by PAUL COLLITS – AUSTRALIANS finally have a review (of sorts) of the nation’s COVID policy fiasco.
Not an official inquiry, as we suspect no government involved in erecting the COVID State and in dishing out the brutal policy instruments will ever be so principled to do that. At least not a genuine inquiry.
- It’s not surprising that their published report looks and sounds pretty clueless.
- It even forgives the blind lunacy of the early COVID days that was based on nothing.
- Is their report negligent as well as self-serving?
No, this review was commissioned by a public health-embedded foundation and delivered by a government and academic insider. So not especially “independent” as claimed.
And certainly nothing too out-there recommended. Like the culprits behind lockdowns, lockouts and mandates being put on trial, Nuremberg Two-style. As many of us want.
The Paul Ramsay Foundation and two other foundations funded the inquiry. It was led by Professor Peter Shergold, a former – if they are ever really “former” – powerbroker in the Australian government establishment, a Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, no less, and a prominent academic at a Group of Eight university.
He would probably be chuffed if you called him a public intellectual. He remains Chancellor of Western Sydney University.
Here is how “trusted reporter” Michelle Grattan summed up the review panel: “Fault lines: An independent review into Australia’s response to COVID-19 was chaired by Peter Shergold, a former secretary of the Prime Minister’s Department. The panel included businesswoman Jillian Broadbent; Isobel Marshall, a social entrepreneur and former Young Australian of the Year; and Peter Varghese, a former secretary of the foreign affairs department.”
All insiders, then. Not an everyday Aussie, let alone a COVID dissident, in sight. No vaccine doubters (of course; that would be heretical). No avowed lockdown sceptics.
What Ramsay did would be like asking Tim Flannery to do a review of climate policy.
I suppose we should be grateful Ramsay didn’t ask Jane Halton to do the review. Despite her being hopelessly compromised as a globalist, Bill Gates insider, she gets asked to do most things, policy-review wise, in relation to COVID.
Who did the research and writing? Here the review panel relied for the grunt work on an outfit called the e61 Institute.
These are largely thirty-somethings most of whom I have never heard, largely from universities and corporates here and overseas. There is an emphasis on ex-pats, it seems.
The name of one of this Institute’s senior fellows did stand out, however.
This is Warwick McKibbin, whose modelling suggested in early 2020 that COVID could take the lives of 96,000 Australians and 68m worldwide. (World deaths currently stand at 6.58m, according to Our World in Data, and this number is simply an estimate and probably inflated, based on “dying with” rather than “of”.
Australian deaths, with similar caveats, stand at 15,569 at the time of writing. So, McKibbin was out by orders of magnitude.
While he had several scenarios as part of his modelling, it was the worst-case scenario, naturally, that made the headlines and helped drive policy responses, and this may well have been the intent.
Such numbers were always fantasies, at best naïve catastrophism, at worst, part of the establishment’s fear campaign. As we shall see, this review still forgives the blind lunacy of the early days that was based on nothing.
The Australian newspaper has provided a convenient (and very benign) snapshot of e61, including its funding by something called the Susan McKinnon Foundation established by a wealthy young tech entrepreneur (Grant Rule, who is also a Director of e61, and who recently sold his tech start-up for $1.7b).
The other Director of e61, Greg Kaplan, has been described as a “rock star ex-pat” and an economist. With very few exceptions, the economics profession has been woefully missing during COVID. Cost-benefit analyses of policies, anyone?
Kaplan is a mate of that other rock star, former Accenture boss and Kevin Rudd staffer, Andrew Charlton, now the Labor member for Parramatta.
So, the people who did the work for this tainted review are pretty much all well-off, hyper-connected – connected to each other, at any rate – millennials who are now the emerging insider class.
The elite’s apprentices. The Rock Star Insiders, you might say. Sooner or later, when looking at these bright young things and their institutions’ web pages, you hit the cliches.
Like “big data” and “evidence-based policy”. The Shergold report is itself littered with cliches. It’s a pity that the review showed such little interest in evidence-based policy in relation to epidemiology.
So, in sum, the Shergold review was actually done by rich, teenaged, globe-trotting rock stars who, like so many tech types, feel entitled and qualified to dabble in public policy, even in political system reengineering, and, as usual, to do it through the apparently benign channel of philanthropy.
The latter is now the preferred pathway for rich geeks to run the world. The Bill Gates model, precisely. And they pretty much all have a shared worldview.
It is little surprise, then, that their output looks and sounds pretty clueless, and removed from the real world. These people are the new managerial class. They are, in sum, technocrats, and their report is one for the technocrats who now run our governments.
The question is, is the report negligent as well as self-serving? And is it negligent because it is self-serving?
Not least of all of the review’s substantive faults is the out that it provides for complicit governments, their health bureaucrats and assorted third parties that did much of the heavy lifting on behalf of the pandemic tyranny.
We have already seen some of the reactions. “The benefit of hindsight” is a favourite.
In other words, we did the best we could with the information we had at the time. This is patently self-serving rubbish.
Then there is the term “overreach”. Defining the problem in this way makes it all a matter of degree, not of kind. Some people may have gone too far. But do not dare question their/our motives. We all had your interests at heart.
And the biggest doozy of them all. “The threat we faced was immense.” Err, no it wasn’t. This is (still) simply assumed. We now know the “crisis” was confected.
Some of us knew it at the time. If I knew it in late March 2020 – in an article titled The Establishment’s Crisis – why didn’t they?
Yes, they panicked. But panic isn’t compulsory, even in the age of the social media pile on and almost instant feedback from (one section of) the populace.PC
The Censorship, blocking, banning is absolutely Disgraceful and should be the only Red Flag needed to show people that this global Censorship is hiding/blocking/banning the Truth – of any Information, Points of View, Opinions and Information and Evidence or anything at All about Covid, Covid Vaccines, deaths and injuries from vaccines/Jabs or anything at all about it, Climate Change comments, voting comments et al are fact Checked by the Paid Fact Checkers to ensure Global Governments’ Narratives are The Only Ones Spoon Fed to the global population. This is Tyranny, Totalitarian Regimes, Dictatorships and it is up to the People of the World to reclaim all our Democratic Freedoms Rights and Choices.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare – INFORMED CONSENT:-
***Any healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention undertaken without consent is unlawful
Ensuring informed consent is properly obtained is a legal, ethical and professional requirement on the part of all treating health professionals and supports person-centred care. Have enough information about their condition, treatment options, the benefits and risks relevant to them, and alternative options for them to make an informed decision to consent.
This includes the opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns.
1 Material risks are risks where a “reasonable person, in the position of the person being recommended the treatment or procedure, is warned of the risks that they would likely attach significance to; or if the healthcare provider is or should be reasonably aware that the particular person if warned of the risk, would likely attach significance to it” – Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479
Mr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus.
Dr Zimmermann was chairman and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.
He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017) and President of the Western Australian
Legal Theory Association (WALTA).
As can be seen, section 51 (xxiiiA) maintains the prohibition of vaccination through any form of government-run health service, indicating that vaccination should only be through voluntary means in accordance with the free communications between medical doctor and patient, which is essential to achieve a high-quality healthcare.
To conclude: The Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination.
In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination. Continued >
The TGA DOES NOT HAVE an “Emergency Use Authorisation” pathway for COVID-19 vaccines. 9 August, 2022
Is it true? Were COVID-19 vaccines rushed through approvals or given emergency use authorisations in Australia?
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) provisionally approved these vaccines after a complete assessment of all the available data (comment > NOT TRUE AS NO DATA WAS AVAILABLE !)
TGA COVID 19 Vaccine PRODUCT INFORMATION – First Approval 16 February, 2021 – Date of Revision 8 April, 2021 – NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR SAFETY & EFFICACY ! No data available on anything !
Also in Vaccines Graphene Hydroxide/Graphene Oxide >
Plan Demic = Scam Demic . The flu rebranded and anyone who believes this crap also is part of the same cult that peddles Climate Change Crap. A virus that spread the world over and spared the Taliban lays dormant whilst you eat but attacks if you stand and sing at a pub after 6.00 PM ????
Well said Paul. A total farce! No mention of the tens of 1000s of people losing their jobs for refusing to take a genetic experimental injection. No mention of hundreds of thousands of people protesting on the streets every month. No mention of people being brutally beaten by cops for not wearing a face nappy outside which does not work. No mention of the thousands of deaths because of health bureaucrats banning hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. No mention of the 17.3% increase in excess mortality in Australia, with normally fit and healthy people suddenly dying from what looks very much like due to the covid19 vaccines. No mention of the dangerous and ineffective nature of these experiential injections. The billions of dollars of debt, the complicit and lying main stream media. It was a polite society toss of a review. Bring on Nuremberg 2!!
Right On .