![PM blames heavy-handed States for growing unrest](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Canberra-protest-300x500-1.jpg)
AS TENS of thousands of Australians from all walks of life gathered at the nation’s capital to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Prime Minister Scott Morrison pointed the finger at State governments that “unilaterally” imposed mandates via public health orders.
Marching through Canberra on February 12 before gathering on Parliament House lawn, the protesters, made up of people who are both vaccinated and unvaccinated but are against the mandates, held signs and placards with the messages they wanted those in power to heed.
- Thousands gather in Canberra to protest mandates.
- Prime Minister points finger at State premiers over power grab.
- Countless lives have been ruined by media lies and misinformation.
One federal MP said it was the biggest protest he’d seen in Canberra in his 11 years as a parliamentarian.
The massive scale of the protest was echoed by a Seven News reporter who shared a photo from that outlet’s helicopter.
Among protesters were people wearing army fatigues, police shirts & caps and casual clothing with handwritten messages indicating they were frontline workers and teachers who had lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates.
These messages could be seen in videos and photos circulating on social media, some of which read: “Free Australia. End mandates”, “Hands off our children”, “Last year’s hero, this year’s unemployed”, “Trust your immune system”, “Coercion is not consent”, “We want choice, We want truth, We want freedom”, “Save our sovereignty”, and “Don’t listen to the lamestream media”.
In several videos shared on the Australian Free Independent Press Network Facebook page, a sea of flags can be seen in a crowd of several thousands, clapping and cheering on the lawn in front of parliament.
One placard read “Fake news” with the logos for Ten, Seven, Nine and the ABC – outlets that often refer to protesters with the blanket “anti-vax” label in their reports, which attendees described as being inaccurate and harmful.
Other protesters wore shirts that identified themselves as teachers, police officers and firefighters who had lost their jobs due to the vaccine mandates.
One man wore a white singlet on which he wrote in black marker: “Teacher 40+ years”.
A woman wore casual clothes and a blue police cap, while another woman wore a black shirt with “QPS (Queensland Police Service) 13.5 years” written on the back.
Another man wore his police shirt, and written on the back was: “13yrs police. SACKED. 25yrs CFA (Country Fire Authority) BANNED. #HerotoZero”.
“Hero to Zero” is in reference to the way some frontline workers feel they were initially praised by media and politicians at the start of the pandemic, when no vaccines existed, but are now targeted for dismissal because they don’t want to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Another woman wore a white shirt with “nurse 30+yrs” handwritten on the front.
One woman wore a message on her shirt that indicated she was not against vaccinations but had concerns about the current COVID-19 vaccines.
Her shirt read: “Don’t call me an anti-vaxxer. The name’s Mrs. Doubt Pfizer”, a reference to the fictional character, Mrs Doubtfire, played by the late actor Robin Williams.
Speaking to the media during the protest, the Prime Minister had a message about vaccine mandates for the protesters.
“I want to be very clear. When it comes to the issue of vaccine mandates, the Commonwealth government has only ever supported mandates that relate for aged care workers, disability workers and those working in high-risk situations in the health system.
“All other mandates that relate to vaccines have been imposed unilaterally by State governments. They have not been put in place by the Commonwealth government.
“In fact, the Commonwealth government cannot impose such a mandate … so I understand their concerns about these issues,” he said.
Mr Morrison has emphasised this point throughout the pandemic, explaining at various press conferences, usually after National Cabinet meetings, that any vaccine mandates had to be enacted by State governments based on the medical advice of their chief health officers and via public health orders.
In Australia, State and territory health officials can impose human biosecurity control orders on people in order to take measures to manage the pandemic’s risk to human health after lawmakers amended the Biosecurity Act 2015 to give jurisdictional governments special but temporary powers by declaring a human biosecurity emergency.
During the emergency period, which has been extended every three months since March 2020, the Act also gives officers powers to investigate and enforce penalties for noncompliance with COVID-19 health orders, such as fines and providing for warrants to enter premises.In some limited cases, officers can enter premises without a warrant or consent.
The public control orders, while aimed at managing the health impacts of the pandemic, have resulted in catastrophic harm to people’s livelihoods, first with the imposition of lockdowns – at one point in July 2021, over half of Australia’s population of 25 million was subject to stay-at-home orders – and now with people losing their jobs because they are unvaccinated.
These measures led former Prime Minister Tony Abbott to refer to some of the State governments’ measures as a “health dictatorship,” and this sentiment was shared by thousands at Saturday’s protest.PC
Mandated vaccinations or any forced medical treatment are crimes against innocent populations and the additional fact that the entire vaccination policy is totally corrupted with massive systemic and extensive Conflicts of interest and it is absolutely criminal to mandate any medical treatment.
Genetic menace of Covid Vaccines disclosed.
Senior Research Scientist Dr Stephanie Seneff. Presented by Dr Peter Breggin
COVID “vaccines” may harm the human genome and pass on defects to future generations through male sperm, warns MIT Senior Research Scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff. This is the most disturbing, enlightening hour about the danger of the vaccines that we have done to date—suggesting that women may in the future need to require males to prove they have not been vaccinated for COVID before producing offspring with them.
Dr. Seneff clearly describes the mechanisms by which the mRNA and DNA vaccines produce these GMO effects in humans, as well as how they cause multiple cardiac and neurological diseases, infertility, and death—adverse events rarely or never seen from other more typical vaccines.
I also discuss breaking news with commentaries from Dr. Seneff about the biolabs with weapon capacities built in the Ukraine under President Obama, two of them very close to the Russian border, presenting threats to Russia from accidental or intentional releases of deadly biological pathogens. I disclose our own research with Ginger Breggin that confirms that Ukraine’s President Zelensky worships Canada’s Trudeau and is a member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF), making him a global predator.
We are finding our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, reaches far beyond the pandemic, shedding light on the same global predators as they are operating through the Biden administration, NATO, the European Union, and its corrupt ally, Ukraine.
Dr. Seneff is the author of pioneering scientific papers on COVID vaccines and a new book, “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate is Destroying Our Health and the environment.”
Our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators:We are the Prey is available everywhere and online. In the U.S. we are able to offer a special discounted price at our website: http://www.WeAreThePrey.com
Brighteon videos Covid Vaxxines and much more
FDA noted that Pfizer, “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk” [23]. The EMA similarly acknowledged that “vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease” was “an important potential risk… that may be specific to vaccination for COVID- 19”.
Why neither regulator sought to exclude such dangers prior to emergency use authorisation is an open question that all doctors and patients are entitled to ask. Why medical regulators failed to investigate the finding that large vaccine particles cross blood vessel walls, entering the bloodstream and posing risks of blood clotting and leaky vessels is yet another open question again.
The fact that vaccine rollout began before the immune profile of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines had been adequately delineated is symptomatic of a rushed and highly politicised approach to the approval and regulation of COVID-19 vaccines. As is the lack of clinical trials investigating the safety of COVID- 19 booster shots.
In this context, it is up to doctors and patients to uphold the social contract of the doctor-patient relationship, and take medical prudence and patient safety into their own hands.
The World Medical Association, Declaration of Geneva, Physician’s Pledge states [39]:
“The health and wellbeing of my patient will be my first consideration. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life. I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice. I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patient. I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat.”
AHPRA not fit for duty
Attention All World POLICE and MILITARY and people of the world
Canada’s peaceful 1776 is now the 2022 Freedom Truck Convoy. Moving the chairs on the Titanic does absolutely nothing. Now is the time for radical change to free us from our tyrannical Governments.
EMBALMER Richard Hitschman reports mysterious clotting found in 65% of deceased vaccinated individuals
3,573 Fetal Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines – 1,867% Increase Over Non-COVID Vaccines
NEARLY TWO MILLION AUSTRALIANS tell federal and state politicians enough is enough
Comment:- Imagine for a moment how many more would have been there if there wasn’t Australian Government total control and censorship over the internet and the social media platforms acting as censorship banning agents on behalf of Australian Government. Absolutely criminal !
Police Association of South Australia calls for urgent end to Covid mandates where is Ian Leavers from Queensland Police Union
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services says no to jab mandates
Ben Fordham 2GB Radio Calls out the covid histeria
Craig Kelly in Australian Parliament calls out Justin Trudeau Canadian Prime Minister for abuses of human rights
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vaccine mandates violates Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedom says Charter signatory
RDA again calls out the pathetic mainstream media The Age for excreting lying and lazy journalism as usual.
Shameful New Low – Australian Federal Police do Liberal National Party and Australian Labor Party bidding to zap protesters with sonar
ACT Police thugs incite violence at Canberra Convoy Rally Peaceful protesters against tyrannical governments and the perpetrators of assaults violence was by the Duckbill Police just looking to incite violence. These Police continue to notch up more crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity. | Cairns News
Cops smash window of truck and pepper spray face of driver Cairns News
Australian Federal Police Chief seeks immunity over deployment of sonic blasters at freedom protests against Government tyranny
Alaska Convoy is Heartwarming. Hold the Line
Pansy PM Trudeau orders in tow trucks to remove Ottawa trucks
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau steals all bank accounts of truckers in blockade |
Trudeau’s Tyranny
Do you the people of the world want to continue living in this global governments totalitarianisim NO? Then do something about it join the global freedom from government tyranny movement
Austrians getting passports checked in Street and shops by Police
Global destruction of our freedom of speech and democracies is insane
Covid 19 planned for a long long time
Explosive video of Fauci and HHS plotting for a new outbreak to enforce Mrn
David Sawtell, you didn’t reply as I requested?
“David, would you please post in more detail the reasons for your claim that the PM has been gifted with levers.
Exactly what could the PM (and Cabinet) have done to control the State Governments?
Please explain the process and laws you rely on.”
Union controlled Labor verses Liberal National Coalition in government;
Howard Government 1996 to 2007 A Labor debt of $95.8 billion retired with interest by June 2006, $10 billion budget deficit managed into surplus every year except one (East Timor Deployment) and a $22 billion surplus left for 2007/08 plus a $60 billion Future Fund to pay Federal Government pensions and remove that liability from future budgets including for Rudd Labor from November 2007 to 2013.
Rudd Government 2007 to 2013 inherited zero debt and $22 billion budget surplus that they spent and commenced borrowing to spend more, excuse GFC, fact to try and win the 2010 election because in 2007 Labor had too many marginal seats for their comfort. In fact after almost losing the 2010 election (Gillard Labor) and bragging about saving us from a GFC recession Labor continued to borrow and spend desperately hoping to retain government at the 2013 election.
Labor’s 2013/14 Budget included a number of commitments for which they made no provision to pay, accordingly the budget deficit appeared to be lower than it was, noting they did not produce one surplus while in government.
The Abbott Government was forced to borrow (government bond issue) to pay for the “black holes” of unfunded Labor Budget commitments like Gonski and NDIS. As a result Treasurer Hockey decided to increase the debt to $500 billion, after paying for Labor’s unfunded budget expenditure items he said some reserve was needed as Labor left no funds to hand. The real Labor debt was therefore over $400 billion of the present Federal debt.
“Net debt is expected to be $729 billion—or 34.2% of GDP—at 30 June 2022 and peak at $981 billion or 40.9% of GDP in 2024–25 (Table 11.4, p. 364–5). Net debt is then projected to fall over the medium term to 37% of GDP at 30 June 2032.”
I agree that the debt is worrying, but it is still affordable despite the future budget interest liability.
Australia is The Lucky Country and our natural assets reserves of minerals and energy underpin the net debt position, meaning is worth many times more than the present debt. The economy is growing again and subject to global pressures recovery is likely to build up and overtake past national prosperity.
The GFC was real but most astute and qualified commentators pointed out that the Northern Hemisphere financial crisis was unlikely to damage our economy, worst result a very mild recession possible. Because the economy was in a strong position, Australia had zero debt, budget surplus and funds invested …. the strong position Labor Treasurer Wayne Swan used to self promote to a small circulation financial magazine in Europe to be named world’s greatest treasurer at the time, early in his appointment to the position of Treasurer.
I shudder to think what our situation would now be if Rudd, Gillard & Rudd Union controlled Labor were still in government, and doing mates deals with their State mate comrades.
And as the question was asked at the National Press Club luncheon recently, directed at Each Way Albo: “who is Anthony Albanese?”. Good question, I follow politics and current affairs, I know that he is a far left faction member, no private sector business or other experiences, and served in the Rudd, Gillard & Rudd governments, but who was he then?
(2) Bio Security Act
Limitations on human biosecurity emergency powers
The Biosecurity Act recognises the federal nature of government in Australia and subsection 478(5) places limits on interference with state and territory bodies and officials:
A direction must not be given under subsection (1) to an officer or employee of a State, Territory or State or Territory body unless the direction is in accordance with an agreement between the Commonwealth and the State, Territory or body.
There is an intergovernmental agreement for National Partnership on COVID-19 Response.
The Budget projects that the Commonwealth government’s gross debt will be around $963 billion at 30 June 2022.
This is around 45.1% of GDP. It is projected to increase to $1,199 billion—around 50% of GDP—by 30 June 2025 (Budget Strategy and Outlook: Budget Paper No.1: 2021–2022, Table 11.5, p. 366–7).
Net debt is expected to be $729 billion—or 34.2% of GDP—at 30 June 2022 and peak at $981 billion or 40.9% of GDP in 2024–25 (Table 11.4, p. 364–5). Net debt is then projected to fall over the medium term to 37% of GDP at 30 June 2032 (p. 203).
Australia’s forecast debt levels are slightly lower than what was projected in the 2020–21 Budget, which forecast gross debt to reach $1,138 billion by 30 June 2024, compared to $1,134 billion for the same period, in this Budget.
Question: What happened to back in the black by 2020? The pandemic started beginning of 2020.
The Federal Government did it’s best to protect employers and employees as State economies were slowing as lockdowns and restrictions imposed via State Parliament Emergency Powers impacted.
This MIA PM is nothing more than a blame shifting UN lackey that now wants to try and salvage his political career which is so far down the toilet that it stinks more than ever . The ALP are no better . Just like here in NSW with the Bi Elections hand these scumbags a big lesson and vote the minor parties .
January polls indicated UAP 1% support and PHON 3% as compared to the Greens with 7% support. The February News Polls has not improved for them.
The preferential voting system and unofficial two party preferred system, preference trickle down lottery of votes, gave Labor 15 seats on Greens preferences in 2019.
So if you do not want an Albo Union controlled Labor Government with Greens voting for insignificant minor more conservative party candidates is really an exercise in futility, a waste of a vote that would be better used to block Labor.
A vote based upon polls is truly a wasted vote. To suggest we need to endure inept government as a means to counter even worse government is nothing more than spin.
Australia deserves better government than faction riddled duopoly alternatives deliver. They’ve both had decades and they’ve taken us to a point of stagnation, now with added doses of totalitarianism.
It’s taken decades and multiple elections to get this bad, it will likely take a similar period to recover.
Voting for an alternative who’ll fight for freedom and peoples rights will never be a wasted vote. Voting the same way as we’ve done and expecting a better outcome, that’s insanity.
Be realistic David, I would prefer the UK first past the post voting system but we have preferential voting and that trickle down lottery that often results in the most popular candidate based on primary votes losing. In 2019 Labor won 15 seats on Greens preferences for example.
There is not one minor party, not even the pretend not to be party collective of independents working together and having the same backers, is in a position to be a challenger for government.
So why would intelligent voters give Labor support by denying the Liberal or National candidate in each electorate their vote? Unless the leftist Union controlled Labor Party is what the voter wants.
The UN lackey who attended the UN IPCC Conference in Glasgow, COP26, and refused to ban coal mining in Australia, refused to increase the Paris Agreement emissions target and refused to commit to net zero emissions by 2050, instead to have “an aspirational goal” based on new technology if possible and not damaging our national economy.
Earlier in 2019 PM Morrison said that Australia no longer supports UN “green funds” with donations and intends to fund neighbouring nations instead, obviously for national security strategic purposes and reasons considering the CCP infiltration planning.
The Morrison Government is not the Turnbull Government of LINO left MPs.
Missing in action?
When and what action?
If you are alluding to the Labor smear about bushfires 2019 you should know better unless you are also into character assassination and whatever it takes.
* When any PM is away the Deputy PM is Acting Prime Minister and other Cabinet Ministers are on call.
* Bushfires/fires are State Government responsibility, State authorities.
* State Government budgets provide funding for State Emergency Services including Rural Fire Service, Ambulance, Police and other emergency services. Federal Government does provide some funding like assisting NSW Government to purchase the latest Boeing 737 tanker-fire bomber RFS air wing asset.
* If requested by State Governments the ADF can be deployed, and they were for the 2019-20 bushfires.
What a pathetic never ending “Mr Hawaii” smear. At the NSW State Election last Saturday former Labor NSW Premier KK, “nobody’s girl”, campaigned smearing the PM with bushfire deceptive claims. Again, whatever it takes, facts overboard. And a former NSW Premier who should know better.
I’m not alluding to anything John W. I have made the arguments clear enough for even the simplest to understand.
It was you who brought up bushfires and the associated media nonsense, not me. The whole premise that a PM needed to be about was ludicrous, what is any politician going to do other than get in the way? A suggestion more than adequately demonstrated by the performance of Albo and his hat.
What I have stated previously still stands there is much the PM could have done, even just to renounce the behaviour of recalcitrant premiers rather than cheering them on would have been something. No Morrison chose to pursue popularity and he’s failing on that score too, some about trying to keep everyone happy and satisfying no one. He had financial levers, he had emotional levers, he had access to set rather than follow media narrative and he had our constitution to back up any such moves. He failed at all of it. His time is past.
No you haven’t David, you have made points that you obviously believe are valid but you are wrong, I too have given my reasons here, including correcting your “two trillions dollars” of debt comment, the debt is far below that amount. So if you cannot get debt right maybe you can’t get the rest?
See my comment and actual figures posted here.
Financial levers? So ignore the economy and do not support employers and employees throughout the State Government legislated lockdowns? Punish the people further and ignore the economy?
How many times must the PM and other Federal Ministers make comments about opening interstate borders, lifting lockdowns and more. Because they did but Federal Government cannot instruct the Premiers and cannot easily and without consequences move to overturn State imposed legislation like Emergency Powers. As Assistant Attorney General Amanda Stoker has explained during interviews and as reported. In other words considering federalism, the politics, perception of voters if a bun fight took place between Federal and States during the pandemic.
The Leaders Cabinet is a FORUM, like COAG, the PM cannot instruct Premiers.
Cheering them on? One example, maybe, the recent support the PM gave for WA keeping the interstate border closed? On what basis? My understanding is that the WA Labor Government did not make provision for Public Hospital beds and are now very worried about the virus getting out of control in WA. And therefore keeping the borders closed under the circumstances prevailing makes sense and, don’t forget that the original closures were supported by courts of law when challenged in WA, and in VIC when business people challenged the lockdowns there. What happened to those levers?
In my opinion the comments by the PM regarding WA recently were necessary, first and foremost a Federal Election is close and the WA Premier and Government are popular in WA. Popular because the people seem to believe that the Premier kept them safe from the virus (like in QLD and elsewhere). Secondly the PM subtly highlighted the lack of hospital beds in WA. Had the PM attacked the WA State Government and Premier Federal Labor would have gone on the attack defending their State mates and continuing their attacks on the PM … a recent comment on Sky suggested that behind the dirt is Each Way Albo and he has a track record as an attacker.
As with the deliberate deception blaming the PM for being on holidays during bushfires, a State Government responsibility, but Labor and media continue to present day to bring this up.
The character assassination campaign against Scott Morrison has been reasonably effective, as was the similar undermining by Labor of Tony Abbott. And people who are well meaning but political naive are helping Labor without knowing it.
We have a Prime Minister with no spine. It is he who enabled our bumbling, inept and power hungry state premiers via this invented and dictatorial National Cabinet. A Pandora’s Box which Morrison has made no effort to bring back into line, despite being gifted the levers to do so.
Being weak and media driven is a certain recipe for electoral annihilation.
The reference to tens of thousands of protesters is laughable, there were that many on Commonwealth Avenue bridge and for every one of them that made it in person, there’s another fifty at home cheering them on.
Where were our leaders in response to this? The PM was doing a staged PR event at some Sydney little league event, while Labor’s idiot in chief was sneering “go home” from the safety of distance. Representative of public opinion, hardly!
How much more out of touch can these incompetents get?
Sure they may not have wanted to face a crowd, despite that being what they are paid the big bucks to do, but where is there effort to even recognise this sizable minority, the visible portion of which is fast approaching the equal of Tasmania’s population?
No these bozo’s wouldn’t even face a small and respectful deputation within the secure environment of our parliament house. Absolute cowardice!
If you’re a member of a “House of Representatives” your task it to, well, represent!
If you cannot mange this you have no place anywhere within those chambers. An inconvenient truth, Australian voters are just itching to remind duopoly MPs of May.
Are the states responsible for the damage, misfortune and misery inflicted upon Australians, hell yes, their time will come too, but for Morrison to suggest it is all up to the the states is cowardice and ineptitude from every possible angle.
Australians want their lives back, they want their jobs, their freedom of passage, their freedom to choose, and they will get it.
There is only one dangerous minority in all of this, and they’re the ones hiding within the walls of Parliament House.
Let them be in no doubt that they are on notice, The Australian people will prevail and as we do, the actions and events of this period of mandates will be fully investigated.
Yes, the State Governments closed interstate borders, the legislated for Emergency Powers through State Parliaments, lockdowns and restrictions were/are State imposed via Health and enforced by State Police and Courts.
[like fighting bushfires is State Emergency Service including Rural Fire Service, nothing to do with Federal Government and Prime Minister, however in 2019 when the PM was away on leave the Deputy PM was Acting Prime Minister and available if the States needed Federal assistance, like ADF personnel and equipment that was supplied]
Many people believed that constitutional law required interstate borders to remain open but a court challenge and later appeal against the WA Labor Government decision supported the State.
In VIC business owners challenged the lockdowns unsuccessfully in court and in both cases WA and VIC the court decisions were based on the pandemic and for border closures Spanish Flu early 1900s border closures.
The blame everything on the PM and Federal Government has been a Labor State pile on and media have assisted. Federal Labor have joined in. Each Way Albo even organised a photo opportunity stunt at a Blue Mountains RFS Depot that was closed during the bushfires pretending to be helping volunteers but when a fire truck stopped for refreshments the crew was turned away. Federal Opposition Leader pretending to be involved in a State Government area of responsibility for the purpose of fooling voters.
National Leaders Cabinet was never a government cabinet, it is a FORUM for discussion to gain cooperation and coordination between the States and Territory Premiers. The PM cannot instruct them.
As the Assistant Attorney General Amanda Stoker pointed out speaking about the latest VIC Gov Emergency Powers given to the Premier to impose without needing to get approval from the Parliament, the Federal Government could theoretically step in but at a significant risk to federalism resulting in arguments, political theatre and court hearings. She said it is far better for voters to express their dissatisfaction at the ballot box next State election in VIC.
The areas of responsibility and powers of the three levels of government are clear, the colonial governments joined together to form the Federation of States, Commonwealth of Australia and the Federal Government.
Blame the Labor State Governments for their poor handling of the pandemic and obviously deliberately pretending that the PM is responsible.
David, would you please post in more detail the reasons for your claim that the PM has been gifted with levers.
Exactly what could the PM (and Cabinet) have done to control the State Governments?
Please explain the process and laws you rely on.
I am aware of the Bio Security Act and external powers, but I am not a lawyer, I have however researched and it appeared to me that the hurdles are many and with unwelcome consequences.
The PM states there is nothing he can do, states he has not imposed mandates. Then in the next breath he’s saying except for nursing home staff, critical industries etc. Two years on, no government state or federal and no health department has backed up any of the assertions by which they have imposed all of these destructive and draconian health measures.
I’ve never said the PM is solely responsible for this mess we find ourselves in, but he has played a substantial role in it. As would have the other aspiring idiot for the red team if given half a chance.
The bio-security act does give the federal government over-riding powers, this cannot be reasonably disputed when effecting it has never been tested. What is the purpose of it, if it does not? And why was so much public money consumed producing such an act.
The state premiers have run riot, they’ve trashed our constitution and federation under the guise of a dubious emergency which has proven never to exist.
And all the while the federal government has bankrolled this state government excess to the tune of two trillion dollars.
people are right to march on Canberra and they’re right to demand better from every state and federal government throughout the land. Careers terminated, solid small businesses sent to the wall, massive mental and physical health cost amounted, it’s just not good enough.
I dare anyone of the Liberals to say they deserve to be re-elected because they’re the best financial managers. There is two trillion reasons to prove they are not. Better than Albo doesn’t cut it, and yes likely we’d be even further into the whole under that moron. But put simply neither is good enough, neither is fit to govern.
If nothing else, the government could have listened to Australians, taken note of the damage being done to peoples lives and acted. Instead they more involved with their own petty point scoring and all the petty nation press club agendas and talking points set by their opposition.
The federal government could have set a precedent, they could have said no more two trillion dollars ago, and if they had we’d be seeing a lot less ruin, damage, ongoing debt and emotional strife than we are seeing now. But instead we saw the insanity of paying people on credit to stay home. The PM is complicit, he’s shown himself to lack a spine, show his inability to make tough decisions, that is not leadership by any metric.
As I stated in my previous post, the upcoming federal election is the next on the calendar, the states, the media and all who have perpetuated this costly scam will be dealt with. The Australian people deserve better, they are paying the bills and they want answers from those writing the cheques on their behalf.
David what happened to facts?
For example, where did your “two trillion dollars ago” come from?
I have posted an extract of the actual Federal debt position right now, your claim is ridiculous.
“Net debt is expected to be $729 billion—or 34.2% of GDP—at 30 June 2022 and peak at $981 billion or 40.9% of GDP in 2024–25 (Table 11.4, p. 364–5). Net debt is then projected to fall over the medium term to 37% of GDP at 30 June 2032.”
Put the present Federal debt level in perspective, the last Rudd, Gillard & Rudd Labor Budget was financial year 2013/14, they failed to make provision to pay for a number of their budget expenditure commitments and creatively accounted a lower budget deficit.
The Abbott Government from September 2013 was forced to increase the debt level to $500 billion, funding Labor’s 2013/14 unfunded budget items plus Labor debt effectively took the total over $400 billion. Treasurer Hockey said the extra monies borrowed were for future contingencies.