class insist on.
With notable exceptions, the political class have either lost their reason, or are incompetent hypocrites, all working, consciously or not, in the interests of the brutal multi-billionaire Beijing dictatorship, whose members are laughing all the way to the bank.
When the rank and file realise this, the baseball bats will be well and truly ready.
Fortunately, there are those who stand out against this. Prominent among these is the nation’s best-known geologist, the highly credentialled Professor Emeritus Ian Plimer.
Notwithstanding the frequent calls by politicians to “follow the science”, few consult or even read Plimer just as few media outlets publish or broadcast him.
However, he recently gave an extended interview, What climate crisis?, available free on demand on ADH TV.
Plimer challenges the elites’ determination to move to net-zero emissions. Even if the discredited global warming theory were true, he says net-zero is unnecessary for Australia.
He has come to the startling conclusion that Australia has already achieved net-zero. He explains that when we burn coal and petroleum products and release CO2 into the atmosphere, this is sequestered into grasslands, crops and forests and dissolved in the coastal sea.
Incidentally, never fall for yet another linguistic trick from the Orwellian Minitruth, the Ministry of Truth, and call CO2 “carbon”.
That’s done to suggest something unclean. Similarly, for reasons explained previously, never ever use “gender” when you mean “sex”.
Returning to the sequestration of CO2, this occurs during photosynthesis, the process by which a plant uses CO2 from the air and water with energy from the light of the sun to produce its own food and what we need, oxygen.
Now, unlike politicians, plants do not distinguish between the three per cent of CO2 which is man-made and the rest. To a plant, it’s all food and not a pollutant – the silliest claim the elites could make.
Since Australia is lucky enough to be a continent with very few people, says Plimer, we absorb far more CO2 than we need.
Far from net-zero, we are in a massive surplus, absorbing ten times our CO2 emissions. To achieve what we already have, our politicians are wasting billions and billions.
Plimer argues we should become the centre of every CO2 emitting industry in the world.
After all, if a politician is under the delusion that CO2 is a pollutant and that it’s going to change the climate, he or she should campaign to locate heavy industry, smelting, metal manufacturing, in Australia.
Plimer’s thinking is impeccable. Why is he being silenced? Why don’t the global warmists try to prove this eminent scientist wrong? Is it because they cannot?
Asked what he would do if he were in power, he says he would stop subsidies and get rid of “foolish policies” that as soon as you have electricity from wind or the sun, coal-fired power stations are to be blown up.
Rejecting claims about fossil fuel, he’d repeal legislation banning nuclear energy.
Wholesale electricity contracts would be for the life of a nuclear power station, 80 or 100 years, to protect investors from politicians trying to stop them from providing cheap and reliable electricity “24/7, 365 days a year”.
Prof Plimer is right. What climate crisis indeed?PC
An intersting comment posted by Sascha at Sky News blog today (Tuesday 28 March, 2023
“In 1990, Federal Politician Kim Beasley made a statement in response to Senator Button’s question in the Australian Federal Parliament about whether there should be a republic.
Kim Beasley reply was:
“The United Nations has given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, farms, property and business to government control once the REPUBLIC has been proclaimed.”
The United Nations is the NWO in waiting for a one world government.
The push by the Labor Party for the ‘Voice’ referendum is the single most important part of their plan, which is to include the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this Country (Indigenous people) into the Commonwealth Constitution because, at the moment they have ‘NO CONTRACT’ with the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this Country.
As there is ‘No Contract’ with the Indigenous people of Australia, a republic would not be achieved because the ‘ORIGINAL’ Men, Women and children of this country are the lawful land owners and the government would be unable to take control over ownership of housing, farms, property and business, thus thwarting its secretive push for a totalitarian republic where you would own nothing and be happy.
This plan was underway in 1990.
Say ‘NO’ to the Voice and say ‘NO’ to a totalitarian republic they have planned for us Australians.
Every State in Australia has already sold off the Lands and Title Office, your original titles have been destroyed, the value of your property is in the TITLE.
All properties certificate of title has been digitised and this is not a lawful proof of historical ownership. “
Australia the very definition of insanity is voting the same and expecting different results . Labour are not for the nation they are the CCP under another name . Make no mistake the LNP are no better , but until we rectify the voting system we will continue down the path of Clown Town . Zero Emissions is just like Covid . Does not exist cannot be identified nor treated . Volcanoes emit Carbon Dioxide . Humans Emit Carbon Dioxide it is the life blood of all plants on earth . Coal, Oil,Gas are natural resources and no such thing as Fossil Fuel . Why are we in the west so hell bent of losing the war rather than admit to the mistake ??? The numbers do not add up and Seaweed processes Carbon Dioxide and turns it into Oxygen . The Trees are the natural form of carbon capture and support system to the ocean ,both allow life as we know it on earth and in the ocean. These idiots who peddle this hoax are the very same cult that peddle Covid and must be swept aside by the hand of God and allow the rest of us to live our lives .
What bothers me is why other scientists aren’t supporting people like Ian Plimer and Viv Forbes (The Saltbush Club). Are they scared for their jobs or just too bloody lazy and disinterested? We know there are plenty of them out there who challenge the CO2 myth but they just lack backbone and won’t speak up!
It is called paid off lackeys .
From many comments I have read frightened of losing funding and of peer pressure.
Consider one example, Professor Peter Ridd from Townsville attacked for daring to question the popular GBR dying claim presenting his own decades of research material including photography.
News Today
Senior Labor MPs on board the “zero-emissions” campaign bus on Tuesday include Penny Sharpe and Rose Jackson, with the latter playing DJ (Harry Styles so far dominating the morning playlist).
The bus was back on the road about 11.30am, but travelling media and Labor staff were soon forced off the electric vehicle and onto a good old-fashioned gas-guzzling coach.
It seems the battery ran out of charge – let’s hope it’s no omen for the rest of the Labor campaign this week.
I heard that Blackout Bowen was phoned and he went in his EV car to buy a can of electricity.
Don’t you lot worry, the Electric Vehicle stupids, your EVs are effectively burning fossil fuels via power stations that use fossil fuels to produce steam to power steam turbines connected to electricity generators to provide most of the baseload electricity you all rely on to recharge your toys and think you are virtue signalling.
And your EVs will continue to rely on power stations into the foreseeable future because wind and solar cannot deliver 24/7 and 365 days a year, they rely on wind and solar and deliver intermittently and unreliably as to timing of delivery. And when everything is cost accounted a cost-benefit analysis would reveal that they are very poor value for money as well.
And don’t get caught in a serious vehicle accident and get stuck in your EV, ask why the blue sticker on the registration plates is required by law.
Net Zero Emissions is woke stupidity and would end in economic disaster, at enormous expense.
Read all about it;