SENIOR climate scientists have revealed that no evidence whatsoever exists to support wild claims of a pending global crisis.
A peer-reviewed study published earlier this year in The European Physical Journal Plus has found that not a single physical metric can be found – outside of computer modelling – that suggests a global climate emergency.

- Study concludes, on the basis of observational data, that no climate crisis is evident.
- Researchers pour cold water on the IPCC’s extremist claims.
- No scientific indication of a clear positive trend of extreme weather events.
Authored by scholars from the universities of Milan, Verona and Padua in Italy, their report concludes “the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not yet evident”.
The study was led by Prof Gianluca Alimonti from the University of Milan.
The indicators the scientists researched included global trends in heatwaves, rainfall, cyclones, floods, droughts, ecosystem health and crop productivity.
In doing so, they have questioned the conclusions reached by the highly politicised Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
In particular the study has poured cold water on the IPCC’s claim of “strong increases in the frequency and activity of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic”.
“Statistical tests indicate that this trend is not significantly distinguishable from zero,” their report stated.
“Global observations [dating back 160 years] do not show any significant trends in both the number and the energy accumulated by hurricanes as claimed for the USA – or for other regions of the globe.”
The report also stated global trends in heatwave intensity were not significant and that daily precipitation intensity and extreme precipitation frequency were “stationary”.
The analysis also extended to extreme meteorological events, including natural disasters, floods, droughts, ecosystem productivity and yields of the four main crops (maize, rice, soybean and wheat).
Likewise it found that none of these indicated a clear positive trend of extreme events.
It concluded, on the basis of observational data, that no climate crisis was evident.
The European report’s findings concur with leading Australian geologist and earth scientist Prof Ian Plimer’s earlier findings.
Prof Plimer said last year that the earth was experiencing nothing unusual and that climate activists were making unproven claims.
“To use the word ‘unprecedented’ shows that you have expunged history and geology from your knowledge,” he said.
“Likewise to use the words ‘climate emergency’ indicates that you have absolutely no knowledge of the past.
“By having forty years of dumbing down our education system and now having people not taught to be critical nor analytical, they think they can get away with saying anything – and that’s what the climate alarmists are doing.”
Prof Plimer was particularly critical of Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology.
“By using words like unprecedented, you only need to go to their own records to show they are telling porky pies,” he said.
“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drives global warming.
“If you think it has been shown, then please give me the five scientific papers that show this.
“That question has never been answered.” PC
There has always been ‘climate change’ – it’s normal and to be expected, as Professor Plimer and many others have stated. The ‘CO2 COALITION’ in the USA has heaps of evidence provided by hundreds of scientists disproving the claim that CO2 is to blame – check their website. Also, I recommend subscribing to ‘THE EPOCH TIMES’ as they also provide FACTS relating to climate change and many other topics.
At 76, I still have an excellent memory and *The Climate* has NOT CHANGED —one iota — since I was a teen.
—- I remember well the many bouts of sweltering HEATWAVES that descended on Sydney EVERY summer – (and always with accompanying, fierce bushfires tearing through vast swathes of bushland surrounding the city).
—- I remember well the frequent blocks of ‘CLOUDBURST’ rain that turned our unsealed roads in Frenchs Forest into wide, pot-holed, mud-tracks, the mud clinging to our school shoes as we trudged home sodden, from the bus stop at the ‘blinking light’ crossroad.
THE REAL EMERGENCY: Please, oh please tell us Chris Bowen: How will we dispose of all the ‘NET ZERO EMISSIONS’ JUNK? The spent solar panels, full of toxic chemicals and the HUGE wind-turbine blades, — made of material that WILL NEVER, EVER BREAK DOWN OR DECOMPOSE!
NO! — THE ONLY INTELLIGENT WAY AUSTRALIA WILL HAVE ENOUGH, MODERATELY CHEAP, RELIABLE, 24-HOUR, BASE-LOAD POWER, is with a mix of H.E.L.E — High Energy, Low Emissions, COAL-FIRED GENERATORS —(using our Nation’s ENORMOUS gift of boundless coal) — and some strategically placed, latest generation, small, modular, nuclear reactors!
This UNBELIEVABLY MORONIC, ‘CLIMATE EMERGENCY’ BEAT-UP, has blinded and misled, half the population of the gullible World and made millions and millions of investors EXTREMELY RICH INDEED! — YES! — These huge, renewables industries are spreading their monstrous, ghastly outputs like virulent carbuncles, all over our previously fair land.
And what’s worse, — in China, slave-labour is being forced to build the toxic solar panels for export to the credulous lemmings of the west; those who have elected governments which are aiming to decimate their own economies by acting on a maelstrom of misinformation, based entirely on the unproven ‘climate emergency’ folly of prodigious magnitude and lunacy.
These (horrendously misnamed) ‘renewables’ industries are helping to finance the Chinese Govt’s National development schemes; they’re supporting the CCP’s quest to become the World’s dominant force, backed up by a MASSIVELY-FUNDED, superbly armed, military capacity.
Two contradictory articles:
One says global warming is not happening.
The second says that global warming is melting the global ice caps so fast that we will soon hit by rebound a new ice age.
Gentlemen and Ladies, this IS happening. More importantly from a Liberal perspective, over 60% of voters now acknowledge this, and are concerned.
So if we ever want to be re-elected, we had better wise up and start thinking of clever ways to handle what is also a major political problem.
So – there are two things to fix:
1) the out-of-control increase of methane and CO2 and
2) our currently, negative political perception.
So let’s get cracking and stop arguing that the Earth’s really flat.
First thing – somebody think of how we can create carbon sinks. Trees spring readily to mind but there are many others. And some are available for coal producers at little cost!
I will give prizes to the top five methods that you can come up with.
After that we will publish them – and take one small step to winning the next election!
PS: evidence that you asked for is below.
Thanks Phil, but we conservatives aren’t swayed by what the uneducated masses scream.
Climate ideology is a scam, hoax and a get-rich-scheme. We know this.
So do you, somewhere in the recesses of your unthinking mind.
“So if we ever want to be re-elected, we had better wise up and start thinking of clever ways to handle what is also a major political problem.”
Yes, you certainly do have a “major political problem” – your party has been over-run by ill-educated woke morons, and is now well and truly unelectable. I see that that party “leader” Dutton has described views espoused by Andrew Thorburn’s church as being “an abomination” – apparently Dutton thinks that it is all very natural and proper for men to sodomise each other, that unborn children are fair game and can be murdered for any reason at all, and that anyone who takes issue with such behaviour is beyond the pale.
Speaking of education and the lack thereof, you should spend some time educating yourself – if you wish to know about charlatanism and frauds in science, you could start by reading about the “discovery” of N-rays by Prosper-René Blondlot, and the subsequent “confirmations” of their existence by various other scientists. You may even come to the embarrassing realisation that “global warming” (AKA “climate change” since it didn’t become hotter) is a classic example of “pathological science”.
“[…] take one small step to winning the next election!”
Oh, an exclamation mark! I can feel the enthusiasm from here! Perhaps there will be a nice playtime, and then we can all have a little nap! Here’s a newsflash for you: I, like many other voters, will continue to vote informally until such time as there arises a party that is worthy of being elected. I very much doubt that this will ever be the so-called “Liberal” party, who have abandoned any pretence of being a conservative political party, and are now happy to parade their credentials as amoral left-wing losers at any opportunity that presents itself.
The same mob who peddle Covid also are peddling Climate Change Hoax ( Global Warming). No facts not evidence and when anyone confronts them with facts they become abusive and refuse to listen . A volcano emits carbon dioxide and has done for millions of years (long before man existed ) . The Dinosaurs did not fart themselves to death . The Scare Campaign ( Terrorist Style ) has gone too far . The earth is suspended via two magnetic poles (north & south ) at times its shifts its orbit axis thus creating heatwaves and extreme rain and then back into a regular pattern . This occurs every 25 years . I am 60 and was told that by the year 2000 the Sydney Opera House would be under water ?! Well ???
Australia’s BOM can’t get the forecast right for a few days in advance, so what do they know about future climate?
The Australian
Who will fund AGL’s green vision?
The company will need $20bn to enact its new strategy, but some in the market say Mike Cannon-Brookes’ influence over the energy major will leave other investors wary.
The Best News is to the introduction of the NACC into Parliament. This means MP’s and any other beneficiary to any Bill can be subject to investigation now or retrospectively.
Congratulation Politico for publishing a “peered” review document that identifies the fraud IPCC constantly perpetrates.
I trust that the Albanese Labor Government has been purchasing carbon credits to cover the growing number of aircraft flights overseas by PM and Cabinet Ministers, with due regard for their legislation into law of their 43% emissions reduction target, an increase of 15% from the already signed Paris Agreement target.
Their foreign co-conspirators in climate hoax must be shown virtue signals.
The NSW EPA has released their draft climate change policy and action plan to the public for comment (see link below). The NSW EPA will be the regulatory authority driving the NSW economy towards a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050. There is a webinar open to the community this Friday from 10-11am and industry 2-3pm, see link below to register. I urge all scientists and critical thinkers to register and attend the webinar and also provide feedback on the draft policy and action plan by the due date.
Consider that the BoM ignores weather station records from before 1910, obviously because the very hot period just before 1910 lowers the modelling of a warming trend hoax.
Doctor Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues have audited Bom weather and climate releases and discovered errors and omissions which they reported to the responsible Minister when Prime Minister Tony Abbott was the leader 2013-2015. PM Abbott apparently wanted an independent audit of BoM to be conducted but did not receive enough support from his Cabinet colleagues.
Also reported have been BoM automatic weather stations located in or near to heat sinks, locations now unsuitable because of surrounding buildings, roadways, airports and similar. For example Observatory Hill alongside the Sydney Harbour Bridge where the original weather station was far from buildings and the Bridge had not been built.
Enough of the world wide climate hoax political agendas, the false warming trend and tipping point scare campaign.
It seems to me that climate change and cooling or warming is natural Earth Cycles, human activities have a minor influence that pales into insignificance when compared to natural events, including emissions but more importantly solar activity.
The Albanese Union Labor version is much like the PM’s election campaign claim to have been economics adviser to Labor PM Hawke, absolute nonsense. He was a staffer in the Sydney electoral office of Hawke Cabinet Minister Uren at that time.
Net zero emissions, raising the Paris target and creating legislation to enforce the target, is absolute nonsense too.
Pale green Teals member of the masquerading as Independent Climate200 supported not a party is so pleased that the Albanese Labor Government has legislated into law their increased by 15% Paris Emissions target, now 43% reduction required, somehow, according to a news report today.
The Paris Conference ended in December 2015 and in April 2016 the Minister travelled to the UN in New York and signed the Agreement, and later in November 2016 returned to New York and ratified the Agreement with no requirement by IPCC for that to be done, but the PM named “Turnbull Government” was obviously putting on a show of virtue signalling after learning that President Trump was not prepared to allow the US to enter into a Paris Agreement emissions reduction target.
Do these people ever consider, do they even realise where government gets the money supply for governing? Private sector tax revenue that main source? Economic prosperity dependent on a strong economy?
There is no climate emergency …