by DAVID FLINT – LIKELY to attract more fraud than ever, it’s too early to predict the results of the 2022 federal election.
A hung parliament is possible, one where the House could at least function more as intended and less as a rubber stamp.
- Cleaning up voter fraud should, for obvious reasons, be a Coalition priority.
- But, Labor claims this would disadvantage the indigenous.
- This is insulting. Indigenous citizens use govt services as much as anyone else.
Meanwhile, in the week following the dissolution of the House, there will be, as usual, a tsunami of unchecked fake enrolments.
As I’ve earlier demonstrated, these will be a source of greater fraud than even multiple voting and voting in other names, including the dead.
Cleaning up voter fraud should, for obvious reasons, be a Coalition priority. Inexplicably, it rarely is.
But under pressure from Pauline Hanson, the Morrison government introduced a voter ID bill, but only in the October 2021 session, far too late.
Labor claims this would disadvantage the indigenous. This is insulting.
The indigenous drive, bank and use health and government services as much as anybody else.
Incidentally, asked who the fraudsters are, I say I suspect the Russians. I am considering a GoFundMe campaign to have Mr Christopher Steel write a dossier. I intend to seek advice from Mrs Clinton and the New York Times.
Normally, fake enrolment campaigns are targeted to win or to hold marginal seats, seats where the winning party receives less than 56 per cent of the two-Party preferred vote.
The Coalition holds eight, Labor is more vulnerable, with sixteen.
Of the Coalition’s, three are ultra-marginal, those where they received less than 52 per cent 2pp. Labor holds eight.
The overall state of the parties in the 151-member House is that with the WA Liberal seat of Stirling abolished and a new notionally Labor Victorian seat of Hawke, the Coalition is defending 76 seats and Labor 69. If neither wins 76 seats, there will be a hung Parliament.
Of the remaining seats, independents hold Indi, Warringah and Clark; Greens hold Melbourne; Katter Australia holds Kennedy and Centre Alliance holds Mayo.
If they hold their seats, in a hung parliament, I believe four or five are more likely to support a Labor government and only one the Coalition.
There is a new factor which significantly increases the incentive for fraud.
This is because nine more Coalition seats have been targetted by well-funded global warmist “independents”, carbon copies of Warringah’s Zali Steggall, who all pose, I believe unconvincingly, as disaffected Liberals.
They could win some seats or, through preferences, pass them over to Labor. In my view, they are more likely to support Labor in a hung parliament
The seats in issue are Wentworth, Mackellar, North Sydney and Hughes in Sydney, Kooyong, Goldstein and Flinders in Melbourne, Hume in country NSW and Nicholls in country Victoria.
Apart from fraud, the Coalition has to cope with biased media.
Again, the Morrison government has itself to blame not only for thinking that appointing Ms Buttrose would solve anything, but for so obsequiously crawling to the ABC over funding.
Although the media is not as almost totally biased as it was during the republican referendum, a good tranche of the mainstream media currently sees it as their duty to protect Anthony Albanese from his quite disgraceful and hypocritical refusal to entertain an inquiry into the bullying of the late senator Kimberly Kitching or to speak to the real media about this.
But with Morrison, every real or imagined failing makes headlines.
And now Ms Nikki Savva, key to the campaign to replace Tony Abbott with Malcolm Turnbull, claims that the departed senator Kimberley Kitching “had trust issues”, the implication being this obviously cancels the need for any inquiry.
The strategy is that with media silence, this will blow over.
In the meantime, any media outlet worth its name would ensure voters know which Party each independent candidate will support to form a government in the event of a hung parliament.
The last thing the nation wants is a repeat of a Rob Oakeshott taking almost half an hour to tell us he would support Labor.
As for the polls, this column explained in detail before the 2019 election why they were probably all wrong.
Better than modelling which is always wrong, polls can sometimes be right.
Particularly, but not only, because of the advent of global warmist “independents”, this will be difficult.
National swings and therefore national polls will probably be less relevant. But with the need for seat polls comes the danger of push polling which has already emerged.
Apart from independents, it is possible that the “freedom Parties”, UAP, One Nation and the Liberal Democrats will attract a good number of votes, even penetrating the House.
In a hung parliament, there is an outside chance that the election could return not just another rubber stamp House but rather the real lower house that the House of Commons still is and our founders intended.
As Alfred Deakin argued to South Australian prime minister Charles Kingston at the 1891 Constitutional Convention, when Kingston revealed a detailed proposal for citizen-initiated referenda to control the politicians, such control would equally be attainable through responsible government, that is the government being truly responsible to the House.
This was how our parliamentary system operated before the emergence of the two-Party system made authoritarian through the caucus rule imposing expulsion for disobedience.
With a similar practice applying in the coalition, Craig Kelly was forced out of the Liberal Party.
With more MPs from minor Parties, the House could become truly representative.PC
George Christensen sinks boot into Liberals and Nationals
Excerpt >
However, I fear, with the damage the Morrison Liberal National Government has done to itself on a range of fronts (but most notably on the issue of not acting against vaccine mandates), that we are facing an Albanese Labor Government running the country for the next three years at the very least.
What will that look like? Well, think Dan Andrews as Prime Minister. If you don’t think that’s possible, consider the COVID restrictions that Labor have put on journalists who want to join Albanese on the campaign trail, as reported by The Daily Mail:
Any journalist who wants to travel on the Albanese bus must be triple vaccinated, wear an N95 mask most of the time, and take a rapid antigen test every three days.
It gives you an idea of the kind of things Labor thinks it is reasonable to impose upon the Australian public.
Make no mistake, I fear that the election of a Labor government will be the culmination of every woke and anti-freedom agenda you can think of, but I don’t believe we are going to be able to stop it. I hope I am wrong.
Anyway, in preparation for an incoming Labor government, I feel it is the make-up of the Australian Senate that is going to be pivotal for our nation’s future.
Personally, I will be voting below the line in the Senate and numbering every pro-freedom party, Senator and candidate that’s on the ballot. That way we may just be able to get a Senate where the cross bench is dominated by pro-freedom parties and where the Liberal and National parties have enough decent pro-freedom members left among them.
If we can get this outcome, then the Senate can act like the proverbial Dutch boy with his finger in the dike, holding back all sorts of bad laws from inflicting themselves on you, me, our families and our nation.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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UK Vaccine Crime Investigation
Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court
Pfizer/FDA Data Release after Court Case forced the FDA and Pfizer to release the data on Injuries and deaths which Pfizer calls “Post Marketing Experience”.
On top of all the others >
Update – A jawdropping 769 athletes collapsed competing past year average age players suffering cardiac arrest just 23 years of age
Blind spot? Cleaning up voter fraud?
Hands up anyone who remembers or has learned anything since being plunged into today’s ever-greened supra-national dictatorship taking root here and around the world.
After an orgy of premeditated fear and propaganda, Australia’s long established globalist-compliant corporatised institutions came out of the shadows two years ago for all who cared to see.
Covid-Safe’s New Normal officially replaced the Old Normal with the formation of National Cabinet in April 2020. Scott Morrison told us there was no going back.
This was the harbinger of Safety-ism and today’s dystopian pandemic orthodoxy that smothers anything that stands in its way here and abroad — a masked revolution that mandates “Safety” over all other realities and self-evident truths.
Yet the masses deserting the major parties (along with those taking refuge in MSM news and entertainment) still can’t spot that the Great Reset now has us all poised to drop into the New World Order. Or, more likely, unprecedented chaos.
Voting for treasonous corporate governments who’ve thrown away national constitutions to collapse economies and depopulate the world is how delusional Western elites are Building Back Better. Compulsory mRNA “chimera” vaccines will mediate a new populace of transhumans with animal components in their DNA . Both the World Economic Forum, with its Young Globalist Leaders now in Cabinets around the world, and Biden/Obama’s/US deep state military-industral complex are onboard with this.
Surrendering our cash, property, freedoms, minds and bodily integrity is how we’re already paying for this UN/WEF/Corporate Stakeholder utopia where the jabbed will own nothing and be happy.
The current election process now underway in France , the yet to explode impact on the US petro-dollar via Russia’s rouble-fortifiying terms of trade for the woke but energy-starved EU, and reinvigorated rumblings from nationalist-inclined governments in Hungary and Poland who value their constitutions and sovereignty should alert all concerned Australians to what’s at stake.
Bit of a geopolitical mouthful but worth thinking about.
As usual a thought-provoking article Professor Flint!
The cabal of fake ‘Climate 200’ NON-Independents is being funded by Simon Holmes a Court to run in seats held by key Liberal M.Ps; they are not challenging any of the supremely incompetent incumbents of Labor-held seats.
To me this seems to smack of sheer illegality and insidious back-door politics! I watched PETA CREDLIN’S Documentry, ‘The Campaign Uncovered’ tonight on Sky in which she also expertly disclosed the tactics and tricks used in political campaigns. This revealing doco will be aired again on Friday night 8/4.
Our Liberal, extremely superior Government is being swamped by the monstrous weaseling and slurring dreamed up by the paid lackeys of Labor, the Greens, the trade unions, Get Up and now this cabal of well-funded, inexperienced, wanna-be lollie-pollies.
They drone on, emitting complete bunkum that is the odious ordure put forward as the ‘climate-change’ emergency and none, especially Albanese himself, have any of the wisdom or experience to tackle the REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUES OF THIS DAY AND AGE, OUR ECONOMY AND OUR SECURITY.
At present our ECONOMY is steaming ahead with Freidenberg in charge, but with Labor it would stagnate and stultify with inflation rampant and higher taxes being imposed on all.
Our SECURITY is paramount with very serious threats from China, Russia and Iran looming like dark storm clouds on our horizon. Our strong, wise Defence Minister Dutton is awake and aware, doing his job superbly.
I do hope that somehow, in our coming election, we will be able to avoid the monstrous VOTER FRAUD which was proven to have occurred in the last U.S. election!
Voter fraud closer to home, in the Australian Federal Election 2019 as well.
Let us hope we can avoid what happened in the US, Jennifer.
But at least there, electoral regulation is still state-based. We have the disadvantage that from the beginning our founders centralised ours.
Fraud, I fear, is easier to perpetrate here.