Credit: @EricAbbenante/Daily Mail

As Jim Hoft reported, a service was held Monday morning in honor of the 13 brave members of the U.S. military who lost their lives at the hands of a suicide bomber in the Kabul Airport bombing attack precisely three years ago.

President Trump attended the solemn service and laid a wreath to honor the servicemembers’ heroism. He was also joined by members of the U.S. military and their families.

BREAKING: President Trump lays a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 service members lost in 2021 because of Biden/Kamala’s failed Afghanistan pullout.

This is what a REAL President looks like.

— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) August 26, 2024

While Trump demonstrated what a true commander-in-chief looks like, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were nowhere to be found. Biden is still in the middle of his neverending vacation, which began last week after his DNC speech, while Harris is campaigning.

One could say it was best they did not show their faces because the blood of these men and women is on their hands. Biden ordered the disastrous pull-out in the middle of Taliban fighting season, while Harris was the last person in the room when he made the call and cheered him on.

But Harris did take a little time out of her ‘busy’ schedule to post a canned tweet insincerely paying tribute to the men and women she helped lead to the slaughter.

“Three years ago today, outside of Kabul Airport, an ISIS terrorist killed 13 American service members and more than 100 innocent Afghans, and wounded many more,” Harris wrote.

“On this solemn day, let us come together as one nation to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the United States and our cherished freedoms. Our grateful nation mourns and salutes them,” she added.

Three years ago today, outside of Kabul Airport, an ISIS terrorist killed 13 American service members and more than 100 innocent Afghans, and wounded many more.

On this solemn day, let us come together as one nation to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the…

— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) August 26, 2024

Harris truly has no sense of shame or remorse for what happened. Recall that her true colors emerged when she burst out LAUGHING upon hearing a question regarding these brave soldiers’ deaths.

FLASHBACK: This was Kamala Harris’ first reaction to the reports that Americans were trapped and possibly dead in Afghanistan three years ago.

“Slow down” followed by a maniacal

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 26, 2024

What a horrible human being.

Meanwhile, conservative X users annihilated Harris for her shameless tweet ‘honoring’ the fallen soldiers:

Why did you laugh when reporters first asked you to comment on their deaths?
Why haven’t you acknowledged and apologized for this fiasco?
Why don’t you honor their families directly?

— Joshua Stanley (@joshua__stanley) August 26, 2024

You laughed at it. We remembered

— Elon Musk Citizen Journalist (Parody) (@xcitizenjournal) August 26, 2024

You were the “last person in the room”.
Their blood is on your hands.

— Ziva (@zivaspeaks_ziva) August 26, 2024

Why weren’t you at Arlington for their memorial service today?

You and Joe made the decisions that killed them

The least you could do is show up

Not tweet

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) August 26, 2024

Never forget the Border Czar, Kamala Harris, played a ‘key role’ in the withdrawal decision that ended up costing 13 American soldiers their lives.

— Liberacrat Media (@Liberacrat) August 26, 2024

Biden and you are the reason these American servicemen were killed!!!

— Xi Van Fleet (@XVanFleet) August 26, 2024

You are responsible for those 13 lives and hundreds of other loclas who helped the US who have been hiding, torchoured, and killed.
You deserve nothing

— Preston (@Spaceprest) August 26, 2024

The post Social Media Users Destroy Kamala Harris, Who Laughed After Hearing About Kabul Airport Attack Which Killed 13 US Soldiers, After She Releases Shameless Statement on Third Anniversary of Event appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.