Jailing Christian Porter – ABC’s most despised white male
On : - -IF AT first you don’t succeed, as the saying goes…Feminist Louise Milligan, the ABC’s attack-dog, came up short in the end with her anti-Pell campaign.
IF AT first you don’t succeed, as the saying goes…Feminist Louise Milligan, the ABC’s attack-dog, came up short in the end with her anti-Pell campaign.
IN LATE 2019, when George Pell was still in prison and his ultimate exoneration still far from certain, the ABC’s intrepid reporter, Louise Milligan, called me a “conspiracy theorist”. I had published an article about the embedded radical (#MeToo) feminism in the Victorian justice system and the “fembots” involved in the Get Pell campaign.
THE witch-hunt against Attorney-General Christian Porter is far more sinister than it initially would seem. It comes from a clandestine politically correct operation soaking up taxpayer-funded resources for a range of political campaigns from a shady, out-of-control ABC fiefdom.
OUR most immediate and now well understood threat is from China. Yet people think an attack can’t happen, which was the mindset about Japan before Pearl Harbour. America saved Australia from being invaded and subjugated, and from large portions of our populace from being raped. The Russians raped two million Germans in 1945, about 200,000 of whom subsequently suicided.
WHEN a commercial media outlet engages in a serious and unacceptable breach of ethical standards, the solution is simple. Turn it off or don’t read it. Where this is a public broadcaster, reforming its governance, even questioning its very existence, must follow. Above all, such a broadcaster must never engage with an alien foreign power to abuse the prestige and authority entrusted to it.
THE ABC has been accused of supporting Marxist ideology – aimed at turning Australians against each other – as it sides with extremists’ demands to topple national statues. In a lopsided piece appearing on its public-funded on-line service, the ABC this week argued the case for removing statues of prime ministers, monarchs and white settlers.
WITH race-inspired riots spreading from the US to the UK this week, it appears Australian elites are hoping to whip up violent discontent in Australia as well.
Dean of Melbourne-based Swinburne University Law School Prof Mirko Bagaric today claimed Australia had “even worse levels of discrimination in our system” than the US.
IT TOOK no more than a tweet from Chief Justice, Susan Kiefel, to deliver a massive defeat for the ‘guilt by accusation’ brigade who had so undermined the rule of law.
A unanimous seven justice ruling has restored that ancient and fundamental principle that the Crown must prove a criminal accusation beyond reasonable doubt.
VICTORIA Labor Premier Daniel Andrews lifted two fingers to Australia’s highest court this week after it released imprisoned cardinal George Pell, ruling he had been wrongfully convicted.
Andrews, who wears the permanent face of a scolded infant, wrote “I believe every single victim and survivor of child sex abuse” in a pointed social media swipe at the High Court’s unanimous decision.
AFTER being publicly heckled by a partisan ABC audience in Canberra last month, Senator Jim Molan will be hoping for a warmer reception when he speaks at a Sydney conservative event next week. The former army Major General will be launching a…