THE Liberal Party is on the cusp of imploding as its elected MPs abandon centre-right values and, instead, compete for Greens’ votes.
The founder of Australia’s largest conservative conference, CPAC’s Andrew Cooper has cautioned that the once great Party had become a ticking time bomb.

- Warning that a trickle of high-profile departures could become a flood.
- Liberal Party accused of having no principles and of abandoning core values.
- Rumours swirl that many more high-profile departures to follow.
His warning follows the stinging resignation of another high-profile Party member this week, former QLD premier Campbell Newman.
Mr Newman’s exit is on the heels of last week’s departure of self-styled Party saviour – and author of Make the Liberal Party Great Again – John Ruddick.
In a fierce appraisal, CPAC’s Mr Cooper said the Liberal Party was “almost out of time”.
“In politics there are essentially two types of people,” he wrote on his social media account.
“The first is the person that will forgo all principles to support the Party. The other, conversely, will retain their principles when the Party loses theirs.”
Mr Cooper said Campbell Newman had this week shown which category he belonged to.
“While political Parties are temporary, core values and principles last forever,” he said.
“The Liberal Party has a very short window of time to rediscover its principles before a handful of defections becomes a flood.”
Mr Newman hinted this week he would probably run for federal senate as a Liberal Democrat candidate, saying he was “disgusted” by the Coalition.
“We should not have Liberal politicians either closing down businesses or shutting borders – or failing to oppose these measures from opposition,” he told The Australian newspaper’s Chris Kenny yesterday.
“I was disgusted to see a Liberal minister in NSW attack protesters as ‘boofheads’ on the weekend when these people were protesting to protect their livelihoods and freedoms.”
He said Liberal MPs across the States and nation had failed to honour “the spirit of freedom and individual enterprise” at the core of Liberal Party values.
Until last Monday, Mr Newman was one of three trustees of Qld’s Liberal National Party, created by the merger of the Liberals and Nationals in 2008.
In his letter of resignation Mr Campbell said MPs had failed to stand up for any recognisable values.
“They have failed to stand up for our core values of fiscal responsibility, smaller government, support for small business, the elimination of red tape and the defence of free speech and liberty,” he wrote.
Party insiders believe the sudden departure of Messrs Newman and Ruddick is the beginning of a mass exodus that will cripple the Liberal’s election prospects.PC
When the Liberal govts close down small business, especially as has happened in NSW in the name of transport infrastructure projects, all in a rush, with no protection for small business that is affected, it kills small business’s soul & passion – and the govt’s GST revenue which pays for it’s overheads! Too many businesses have also been closed down because of land resumption by the govt for its own profit (or is it that of the back room boys??!!) Many businesses closed by either method have been multigenerational. This gives an outcome of the senior older owner being unable to find other work, the subsequent generational owners give up -because what’s the point of struggling if govt just comes along and treats them this way – so no one is prepared to start elsewhere & the business founders. Result employees are out of work and dont pay taxes or contribute to GST the same way because they have less disposable income for purchases. The owners are earning so aren’t paying these taxes either. Suddenly the govt is wondering why their revenue is down – especially in the current situation of needing to fund multiple by elections. They then resort to sneaky traffic fines even in badly signed school zones which don’t protect the kids or give drivers the opportunity to do the right thing. Take it from one who has been caught in several of those traps! As has the mother of a prominent NSW Justice because that school sign was so well hidden! Then in a change of govt the lousy Treasurer who allowed this to happen out of lack of foresight, (obviously believing GST is the gift of Santa or the Easter Bunny depending on the time of year) is suddenly made a Premier. I wonder why the Liberals are disillusioned in NSW?????
The record shows Campbell Newman won the Queensland 2012 election in a landslide victory and then lost government after one term in a landslide defeat including his own seat. After a thumping majority victory, Queensland had a taste of Campbell Newman and rejected what they found under the surface. So beware of grandiose proclamations. Actions and performance speak louder than words. Look at the evidence.
Teena McQueen is “Dead Right” and 100 % on the mark with what she says. As a Liberal Party supporter adherent since joining the young liberals in 1962, I can say that many of the members and politicians in various branches have become more left wing then many Labor Party members and politicians. Its a disgrace. And us remaining Liberals have to do something about it quickly and radically, before the Party capsizes and drowns in its own inadequacy. As the only Liberal Party Member who was a Director of the NSW Teachers Club for 23 years, and we know how socialist this body was, those who I served with on the Board were far more conservative in many ways then a large proportion of our members and some of our parliamentarians. This shows you how far left leaning the Liberal Party is now. It’s a rump of its former self.
The Liberals have become the liberals. However, as the system is gerrymandered to be essentially 2 parties only, the sad reality that liberal and Labor/Greens (who both crave full-on Communism as their final goal) have become one in the same. Thus, unless One Nation suddenly wins 50% + 1 (highly unlikely with all the smear and the number of sheeple in Australia) , we are rapidly becoming a Communist state.
We must all ensure we vote for LDP and One Nation and support them with money, (person)power or both. Our very Freedom and Sovereignty is in mortal peril. Freedom is in our hands.
The politicians have demonstrated that, with a few notable exceptions, they have betrayed us. Interesting how the traitor politicians smear the handful of true patriots. They smear those they fear.
“Party implosion ‘likely’ as conservatives walk away”
This is not correct: implosion is not “likely”, it is *certain*, and it has been that way for some some time now.
There are many in the “Liberal” and “National” parties who have been far too slow on the uptake, with the consequence being that they have been unwittingly complicit in what has transpired in politics in this country. Now that the light is belatedly dawning for many of these people (who should have known better), the rate of decline will rapidly increase.
The question that remains is this: “Is it too late to save Australia?”
Let’s hope this is the beginning of a new conservative “sensible centre” party with true moderates, rather than the fraudulent Marxist “self appointed” moderates dominating the political landscape.
Many years ago a migrant from Macedonia commented to me that when you insert grubs into a perfectly good apple you soon end up with a rotten apple.