Australians too divided for Indo-Pacific conflict

Australians too divided for Indo-Pacific conflict

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FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott has raised concerns about Australia’s deteriorating strategic situation saying the nation’s economy is not as strong as it should be nor its citizens as united as they need to be. In his third and final interview with the Institute of Public Affairs on Thursday, Mr Abbott spoke about his current unease and outlined what needed to be addressed as Australia faced uncertain times.

We’re not in this together, we never were – Abbott

We’re not in this together, we never were – Abbott

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FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott has revealed his frustration at the mindless suggestion that Australians were sharing the pain of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic.
In a wide ranging interview with the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) published last Wednesday, Mr Abbott made it clear that the “doing class” – and not the “talking class” – had worn the brunt of the crisis.

Does anyone care about debt anymore?

Does anyone care about debt anymore?

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WHEN Tony Abbott’s government came to power just seven years ago, it promised to have Australia live within its means, to get back into the black, to free our children and grandchildren from the coming burden of massive debt.
It was a fear campaign with relevance to those who had worked, scrimped and saved. That debt – then around $175b – was promoted as a significant threat to Australia’s future generations, and when the Labor Government was thrashed in the election, it seemed that most voters must have shared the view.