A SHRINKING Zali Steggall has swapped Warringah for Twitter while revealing an almost unhinged obsession with global warming.
The federal Member for Warringah, elected in May last year to replace former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, has almost disappeared from public view since her local newspaper — and No.1 cheer squad — closed its print edition earlier this year.
With social media becoming her primary communication tool, her Twitter account provides an unfiltered, if not worrying glimpse into Ms Steggall’s single-minded policy obsession.
Her account, which was set-up a few months prior to last year’s general election, is saturated with climate emergency posts and follows a swathe of like-minded people consumed with end-of-world scaremongering.
And among those who follow Ms Steggall, 24,500 in all according to Twitter, pretty much all of them are also obsessed with climate – well, at least the ones that aren’t outright fake Twitter accounts.
Take her Twitter friends Doug, Miso, Robert Carlo, Zetland Griffin and thousands like them. Between them, these “followers” have never written a single tweet, never retweeted anything at all and have never even replied to a tweet, ever. Not once.
Very few of Ms Steggall’s Twitter followers have ever been active and many have no followers of their own. They resemble paid-for “shelf” followers.
On Sunday Ms Steggall breathlessly tweeted: “On track for over 2 degrees of warming: the health & economic impact of Covid-19 will be a blip compared to what is coming. World on track to overshoot warming”. This revelation was retweeted by all of 183 followers — or 0.007 per cent of her phantom audience.
On Monday she posted: “Environmental groups excluded from Australian budget lockup. There is a scary shutting down of scrutiny & democratic principles under this PM”. This was a high water mark tweet with 0.013 per cent of her followers retweeting.
Then on Tuesday she revealed: “PM refuses to sign leaders’ pledge to Net Zero by 2050. We have a choice: be at the table and win, or miss out, and lose in so many ways.” Her followers all but snored through this fizzer.
And on and on her climate tweets continue, day after day, same topic, same “scary” language repeated from the same crowd of climate scaremongers she befriends.
On the political front she follows every Leftist politician you’d expect a doomsday fanatic to embrace: Anthony Albanese, Al Gore, Bill Shorten, Kevin Rudd, Jacinda Adern, Penny Wong, Barrack Obama, Adam Bandt, Malcolm & Lucy Turnbull as well as Matt Kean et al. The only political name jarringly out of place is Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
She has no shortage of community activists as Twitter friends, either. Among them are education denier Greta “how dare you” Thunberg, academic Megan “watching the world with more trepidation” Heyward and radical Gosford rector Fr Rod “Jesus is a queer” Bower.
Not to mention a dozen or so official accounts run by ABC-TV, the UN, CSIRO and other government funded alarmist bodies.
If Ms Steggall was elected to be Member for Twitter and to ignore almost every electoral issue apart from the weather, she would be deserving of a significant pay rise.PC
GET UP, the quasi communist leftist group of nutters, got her in whilst threatening, attacking and bullying, like all good black shirts.
Now it’s time, (I’ve heard that before) for “chicken little” to puck off.
Doing a great job. Has the courage of her convictions and is justifiable perusing a climate change agenda that will benefit mankind. Sorry right wing climate deniers.
Has the courage of her convictions […]
LOL, “convictions” is about all she has, and they are all misplaced in any case.
[…] a climate change agenda that will benefit mankind.
Clearly you have no idea what a one-world socialist government will look like.
P.S. I’m intrigued to see you refer to it as an “agenda” – bit of a slip there, don’t you think?
She’s a one minute wonder with zero political experience and propped up by the support of a bevy of like minded women who have a shallow understanding of climate change. She needs to stick to skiing!
Zali is backed by the Northern Beaches (Green Council) with the Mayor’s wife working with Zali.
Zali has taken credit for the initial work started by Tony Abbott and now takes credit for projects by Northern Beaches Council by getting her photo opportunity at the opening of these projects. She is now a lonely commonwealth government backbench independent with only one task “Climate Emergency” backed by Labor, Greens and the Renewable power industry and seeking Government subsidies.
Being independent she is a lonely voice unable to achieve anything and does not support the current government. Zali needs to move to China as they are the biggest emitter and polluter in the world and tell them what they should do as whatever is done in Australia will not change the world. She should look into the million year history of climate change.
hear hear!
Turned out to be just another coffee sipping dog walker like Phelps.
Hi Sean, To battle insane religion regarding climate, as has been my lot for 28 years since the loss of my daughter Yvette to suicide, and to have Quisling 1%ers, interested only in their bag of money is so depressing. Shakespeare blamed Shylock, but psychopaths are in every religion and sector of society.
As you are aware, not one claim by the Greens is valid, and good Patriotic men and women, like Tony Abbott have championed the truth and rejected fame and money and their careers for the advance of Oz and to prevent the horrendous toll of suicide and depression, which is increasing.
This women is a joke.She cannot even answer questions sent to her. You are sent back a lot of jargon from some climate mob who I believe are backing her. When Parliament is sitting she takes a crew with her for a week! On taxpayers money? How sad that Tony Abbott was beaten by this dangerous woman who I imagine has invested a lot of money into renewables like Malcolm Turnbull. Wake up people, these fools just want to scare children & vulnerable people & have them believe the world is going to end so they will join her left wing activism. This is sad. Many people are scared of the future & now with Covid it’s a double whammy. Leave people alone to have some peace from all this rubbish so Australians can laugh & be happy & positive again! We live in the most wonderful country so let’s look to the future with faith & positivity!
It is difficult to come up with appropriate words/descriptions of Steggall, and the disasterous effect her election (and her campaign) has had on Warringah.
But I suspect Rick hits a correct observation – “Warringah – – – – – isn’t the Warringah of a decade ago”.
Remember Tony Abbott lost a very large percentage of the voting booths. Warringah appears to have swallowed a large dose of climate change ideology. And this is assisted by the fact that even Prime Minister Scott Morrison cannot find the wherewithal to tell Australians that, without the inclusion of China, the so called “Paris Agreement” is a load of rubbish.
Insult to injury (as Jennifer posted) – Steggall gets over $4,000/wk for keeping her seat warm. (Mind you, same as Greens, who are a blight on the Australian political landscape).
One further point, Steggell accepted massive assistance from GetUp, one of the most despicable organisations in Australia. She deserves to be hung drawn and quartered on this account alone.
But, given the possible change in the “alchemy” of the Warringah electorate, mustering the campaign (and candidate) to remove her is going to be problematic (in my view).
A one hit wonder. We have a Sudo- Independent/Labor/Green member of parliament. Bring back Tony Abbott. At least he is a real doer.
The Warringah that voted out Abbott and in Steggle isn’t the Warringah of a decade ago. The new settlers to the area must be socialist Get Up supporters. It was plain for all to see that she was a poster slogan candidate and she won on a popular issue, not her merits. She’s done nothing for Warrinhag since the election.
She’s a disaster.
There are some important attributes for those who wish to serve as politicians:
(1) Erudition.
(2) Wisdom.
(3) Discernment.
(4) Intelligence.
(5) Experience.
Unfortunately, Zali is sorely lacking in these key areas, and this lack cannot be compensated for by her enthusiastic embrace of corrupted and self-serving pseudoscience. The fact that she was voted into office says a lot about the poor judgement of voters in Warringah, and is a sobering reminder that their lives in our midst a not inconsiderable number of people who, if presented with the opportunity, will gleefully open the gates for the Barbarians of the Left.
Twitter tweets – worthless ordure! So Zali receives well over $4,000 per week for doing – Zilch!
She sits in splendid isolation on the ‘independent’ benches and contributes – Zero!
Tell us something we didn’t know Zali – even – Zombies are well aware that the earth’s climate has been changing for millions of years!
One thing she might contribute with the new version of minimal contact Covid from the India strain, is more infection world wide as the virus could well be spread by air via windmills. Let’s see how quickly those ‘hard to environmentally disintegrate’ eyesores come down once that is discovered.
Zali is a cop out. She was recruited by fanatics to be a fanatic but even that’s too much for her to sustain with any credibility.
“One-trick Zali” and her Labor puppet masters are incapable of outsmarting a Blue Ribbon seat for more than a few months.
I will never forget once the Covid19 outbreak occurred, there were her activists again on military road, screaming with their signs “Climate Change Emergency! Act Now!” the disconnection from reality was mind blowing. It was the same on the ABC, the climate change emergency reached “fever pitch” before Covid19 and it almost died post Covid19. Followed by Michael Moore’s brilliant expose “Planet of the Humans” I had high hopes it would die, but as we all know with activist zealots this is a religion beyond logic and reason and with those hell bent on making money and gaining power from this scam, the illusion still has legs, although they are looking more shaky these days.