‘Stop filling our heads with absolute rubbish!’

‘Stop filling our heads with absolute rubbish!’

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LIBERAL governments have been so overrun by activist MPs they’re incapable of protecting Australian children from “abusive” indoctrination. Critical race theory, gender fluidity, climate alarmism and renewables propaganda is now awash through Australian education, government departments and corporations while current-crop Liberal parliamentarians either cheer – or stay fearfully silent.

Pro-China MP’s loathing of whites & Jews

Pro-China MP’s loathing of whites & Jews

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THE suspended Labor MP currently under ASIO investigation has described white Australians as “obsolete scum”, banned Jews from public meetings and encouraged the overthrow of Western society.
Lebanese-born NSW politician Shaoquett Moselmane, who had his offices, car and home raided by Australia’s top spy agency on Friday, is being investigated for close links to the Chinese Communist Party.