by PAUL COLLITS – THE election of a Right-wing prime minister in Italy was all too much for the dreary Left.
The Guardian’s Van Badham, an expert in emotive identity politics, disgorged that the rise of “fascist-adjacent Giorgia Meloni is a public reminder women can be just as awful as men”.
According to dictionary.com, the definition of fascism is “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc, and emphasising an aggressive nationalism and often racism”.
- Comparing perceived Right-wingers to Hitler is, of course, an old trick.
- Most journalists don’t even know the meaning of fascism.
- They are clueless that accusations of fascism are most often made by those who are the actual fascists.
This is all right as far as it goes. But I would want to add two other elements of fascism.
One is the reach of fascism (and totalitarianism more generally) into people’s private lives, right across the population and the second is the corporatist State model as fascism’s operating system.
I have previously noted Badham in the context of women in politics.
Here our interest is in Meloni’s other defining characteristic, her alleged fascism.
Comparing perceived Right-wingers to Hitler is, of course, an old trick.
Most journalists, it would appear, don’t even know the meaning of fascism. They are clueless that the accusation of fascism is often made by those who exhibit all the signs of being, well, a fascist.
I was not familiar with Badham’s COVID writing, and a quick internet search suggests I would not find it rewarding.
More broadly, The Guardian has been at the forefront of Covidmania, what with all the death reporting (which it still runs, to this day) and the modern Left’s endless appetite for lockdowns and all the rest.
It is becoming tedious to report that (of course) The Guardian is funded by Bill Gates. So, no prizes for guessing the rag’s line on anti-vaxxers, and on all matters COVID.
Only this week, The Guardian reported on the vaccine review conducted by “respected” public servant Jane Halton, aka Bill Gates’ girl in Canberra. Keep the vaccines coming! We aren’t out of the woods yet.
A “twindemic” is coming this British winter. Jane reckons we are not yet at “COVID stable”. Yes, our commissars of health now actually talk like this.
She also tells us we should keep advertising the [unnecessary, dangerous and ineffective] vaccines “till 2024”. Why stop at 2024?
Seriously, how does this woman have the gall to keep telling blatant, self-serving porkies?
To say that The Guardian’s reportage of COVID remains breathless would be to indulge in understatement.
The Guardian is still keeping us informed of Gates’ moods, mercifully, with one recent headline stating: “The strain is the worst of my lifetime: how Bill Gates is staying optimistic”.
Thank God Bill is staying optimistic. He has doubled his wealth during and because of his proclaimed “decade of vaccines”, and now, in effect, runs global public health.
The new world order is running to plan. No wonder he’s optimistic. And to have the Left media on side as well!
The point is, that fascism is actually an ideology with far more in common with the Left than with either of the conservative or libertarian versions of “the Right”.
The American conservative writer Jonah Goldberg realised this some time back, when he published his excellent book, Liberal Fascism.
Fascism these days has more in common with anyone (like the World Economic Forum) that supports public-private partnerships, than with Meloni-type pollies.
It is, above all else, an ideology of the corporate State, big government and of global crony capitalism.
The irony of Left-wing media siding with Big Capitalism is exquisite, or would be if it weren’t so deadly. The COVID State is fascism, nothing more and nothing less.
The “fascist-adjacent” Meloni actually wants to get rid of the vile Green Passes (vaccine passports) in Italy. Hint to the Left – this is precisely why she was elected.
This is despite Meloni’s apparent support for elements of the COVID State in the past.
Supporting early COVID policies is the only link to fascism that I can see in Meloni, and it is tenuous at best.
The alt-media as a jury is still very much out on the new Italian PM. She sounds far too good to be true.
But it seems Meloni has clearly seen the error of her ways.
The fact is, Meloni’s Party alone in Italy stood up for freedom when it mattered in 2021.
Nicholas Farrell in The Spectator last year saw the irony, and was bemused by the non-opposition from Leftists of the Green Pass.
He posed the question, “why are only Italy’s ‘far Right’ opposing vaccine passports?”
But the legacy media cannot resist all the “far Right” nonsense in its reportage on the Italian election.
It is hard to say which is the more ludicrous. Bagging the support for nation, religion and family as dangerous or branding it as fascist.
For patriots, deplorables, populists and conservatives everywhere, such a motto might be summarised thus – “not all that we want, but a good start”.
Throw in some “climate inaction now”, “woke comes here to die” (with apologies to Ron DeSantis) and “crush the COVID State” and we might just have a platform worth supporting.
And a platform that is not remotely fascist, by the way, on any definition.
The Guardian’s Italian correspondent Roberto Saviano claims that Hungarians have lost all their rights under Meloni’s assumed mentor, Viktor Orban.
Orban is another hate-figure for the Left and globalists everywhere.
Lost rights? This is rich coming from the COVID State’s chief propaganda arm.
Here is the irony again. It is the truly fascist elites that have disempowered people across the world. It’s they who obviously don’t do irony – nor read dictionaries.PC