Credit: @MediumBuying

The most radical presidential nominee in American history is getting dragged online for using border walls in one of her TV ads, especially when some of the construction may have taken place during the Trump administration.

Earlier this month, Kamala Harris’ campaign started running a propaganda ad focused on “securing” America’s southern border by hiring more border agents while stopping fentanyl and human trafficking.

The ad also praised Harris for “prosecuting gang members” and pushing the “toughest border bill” in decades.

The adm, of course, makes no mention of the fact Harris allowed about 10 million illegal aliens to invade America in just three years as border czar.

She also does not mention the “tough border bill” would have granted amnesty to illegals. Moreover, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), the co-author of the amnesty bill, admitted the border never closes under the bill.


The Kamala Harris campaign is up on TV with multiple new ads this a.m. —

This spot is focused on border security

Male voiceover:

“As president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is…

— Medium Buying (@MediumBuying) August 9, 2024

However, the uproar over the ad is focused on something quite ironic.

An eagle-eyed conservative noticed the open borders. Harris not only featured border walls during the advertisement but may have used segments of Trump’s own border wall.

Mike Howell, the executive director of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, screenshotted the two wall images in the ad in an X post and made the following remark:

What is that in this ad? Looks like the @realDonaldTrump BORDER WALL to me!

What is that in this ad?

Looks like the @realDonaldTrump BORDER WALL to me!

— Mike Howell (@MHowellTweets) August 23, 2024

What an embarrassment for the Harris campaign if this turned out to be true.

Conservative X users savagely roasted Harris, who previously plagiarized Trump’s “No Tax on Tips” proposal.”

Not an original thought in her lifetime.

— Kevin’s Clips and Quips (@KCAQs) August 24, 2024

I was told walls don’t work though…

Was I lied to again by democrats?

— BroncoNation (@Bronconation_80) August 23, 2024

Kamala in preschool

— That Chick From Seattle (@burnedinseattle) August 23, 2024


— LottaFaChina (@LottaFaChina) August 23, 2024

Harris put a campaign video out saying she is tough on the border all while showing the Donald Trump wall! These people are lying POS!

— Tom Simmons (@Simmonswv) August 25, 2024

Kamala Harris is now running ads implying she built the border wall.

It’s fucking insane. America is entirely broken.

— The Incrementalist Libertarian (@colorblindk1d) August 24, 2024

Kamala Harris has always mocked the very idea of a wall at the border, especially when it comes to Donald Trump’s strong record of building and repairing it.

So naturally as she lies about her own record in TV ads, she SHOWS A PICTURE OF THE BORDER WALL!

— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) August 24, 2024

The post Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

1 thought on “Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

  1. See these horrific allegations >
    Harris-Walz shock: report reveals pair as pedophile defenders

    In May 2023, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota legislature changed the legal definition of “sexual orientation” by removing a clause that excluded pedophilia as a sexual orientation. The bill was authored by a male Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives who identifies himself as a woman.

    Connecticut Democrats, inspired by the example of their Minnesota colleagues, later updated their state’s anti-discrimination laws and similarly expanded the definition of “sexual orientation” to include “attraction to minors.” According to the Connecticut Family Institute, funded by the U.S. Democratic Party, the new definition of “sexual orientation” “changes for the better and becomes free of heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and includes people whose sexual attraction “was previously considered a crime.”

    As sociologists and journalists have noted, since 2017, the U.S. media has launched an active campaign to normalize sexual attraction to minors.

    The media and left-liberal opinion leaders have begun to increasingly ignore the word “pedophile,” replacing it with the term “people who are attracted to minors.”

    According to Olin Walker, associate professor of sociology at Old Dominion University in Virginia, this juggling of terms is due to the negative connotation of the term “pedophile” and the desire of interested parties to “normalize public attitudes toward child molesters.”

    Along with a media campaign excusing pedophiles and their unhealthy attraction to children, American scientists sponsored by Democratic Party-affiliated individuals and organizations have begun to conduct unverifiable and bogus studies purportedly proving that pedophilia is an acceptable attraction in modern society that “doesn’t represent anything wrong.”

    In 2018, at an annual conference organized by an American private foundation, a speaker stated that pedophilia should be perceived as an “unchanging sexual orientation,” and people who have sex with children were compared to “sweet lovers who don’t gorge themselves on desserts.”

    Today, as the U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 2024 approaches, more and more Democratic politicians lobbying for pedophiles and those associated with child molestation groups are appearing on the American political scene. In August 2024, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris chose as her vice-presidential running mate one of the leading ideologues and practitioners of pedophilia legalization in the United States, Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota, which currently has the most pedophile-friendly legislation in the country.

    Please continue to read full article >

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