PRO-choice Queensland Premier Annastacia Palasczcuk refused all choice for a young northern NSW couple – with her border closure denying life-saving care for their unborn twins.
One of the twins, a girl, died after the couple was diverted to Sydney instead of nearby Brisbane Mater Hospital.
The diversion delayed medical assistance by 16 hours for Ballina’s Kimberly & Scott Brown and their unborn babies. The second unborn twin is described as “struggling”.
Questioned about the heartbreaking incident last week, Ms Palasczcuk reportedly responded that Queensland hospitals were for Queenslanders.
“People living in NSW, they have NSW hospitals. In Queensland we have Queensland hospitals for our people,” she said.
Ms Palaszczuk said while she was not aware of the specifics of the case, the decision on who to allow into Queensland would be made by health professionals, not politicians.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the situation “unthinkable” and “heartbreaking” while NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard described the Labor premier’s comments as “astonishing”.
Mr Hazzard called for an urgent review of border arrangements.
The strongest criticism, however, came from former Federal Parliamentary Speaker Bronwyn Bishop.
“This finishes Palaszczuk for me forever … I just think it is absolutely disgusting,” the former Howard government minister said.
“I just wonder if she will have the death of that unborn baby on her conscience for the rest of her life?
“I suspect not, as socialists aren’t very good at that sort of stuff.
“But as we all heard those words: ‘NSW has some hospitals, Queenland hospitals are for Queenslanders’. It goes against the grain of everything this country is about.”
Ms Bishop said the prime minister needed to take “action” on border closures.
“It’s what I’ve been calling for,” she told Sky News on Friday.
In another Queensland border medical incident, NSW mother Chantelle Northfield was denied access to her sick newborn – who was being treated in a Brisbane women’s hospital – after being told she must complete the mandatory two-week quarantine period.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said during last week’s bush summit in Cooma, NSW, that the imposition of hard borders was hurting people as well as damaging the economy.
“We must not allow this crisis, this pandemic, to force us to retreat to provincialism – that’s not the answer.
“If you impose a border, you can’t help but cause problems. That’s why we got rid of them in the first place.
Ms Palaszczuk denied her government was preventing urgent interstate cases from accessing medical treatment saying she was “not involved in individual cases”.PC
“But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Somewhere there is a millstone with Palaszczuk’s name on it.
Regrettably I suspect her party will be re-elected as Qlds are proud of what she is doing, though I suspect tourism operators are not happy but what does that matter to someone who is focussed on Brisbane alone!
Palaszczuk has shown her true colours! A vindictive and cold-hearted specimen.
So many families, workers and business-owners are suffering, – really hurting from her unlawful and completely unnecessary border closures. Indeed, she is hurting all Australians by greatly adding to the gigantic National debt.
I despair! All over Australia we have barriers against ordinary, uninfected Australian citizens It’s madness writ large and profoundly sad. What has Australia come to?
We need re-unification by a strong Prime Minister who MUST deny funding to any rogue Premier who continues to act unconstitutionally and against the National Interest.
She speaks like a nasty only child who has never cared for kids. What’s her problem?