by PAUL COLLITS – TRY this quick quiz, or ask the next person in the street you bump into – what do the following people have in common?
Natasha Fyles. Roger Cook. Jeremy Rockliff. Andrew Barr. Peter Malinauskas. If you guessed right – or indeed knew the answer – they are all Australian Premiers or Chief Ministers, congratulations.
- What a complete pack of bullshit we were fed.
- The medical community, doctors and academic scientists should be held to account.
- They knew they were lying.
But, I’m guessing you’re among a tiny minority.
Try another quiz. What do these people have in common? Scott Morrison. Gladys Berejiklian. Dominic Perrottet. Greg Hunt. Brad Hazzard. Michel Gunner. Mark McGowan. Stephen Marshall. Peter Gutwein. John Skerritt. Brendan Murphy. Boris Johnson. Jacinda Ardern.
This one is a little easier, I suspect. Yes, they are all Covid tyrants who have since – in many cases rather suddenly and without convincing explanation – resigned or have been forced out in other ways. In at least a couple of cases, they were pushed by colleagues, or were removed from office by their electorate. But mostly, they just upped and left all by themselves.
The latest departure occurred last month. For an assessment of the Western Australian departee, Mark McGowan, Rebekah Barnett suggests: “Saviour or tyrant? The pandemic brought out Premier Mark McGowan’s true colours.”
One might speculate as to the reasons for their departures. Mostly they leave to “spend more time with their families”.
One observer, following Mark McGowan’s departure from the premiership of Western Australia, saw the irony in one who denied so many family members the right to see one another during his maniacal COVID lockdowns – leaving to spend time with his own family.
At least two, McGowan and Ardern, have cited exhaustion. I’m not sure that politicians’ stamina has declined or that the pressures of the job have increased that much to render this explanation believable.
Certainly, there has been a massive increase in political departures mid-term over the past decade.
This effectively denies the electorate a chance to decide who governs us, and is, therefore, inherently anti-democratic. Very few Australian leaders these days are actually given the opportunity, or relish the opportunity, to face the people.
Think Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Brendan Nelson, Julia Gillard, Barry O’Farrell, Mike Baird, Jodi McKay, Morris Iemma, Bob Carr, Nathan Rees – these are merely the NSW and Australian Commonwealth examples over the past decade or so – as well as the others mentioned above.
I guess that if COVID proved anything, it was that the political class doesn’t give a rat’s about the voters and their rights. They got rid of parliaments, for one.
They created a new form of governance (national cabinet) out of nothing, without anyone agreeing to it. They handed over decision-making to unelected public health tsars.
(The outgoing WA premier recently suggested, bizarrely, that National Cabinet should decamp to China for one of its meetings).
Those remaining in place in Australia include Daniel Andrews and the unspellable Queenslander. They haven’t any shame whatsoever.
I am not the only one to notice this. Craig Kelly has raised it.
Then there is this headline from Politico: “Out of office: The politicians and advisers who have left their posts due to coronavirus. The pandemic has not been good for political job security.”
Sadly, though, none of those departing have been properly held to account for their crimes. Rather, they have tip-toed away from the scene, hoping that few will notice.
Arguably, Boris Johnson was forced out over a COVID crime, but not the right COVID crime.
Politico names names, but again, most who lost their (European) jobs did so for breaching lockdown rules or because their death numbers were rising too fast for their colleagues or leaders.
Not for their crimes of imposing unjustified lockdowns and vaccine mandates, nor for causing the deaths of many either through sanctioning end of life drugs or denying patients proper treatments.
For those volunteering to go, one might speculate as to their reasons. Could it be growing unease, even the clenching of buttocks, at the avalanche of revelations about the COVID-era of policy, and the “c” word? Culpability.
The emerging picture of lies, blunders, fatal missteps, cover-ups, subservience to globalist pressures and brutality ain’t pretty.
And you can only hold your fingers in the dyke for so long. Truth will out. Perhaps one or more of the following recent developments might have been weighing them down:
An Israeli study, released following a Freedom of Information request, revealed that literally no one under 50 and in good prior health died from COVID. Not one.
One recently released 2020 study showed that COVID was transmitted via asymptomatic people in a mere four per cent of transmissions. Confirming the repeated claims of health experts such as Peter McCullough, Paul Alexander, Scott Atlas and Mike Yeadon.
Dr Peter McCullough noted in July 2021:
- Virus doesn’t spread asymptomatically.
- Stop testing asymptomatic people.
- Natural immunity is robust & durable.
- COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.
- Vax is obsolete & unsafe for human use.
Then we have Paul Alexander: “Asymptomatic transmission study in 2020 out of China using a sample of 10 million people, showed that asymptomatic transmission for this COVID virus was a lie! Fauci et al. all knew it! No cases.
“Three hundred asymptomatic cases…There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases.”
Bottom line: This was one of the early studies, seminal, showing that asymptomatic transmission was really non-existent and rare if at all, for this pathogen.
Global health experts (including the CDC, FDA, NIH and PHAC etc) knew this, yet moved to scare the public with transmission lies. This was to force lockdowns and coerce you to taking the fraud injection.
Alexander also refers to a study by Madewell et al in 2020: “Household secondary attack rate in asymptomatic persons was 0.7 per cent and included zero per cent, so basically none!
“Fifty four studies were included in the review, totaling nearly 80,000 people. Yet this study was swept under the rug, covered up, not reported. Note the date. Yet they had you running around like a headless chicken thinking you were well, perfect, no symptoms, even testing negative, yet you ‘could’ still be infected and spreading.
“What a complete pack of bullshit we were fed and people bought it. I wrote about this study and others very early on. The medical community and doctors and academic scientists should be held to account. They knew they were lying.”
These studies and emergent facts can easily be linked to strategic lies told in 2020 and 2021 by politicians, their acolytes, their clueless teenage advisers and the “experts”. The ones now scurrying from the crime scene.
This is a mere tiny selection among the masses of emergent facts about COVID management that show the policy paths chosen by just about every government to have been negligent and ill-informed at best, and criminally culpable at worst.
They are aware of the evidence. They are either ignoring it or covering it up. But they are also resigning in droves. A telling correlation.
As I have suggested previously, all sorts of COVID chickens are coming home to roost.
When the science is formally accepted by the powers-that-be – and the pandemic emperors have been shown to be without clothes or credibility, it will probably be too late.
But if the science doesn’t convince the political class – and it clearly hasn’t to date – perhaps other things will.
Things closer to the bone. Like class actions on behalf of the vaccine injured, such as the one driven by Melissa McCann.
Dr McCann has been named the “litigation funder” for a 654-page case filed in the Federal Court of Australia in May.
Half a million Australians turned up at Parliament House in Canberra in February 2022 to protest COVID policy and its attacks on freedom – and it didn’t even make the papers.
No politician even bothered to make a statement about the visceral anger at their very door step. Scott Morrison mumbled something or other.
In any case, by the time all of the roosting chickens have arrived, there won’t be any of them left at all to face the Nuremberg music.
They will, all of them, have simply left the building. Onwards to their awaiting globalist sinecures, visiting professorships, company board directorships and the rest of the COVID perquisites. For services rendered.PC
Another mystery the ruling class is hiding:The exact process by which Ivermecton was banned.
Who were the bureaucrats involved, their backgrounds, names of the big pharma lobbyists dealing with those bureaucrats and their interaction with the executive branch.
Answers there would be a beginning.