FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott is being considered to lead the UK Conservative Party, replacing “stand-for-nothing” Boris Johnson.
GB News TV anchor Mark Steyn said on air last week there was nothing to prevent the former Australian PM from running and that he should, at least, be asked to “step up”.

- As Boris Johnson stumbles, Tories begin search for replacement PM.
- Former PM Tony Abbott's name is being thrown around in media circles.
- There are concerns that possible UK replacements are too 'wishy washy'.
His suggestion follows speculation that the UK Tory prime minister could be forced to depart the leadership without an obvious successor to replace him.
“If they do succeed in getting rid of Boris Johnson, whoever follows from a Conservative point of view – setting aside that he’s a sex fiend and hot for all the climate change rubbish – whoever follows is likely to be worse,” Mr Steyn said.
“Tony Abbott is a subject of the Crown and he’s more Tory than most of these guys they’re proposing. He’s perfectly permitted under constitutional practice.”
Mr Steyn said there was precedent.
“Andrew Bonar Law was the first Canadian-born prime minister of the United Kingdom,” he said.
“Commonwealth citizens are allowed to sit in the UK parliament and to sit in cabinet.
“Tony Abbott, the former Australian prime minister, is actually on the UK Board of Trade at the moment.
“I’d be much more in favour, if we are to have a palace coup, that we think outside the box and ask Tony Abbott to step up.
“You had a short reign as Aussie prime minister, you are in the prime of your life, why don’t you do the job?
“Real leaders don’t move towards their opponents, they don’t drift towards the centre, they move the centre towards themselves.”
Mr Abbott, who was born in the UK, is also supported by the co-editor and founder of UK news site The Conservative Woman, Kathy Gyngell.
“It’s an absolutely wonderful idea, I’m all for it,” she said.
“We know Boris doesn’t believe in anything – I don’t think we’ve ever had such a master of the art of fakery.
“We have to go back to some basic principles and try to reassert them. None of this debate in parliament touches on any of the real issues.
“His whole vaccine narrative has collapsed in any evidential sense but no one in parliament from the Left, Right or middle challenges it.”
Mr Steyn said the UK PM was in strife both within the electorate and among many Tory MPs, accusing him of changing his position so many times, he can’t be trusted.
“Mr Johnson can’t reliably say how many kids he has and was living with his girlfriend in No.10, which no prime minister has ever done.
“There are lots of Tory’s who are angry about the so-called COP26, this ludicrous nonsense of a so-called Conservative prime minister going for net-zero.
“We have a Tory restiveness, but the next guy is likely to be much more of a conventional wishy-washer, soft-on-Brexit leader.”PC
It’s a sorry state when England needs to poach from abroad to find a replacement for Boris. Well, I say hands off our former Prime Minister, find your own replacement. Mother England has been in this game much longer than Australia, so it’s high time they sorted out their act from within their country.
I believe Australia needs Tony Abbott, his role in Australian politics is essential; and he will play a future role in conservative Australian governments. Tony is a good man & Australia needs him now. Tony’s greatest political achievements are yet to come.
Have him back PLEASE!!!! A Pom in hiding ALL along. A cover up to obtain his Australian citizenship. The truth was out there but no one cared enough to take it in and ask for taxpayers money back!! A full circle for this psychophant, it would elevate him to the lofty ideals of his own imagination. England deserves Abbott.
Margaret, kindly enlighten us as to what they were…?? The man is a parasite and needs to find new endeavours far away from Australian political leadership. England sounds about right to me. List 10 outcomes of his prime ministership that were in any way succesful or sustainable? I won’t hold my breath Margaret..
The Brits would never accept Abbott as their Leader.
Everyone should get off Boris’ back and allow him to solve the many domestic problems and deal with Putin’s terrible aggression.
I have complete confidence in Team Morrison. They are so far superior to the ‘each way Albo’ Team, the comparison is risible.
Abbott is needed back here in Australia and Brett Barra’s suggestion above is great.
PM Scott Morrison is our leader right now and the negativity expressed towards him is to say the least poorly informed comment. He was appointed leader late in 2018, and since early 2020 the government he leads had to deal with the pandemic and unfortunately with recalcitrant Premiers and other State Cabinet Ministers, notably in Union controlled Labor Governments.
And like PM Abbott he has been subjected to character assassination, smears and relentless negativity from left leaning media, opposition and other what should be supporters turned own side critics.
One criticism is alleged support for globalism, like WEF non-government globalist left agenda, but read the transcript of the PM’s video link address during January 2022 to the WEF, note the free enterprise comments;
And then consider his climate (climate hoax and warming deception) change position many critics refer to as green or other, but he stopped Australia contributing to UN “green funds” during 2019, he like PM Abbott has not been cooperative with UN IPCC other than adopting a diplomatic position, Glasgow Conference COP 26 for example;
* Refused to agree to close coal mines and stop using and exporting coal.
* Refused to increase the Paris Agreement signed by The Turnbull Government in New York during April 2016 after agreeing to it at the Paris Conference late 2015 emissions targets and target date being changed back.
* Refused to agree to commit to net zero emissions by 2050 and instead stated that Australia has “an aspirational goal” to achieve it, but without damaging the Australian economy, based on developing new technology if that can be done.
I would prefer another Morrison Coalition Government to the former Rudd, Gillard & Rudd MPs led by Each Way Albo.
Extract from WEF Davos video link address;
And our participation rate remained at near record highs, so nothing points to any great resignation by Australians. That is not what’s been occurring here. Our economy has been coming through strongly. We’ve retained our AAA credit rating – only one of a handful of countries who’ve been able to do so.
And let me make another point to this audience. From the outset, our Government always say, saw the way through this as backing a business-led recovery. We did not see a Government-centred recovery sustaining into the future. There was certainly a role for Government, but for the role for the Government was to ensure that we would have a sustainable business-led recovery.
We knew we were dealing with a public health crisis, albeit one with profound economic and social consequences. We never saw it as cover for some sort of funky experiment to transform our economic system. We haven’t seen this as some long-term invitation for the return of a, or the establishment of some state-centred economy. And there’s good reason for that.
Unlikely, but it would be a boon for the UK.
Abbott did not immigrate to Australia, his parents were Australian. In the days of British subjects, it would have made no difference to his citizenship when his family returned to Australia.
What a load of bollocks.
Members are resigning from the Liberal Party. Why? The internal selection process is rigged.
Also, why should ordinary Party members be an accessory to crimes against humanity in the form of mandated ‘third shots’?. These are experimental and NOT all of the trial data is in.
An expensive US military fighter jet was lost because of a vaxxed pilot. Thank God the vaccine injured pilot ejected in time! Still alive BUT still vax injured. These incidents are called VAXXIDENTS
Abbott would astound the Brits. He would return their pride and complement the Queen’s vision of commonwealth.
All gain and no loss as far as I can see.
He was British born, don’t forget.
I’m sure they deserve him!
I really think that Abbott is the only person in public life who can save Australia. This time people need to get behind him and support policy
“I really think that Abbott is the only person in public life who can save Australia.”
During Tony’s tenure as PM, Australia had:
(1) Continuing high levels of immigration, along with all the consequent problems.
(2) A high and rapidly-increasing level of indebtedness.
(3) Incompetent, profligate, and highly-politicised bureaucracies at levels both Federal and State.
(4) A biased and arrogant national broadcaster that continued to serve as nothing less than a taxpayer-funded provider of handsomely-remunerated sinecures for the proudly sexually-perverted, those with a drop or two of so-called “indigenous” blood, and hysterical man-hating harpies.
(5) A thoroughly-corrupted education system that remained bent on warping the minds of students by means of assiduously ramming left-wing nonsense down their throats at every turn.
(6) A Defence Force that was more interested in proudly parading its woke credentials than in preparing to defend this country and the citizens by whom it is paid (those who follow my comments here will recall that I have already stated that I warned Tony in November of 2016 that war with China is inevitable).
I would make the following observations regarding the foregoing (which is by no means an exhaustive list):
(1) None of those things even remotely constitute what could be considered “saving Australia”.
(2) Tony is most definitely not the “only person in public life” who is capable of overseeing such a deplorable state of affairs (just ask Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Malcolm Turnbull, and Scott Morrison).
Brett try an objective reflection rather than looking at this fraudulent Englishman through your rose coloured glasses. Read Morries reply and go do your research man.
We all know this is BS. The UK media is using the threat of Tony Abbott’s conservative family values to influence Johnson’s successor. Mind you, he’d be a transformational prime minister. And perhaps, Abbott should be given another go.
Yes but a bit of fun all the same Simon…
This is unrealistic. But Menzies was a member of the British upper house. I would prefer Tony to run for Parramatta and bring the Liberals back into line so that we can rebuild Australia
Brett give me 10 examples of this rebuilding you are saying occurred under this fraudsters prime ministership…?