Virus used to strong-arm nation into submission

Virus used to strong-arm nation into submission

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HOW long will Australians tolerate politicians abusing their powers, while under-performing in so many areas under their responsibility, such as education? We live under a constitution based on the eternal rule that power tends to corrupt. An increasing number of Australians suspect the Wuhan virus is being used to create fear and thus an acceptance of draconian solutions used to win elections and even to maintain opinion polling ratings.

Reckless States eating Australia’s lunch

Reckless States eating Australia’s lunch

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OUR founding fathers when debating the union of the separate colonies on the great southern continent into one country, had one major concern.
That concern dominated discussions and constitutional debates like no other. The concern was this: how to ensure that the newly formed central government did not overwhelm the autonomy of the States to govern citizens within their own borders.