![Pile on as patriotic Christensen changes mind](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/George-Christensen-pile-on-300x500-1.png)
by PAUL COLLITS – NO SOONER had George Christensen announced he’d joined One Nation – and was, indeed, standing for the Senate – than the hit squad launched a fresh diatribe against him.
The former Liberal National Party Member for Dawson is a much-hated figure.
- Christensen recognised that it was, in fact, he who was surrounded in Canberra by deserters.
- He was a marked man, including for many in the “modern” Liberal Party.
He stands up for the little guy, the capital “D” Deplorable, and this irritates the pants off the insiders’ club.
Members of this loathsome club include the Lib-Lab duopoly and assorted Left-of-centre Parties and their preferred media organs. Think Crikey, the New Daily and The Guardian.
Marxists in short pants, many of them. And, God help us, he is a Christian.
A marked man, including for many in the “modern” Liberal Party. (These folks will find themselves the focus of attention for powerful forces like the Australian Christian Lobby in the coming campaign).
The usual epithets emerged, on cue. Rogue. Controversial. Maverick. And the rest. Michelle Grattan calls him a “pest” (for the Coalition).
Here is the ABC’s own headline: George Christensen to get $100k payout after defecting to One Nation and an unwinnable Senate spot.
The issue is framed, the narrative set. He won’t win a seat, and his motives are venal.
It neatly parks the real import of his recent stands and the values he represents – about as far from those of the ABC and its COVID-climate-woke cohort as you could possibly get.
The usual Leftist suspects were quickly joined in this endeavour by one Matt Canavan, LNP Senator and himself no stranger to controversy and the occasional floor-crossing.
“Deserter” was the charge. Coward. Shirker. Really? Canavan then, risibly, described minor Parties – who many, many Australians will surely vote for in a few weeks’ time – as “echo chambers”.
That’s right. You read that correctly. A member of the Lib-Lab duopoly described principled minor parties as echo chambers.
They do imbibe the kool-aid come election time, n’est pas? Classic wagon circling behaviour (as I have argued elsewhere).
Just to remind ourselves, here is the sequence of Christensen’s actions.
He served out his term as the LNP member for Dawson, elected under the LNP banner and (weirdly, perhaps) loyal to the end, despite his Party’s total abandonment of anything approaching principle and good governance.
Readers here will be familiar with the long catalogue of atrocities committed by these second-rate charlatans.
Yet George stuck with them, on a matter of principle scarcely to be found in the city of Walter Burley Griffin.
In his valedictory speech, he spoke frankly yet with restraint. He did the honourable thing, having been elected as a Member of the LNP.
Then he resigned from the LNP, as well he might. Then he said he wasn’t going to be voting for the LNP, possibly ever again. Another tick.
Then he announced he had joined One Nation. And then he announced he was standing for the Senate. At every stage, he gave cogent, indeed compelling, reasons for his actions.
I don’t see a “deserter” here. I see someone who recognises that he was surrounded in Canberra in the Party room by, well, deserters.
Canavan himself has done good things, has principles and an independent mind. Qualities in very short supply among his peers, who are almost universally careerists with a globalist, overclass-driven world view.
Almost to a man and woman, they have forgotten where they came from. They fawn over the values and agendas of the elites with whom they move, endlessly and effortlessly.
There isn’t a “safe”, woke position that they don’t suck up to. Hence, whatever his own merits, Canavan has no right to call his former colleague a deserter in view of the recent trajectory of his Party.
Michelle Grattan could not resist dredging up what she sees as the ugly Christensen past: “Christensen, 43, member for the north Queensland seat of Dawson since 2010, has been extended an extraordinary degree of tolerance by his colleagues over the years. His Party has treated him with kid gloves, despite some outrageous behaviour.
“So indeed did his electorate. Regardless of his spending nearly 300 days in the Philippines between April 2014 and June 2018 – which earned him the title “the member for Manila” – the Dawson locals gave him a positive swing of more than 11 per cent in 2019.”
Outrageous behaviour? Standing up for the people against the elites, refusing to play Canberra party games, voting in the House on principle, not power politics? Really, Michelle?
I’m just glad Grattan remembered the 11 per cent swing which helped secure Scotty’s “miracle win”.
Did they ever thank him for that? And George claims he was lied to by Coalition colleagues about policy. That lot honourable and Christensen dishonourable? No, the media types are wilfully wrong about this one. Unsurprisingly.
But hadn’t George just announced that he had retired from politics in Canberra? Yes, he had. He said that Pauline Hanson had asked him to run, and he agreed to.
Was it all staged to gain some pecuniary advantage? He says not (though this is, reportedly, disputed by “government sources”). And he has far more cred than any of his critics.
My own response is, if true, who cares? For anyone in the mainstream Parties and their mates in the corporate media to stand on principle in relation to these matters is laughable.
We are facing an incredible crisis in Australia, and Christensen and Hanson are two of the very, very few politicians who get that.
Craig Kelly and his crusading billionaire overlord get it too. So do the Liberal Democrats, and other freedom lovers of less prominent influence.
The butt-covering class is out and about, and gunning for George. They do not like being called out.PC
I learned yesterday that a group of male lions is called a ‘coalition’.
I hope everyone in Australia will watch this Documentary >
Planet Lockdown is a 90-minute documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time.
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Great article, Paul.
I cry for what my country has become. Everything I thought impossible a few years ago.
Until we reform public education institutions, removing the Marxist overtones and Woke agenda, the dumbing down and indoctrination of subsequent generations will continue unabated and at full tilt.
Journalists at the Press Club recently , millennials to a one, asking ‘gotcha’ and ‘identity politics’ questions of Clive Palmer, nary one question on policy positions of UAP. The hostile journo from their ABC and the West Australian lady, not asking questions but arguing and accusing.
Thanks and regards
Paul, just like we have started calling what was “mainstream media” and now calling them “legacy media”, we have to stop calling the current major parties “mainstream Parties” and start calling them “legacy parties” They are all old hat, past their useby date, let’s call them legacy, we no longer want them!
George supports an Australian republic.
He wants to end a foreign monarch reigning over us.
He backs Australia.
Good on him.