Smug premiers wear badge of communism
On : - -AUTHORITARIANS suppressing their citizens while refusing to reveal facts & advice is the badge of communist regimes, not a parliamentary democracy…
AUTHORITARIANS suppressing their citizens while refusing to reveal facts & advice is the badge of communist regimes, not a parliamentary democracy…
THERE are two clues for those who believe a conspiracy exists behind the creation of the COVID State. One is the “they know they’re lying” argument that suggest that even if the politicians don’t fully realise that the Wuhan virus is not a global threat, their public health advisers surely do.
AS THE dictatorship was intensified over NSW, the provisions of new decrees were announced as if they were binding, even before Minister Hazzard had gazetted them. Like the East German Stasi, the NSW police are, with the Premier’s blessing, building up an army of informers.
THE current NSW lockdown has less to do with protecting us than protecting the politicians from the people’s wrath over their manifest incompetence. Everyday on which the Marxist-manufactured Wuhan virus is allowed to dominate our life, the closer we lurch towards dictatorship, with reports the police are already harassing law-abiders relaxing by the beach.
THE Deep State of NSW is getting deeper by the day. And it seems those in power are not even trying to hide it. In what should now be called the COVID State – new number plates are clearly needed between the Murray and the Tweed – the political class is tightening the screws and turning up the dial.
WATERED down laws dealing with drug use – along with the threat of a new carbon tax – lie in store for NSW citizens if senior members of its Coalition government have their way.With NSW debt skyrocketing and its AAA credit rating downgraded this week, the Berejiklian government appears side tracked with implementing Greens Party policy.
Australians have been outraged to see the elites — prime minister, premiers and police chiefs — support a right to protest about an event far away and beyond our control as an exception from their recession-making lockdown.
The result was an authorised communist-led demonstration through peak-hour Sydney followed by a second one a few days later.
IN A previous post, I took the NSW Government to task for playing silly buggers when it instituted a criminal enquiry into the Ruby Princess debacle. The announcement of a general enquiry put my concerns to rest, but only temporarily. It is extremely disappointing that they are still at it, muddying the waters to shield the decision-makers.
THE proportion of homosexual men contracting HIV has risen every year since the Berejiklian government controversially scrapped mandatory disclosure laws.
The changes allow HIV-infected people to “legally hide” their condition from sexual partners and paying clients.
PREMIER Gladys Berejiklian has been much harsher on the people of NSW than she’s ever been towards her own government ministers.
While her citizens are groaning under the strictest police over-sight since Governor Phillip, her underperforming colleagues appear to be exempted from both scrutiny and consequence.