by ERIC ABETZ – I HAVE been involved with the Australian Monarchist League for many years now, but when I stepped up as Campaign Chairman of Vote No Republic, I did so with the confidence that the organisation supporting me was comprised of a dedicated membership whose individualities were unified by a shared love of constitutional monarchy.
It was this shared love that unified the addresses of those who spoke at AML’s successful 2022 National Conference in Sydney.
- Polling shows 58 per cent of Labor voters overwhelmingly support our constitutional monarchy.
- A republic only benefits the elite.
- Moves to “re-educate” Australians are a sham. We know what that’s called: tax-payer-funded indoctrination.
I had the great privilege to chair this conference and to provide a comprehensive report on the status of Vote No Republic.
This year’s conference brought together some of the country’s fiercest defenders of constitutional monarchy in the wake of the government’s taxpayer-funded Assistant Minister for the Republic.
I was certainly pleased to host nine other speakers collectively representing four other states, including Philip Benwell (NSW), Nick Cater (NSW), Alessandro Rosini (VIC), Senator Pauline Hanson (QLD), Dr Neville Rochow KC (SA), Jack Barton (QLD), Katherine Deves (NSW), Alexander Voltz (QLD) and, via virtual attendance, Shadow Attorney-General Julian Leeser MP (NSW).
Our national representation only continues to expand.
Everyone was very impressed by the calibre of this conference’s speakers. I wish now to strongly echo the undeniable talking points that those speakers illuminated.
Our Crown and Constitution have served us faithfully for 121 years.
When measured on all fronts, humanity has not yet conceived a more superior system of government than constitutional monarchy. As I say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Republicans have no basis in fact for any of their hyper-emotive, manipulative arguments. In the words of Dr Rochow, “In the heart of every republican yearns a presidential – or, at least, an ambitious – lust for power”.
Katherine Deves rightly noted that a Sovereign as our constitutional head of state enables us to rise above the impoverished and debased political environment we currently find ourselves in due to both identity politics and cults of personality.
The Labor Government has alienated itself from its passionate grassroots base by pursuing a republic. Roy Morgan polling clearly shows that 58 per cent of Labor voters overwhelmingly support the retention of our constitutional monarchy.
A republic only benefits the elite.
We are living in a cost-of-living crisis. Uncontested academia from economist Professor Mauro F Guillén, Director of the Cambridge Judge Business School, ultimately concludes that because constitutional monarchies better protect property rights, optimised constitutional monarchies like our own delivers US$1500 more to every person annually.
If politicians, especially the Prime Minister and the Treasurer, care about rehabilitating Australia’s economy and providing financial relief to hardworking households, they must support our present constitutional arrangements.
Sadly, republican Jim Chalmers is more interested in virtue signalling and designing a new five dollar note. He is a disgrace.
It is equally disgraceful that the Assistant Minister for the Republic is also the Assistant Minister for Veteran’s Affairs. Such is an utter slap in the face to the brave Australians who swore allegiance to, fought under and, in some cases, died for our Crown.
Charles III, as the new King of Australia, is ready and able, as his mother was before him, to serve as our Sovereign, adhere to our Constitution, and keep ultimate executive authority out of the lukewarm hands of scheming politicians.
According to the 2022 Democracy Index, three of the top five nations in the world are constitutional monarchies. The bottom fifty are all republics.
The Australian Republic Movement recently announced a new cast for its National Committee, including elite sportsmen, Indigenous activists, and a Climate 200 director.
Despite the fact that republicans seek to destroy the Crown and the constitutional checks and balances that have ensured Australia’s prosperity, sorely lacking amidst this new National Committee is any reputable degree of constitutional law expertise.
It is a token committee seeking to tokenise contemporary agendas and manipulate them to suit the republican cause. Senator Hanson noted this with conviction.
Julian Leeser committed himself as the effective Shadow Minister for the Constitution. Furthermore, he understands his senatorial Coalition colleagues are about to start asking the Assistant Minister for the Republic some tough questions.
It’s time to stand up for Australia.
If Prime Minister Albanese was a constitutional monarchist, I would be happy to invite him to speak at the next AML National Conference. But he is not. He is a radical republican.
It was Anthony Albanese that promised that a republic was not Labor’s priority.
Yet one of his first actions – literally – was to appoint an Assistant Minister for the Republic funded by the public purse.
He then said that Labor would not take any steps towards a republic in its first term of government, instead concentrating on the Voice.
Only recently did the Assistant Minister for the Republic announce that he would soon commence a national consultative tour, designed to condition the Australian people into voting for a republic at a referendum.
In the AML, we know what that’s called: tax-payer-funded indoctrination.
The incumbent Federal government long ago exceeded its mandate and jurisdiction on this matter and cannot be said to be working in the interests of its constituents. It is, on this matter, as Dr Rochow noted, “behaving corruptly”.
Everyone left AML’s 2022 National Conference feeling enthused for the fight ahead.
But the fight is not a fair fight, and we will lose it if we do not continue to prepare as we are now.
The odds are overwhelmingly stacked against us patriotic Australians. We ask that you donate to AML or even join us as a member if you are able.
We are grateful for all contributions, and all contributions support us.
God Save The King.PC
‘Woke’ is used by monarchists as the new catch all phase to oppose anything that threatens the unquestioned pre eminence of the old empire establishment, but against which they can’t find a valid argument.
But the real meaning of woke is the past tense of wake, meaning someone who is no longer asleep.
Apparently these pitiful dozy old monarchist grovellers want everyone to go back to sleep.
We voters should be aware that the new Prime Minister is a far-left Labor faction member, he is reported to proudly have an ambition to “hunt Tories”, his early career in politics was as a staffer for Labor Cabinet Minister Tom Uren, also from the far-left. During the May 2022 election campaign when he was Opposition Leader he claimed to have been economics adviser to Labor Prime Minister Hawke, but research hey Sky News’ Andrew Clennell revealed that was not correct.
According to former Labor Cabinet Minister Graham Richardson speaking on Sky News his friend the then Opposition Leader is a “Trot” or follower of the Marxist Leon Trotsky.
I do not intend to take his advice to vote for a republic or for the what I believe to be apartheid like The Voice referendum.
I am so delighted at how badly you slobbering old second class poms are misreading the national mood.
Appointing Eric Abetz as your front man was a very good indication; actively opposing an indigenous voice confirms it.
You people are hopelessly and irretrievably out of your depth.
A founder of the Australian Republican Movement claimed that the Constitution needed to be revised, the present Prime Minister recently referred to the Constitution as “archaic” when he was talking about another referendum on a republic.
But the fact remains that our constitutional monarchy has resulted in one of the best democracies of all, politically stable and, pandemic over the top reactions by State governments mostly aside, why would we want to change what we have now?
And who would trust politicians to make any changes?
One of the more amusing claims is that monarchists are proud and patriotic Australians.
A small hint: desperately grovelling to a foreign monarch, and professing your colonial inferiority to Britain, and opposing an Australia as our head of state does not make you a proud Australian and it does not make you patriotic.
But for the sake of humour, please continue to claim otherwise…
Few things are more hypocritical than a monarchist squealing about the ‘ELITES’…..in defence of the birthright status of a privileged family of English aristocrats.
Honestly, do you people ever think about the stupidity of your statements? Are you fools really suggesting the English royals are working class battlers?
The hypocrisy is staggering.
It is obvious that ignorance is bliss.
Ignorance that the English royals are the world’s hyper elite?
Bliss that monarchists whinging about ‘elites’ makes them shameless hypocrites?
I agree.