Planet of the Hoax: Greens betrayed by heroes

THE environmental movement has been sold-out by its leaders according to activist film-maker Michael Moore. 

Well-meaning people, he says, have been tricked and their good intentions traded with wealthy industrialists. 

In his latest documentary, Planet of the Humans, Moore outlines the hoax of green energy and demonstrates how it is causing massively more environmental harm than fossil fuels alone. 

The movie, which had almost six million YouTube viewers in its opening week, is an exposé of the utter betrayal of “tree-huggers” by their leaders and the soulless exploitation of their life-long cause. 


Green heroes such as Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Michael Bloomberg and Van Jones had their masks pulled off by Moore – and it was ugly.

“Renewable energy relies upon the most toxic and industrialised processes we have ever created,” one of the documentary’s scientific and engineering academics, Dr Ozzie Zehner, states.

“It’s an illusion that renewables are replacing coal or any fossil fuel … well-meaning people are being misled.”

The documentary runs for 100 minutes (see bottom of page).

It’s worth watching in full, however if time is short, Politicom has condensed the best bits into about 14 minutes.PC

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Activist film-maker Michael Moore. (courtesy The New York Post)

1. Solar festival on the grid

Video skip time: 6:58

“What better place to check out how our renewable energy revolution is coming along than a solar festival in the green mountain State of Vermont powered by 100 per cent solar energy…

“But then a little rain began to fall … so they wound up plugging into the electrical grid.”


2. Electric cars powered by 95% coal

Video skip time: 12:40

General Motors: Everybody thought we killed the electrical vehicle – no we didn’t, it’s alive and well.

Journalist: What’s charging the batteries right now?

Power company: Our grid is about 95 per cent coal … we’re talking about charging these up at night so there won’t be any solar.

3. Solar power only for show

Video skip time: 15:40

Power company: [With this football field size solar array] we can meet the energy requirements for 10 homes over a year.

Journalist: Will that be an incentive to put more solar on?

Power company: To make all the energy required for the city you’d have a solar array three miles by five miles. We’re not going to do that.

4. Wind power underwritten by fossils

Video skip time: 18:3O

“The thing is you’ve got to have a fossil fuel power plant backing it up and idling 100 per cent of the time because if you cycle up or cycle down as the demand on the wind comes through, then you actually generate a bigger carbon footprint than if you just ran it straight…

“Let’s just say the wind stopped right now, just stopped for an hour you’ve got to have that power.”

5. Renewables replace nothing

Video skip time: 24:25

“One of the most dangerous things right now is the illusion that alternative technologies like wind and solar are somehow different from fossil fuels…

“It’s an illusion that renewables are replacing coal or any fossil fuel … well-meaning people are being misled.”

6. Corporate virtue signalling

Video skip time: 35:21

“Apple claims to be 100 per cent renewable…

“And they did chop down a forest to put up solar panels near their North Carolina plant but they didn’t disconnect from the grid, because they can’t.

“Energy hungry companies like Apple can never go entirely off the grid.”

7. Green & fossil energy are one and the same

Video skip time: 43:16

“So after all the mining, the fossil fuels, the toxins, the environmental destruction, here’s what happens next … these giant solar and wind technology installations may last only a few decades and then we tear it down and start all over again, if there’s enough planet left.

“It was becoming clear that what we have been calling green renewable energy, and industrial civilisation, are one and the same.”

8. Bankers, industrialists & enviro leaders cash in

Video skip time: 48.41

“So why are bankers, industrialists and environmental leaders only focussed on the narrow solution of green technology? Is it the profit motive?

“And why for most of my life have I fallen for the illusion that green energy would save us?”

9. Dealing with the devil

Video skip time: 1.05:52

“I found only one environmental leader willing to reject biomass and biofuels…”

“Her honesty was refreshing. But as for the rest of them, I wondered, what are they hiding?

“And why are they hiding it? … What if they have made some sort of deal they shouldn’t have and are leading us all off the cliff?”

10. The take-over is complete

Video skip time: 1.22:53

“You might ask yourself: how can men destroy what remains of nature to enrich themselves? Well that’s why they’re billionaires – and you’re not.

“The take-over of the environmental movement by capitalism is now complete. Environmentalists are no longer resisting those with a profit motive but collaborating with them.”

11. The cover-up

Video skip time: 1.24:40 leader “shifty” Bill McKibben.

Journalist: How is funded? leader: Ah, well not very well.

Journalist: Who are your funders? leader: To the degree that we have any money at all it has come from a few foundations.

Journalist: Which ones? leader: Ahhh, lets see, the ah, I’m trying to think who the biggest, ah funders are. Ahhh, nnn, ah there’s a foundation in, ahh, based in Sweden, ah, called, I think it’s called the Rasmussen Foundation, that I think has been the biggest funder.

Journalist: So you don’t get money from Pew or Rockefeller or any of those big foundations? leader: No we did, Rockefeller’s brother’s fund gave us some money right when we were starting out. That’s been useful to us.

Journalist: But they no longer fund you? leader: Ah, I don’t know. I don’t have that sort of…

Journalist: Haaa, really! That’s usually something people know. leader: Rockefeller has been one of the…, has been a great ally in this fight.

Full Movie: Planet of the Humans

4 thoughts on “Planet of the Hoax: Greens betrayed by heroes

  1. Time to wake up Matt Kean. It’s OK for a 16 year-old Swedish dupe, but we expect better of a state minister.

  2. The documentary is long (100 minutes), but in these times of isolation you should find time to digest this very important information at a time convenient for you.
    It does expose a lot of hypocrisy (especially Al Gore) and many leading lights and environmental luminaries are interviewed (along with many scientists) and you can see that they have feet in both camps. Exposed are the solar and wind renewable industries which are in virtually all cases backed up with fossil fuel energy. You witness the lies of Earth Day concerts with the promoters touting their events are powered by solar panels, when in fact they are powered by diesel fuel generators. They make these admissions in interviews behind the scenes. Tesla, Apple, Sierra Foundation and too many others (Elon Musk etc) all have a say.
    They are in it for the money predominantly, because this is the new area were SUBSIDISED FUNDING ABOUNDS, and of course these renewable companies are registered in Cayman Islands etc (tax havens)—such is the sincerity of these profiteers.
    Biomass/Biofuels get a big mention as sustainable renewables whilst at the same time causing more pollution than fossil fuel energy. The damage to the world forests is immense and backed by the same environmental profiteers and universities.
    Mainly, the use of renewables is almost always backed up with fossil fuels (just in case), and in this context the usage of fossil fuels increases as a result of supporting renewable energy.
    The Lithium producers for batteries (mainly Africa) paints a dangerous situation for the children used to gather the product.
    The main theme re saving the planet is to control our exploding population with its incessant appetite for consumption of resources!
    View to the very end—when the screen credits are going up!

  3. Only an honest look at the failure of renewables could’ve gained traction by an activist from the “left” like Michael Moore, well done and respect for such honesty! A shame the tax payer funded national broadcaster ABC is not so honest.

  4. Climate change was too slow for the lefts radical agenda to shut down the economy and make as all dependent on government handouts until we send the country broke.
    Wait up…………

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