Gladys: Slightly Left but dominated by radicals

Gladys: Slightly Left but dominated by radicals

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THE mild mannered and oddly admired Premier of NSW leads a dangerously radical government, driven by Leftist factional players and behind-the-scenes power brokers who most voters have never heard of. Indeed, many Party members may well have never heard of them. And, apparently, very few NSW citizens either recognise the radical agenda of the government nor care about it. What these people are up to and how they have gotten away with it is a story for the ages.

Libs played for suckers in climate wars

Libs played for suckers in climate wars

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BY FULLY buying into Kevin Rudd’s “great moral challenge” scare, the Liberal Party has become increasingly sidelined as a radical green movement – while Labor pivots away from extreme environmentalism. With Liberals, particularly in NSW and WA, squabbling over how fast they can eliminate baseload power – alienating millions of voters while doing so – Labor has outwitted them, throwing its support behind traditional energy.

Millions abandon ‘fake’ Liberal Party

Millions abandon ‘fake’ Liberal Party

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THE mood among Liberal Party supporters is darkening as the Party continues its hard lurch to the Left, shedding millions of voters as it does. From this month’s Western Australia debacle – where a radical Liberal opposition was all but wiped out – to recent big losses in Queensland, the Northern Territory and a minority government in Tasmania, there’s little joy among centre-right conservatives.