WHEN new wallpaper first goes up it makes an impression. You look at it, study the patterns and colour, have an opinion about it. It’s new, exciting and brings something else into your life.
But once it has been up for some months, unchanged, its attractiveness fades, you gradually become bored, you don’t even notice it … and eventually you change it for something new.
Which brings me to the daily media appearances of Premiers Dan, Gladys and Annastacia, and, to a lesser but some extent, our Prime Minister.
After a while, if they present from the same place, with similar words, day after day, they become like wallpaper.
When Premier Dan first took to the national podium he was interesting, open-neck shirt, tall, glasses, grasping either side of the lectern and sporting rather large ears. And we looked and we listened. He was news and he was the go-to man.
But his security guards let him down (who could have seen that coming?) and suddenly we had a second wave, brought to you by Dan. He pushed difficult answers out to an enquiry, his credibility slipped dramatically and the shine went off his appearance. But worse, his attitude, tone, look and daily messages didn’t change much either. There were questions that he avoided, perhaps believing that the viewers are stupid enough to fall for that. They aren’t.
Then his bureaucrats started leaking the COVID-19 numbers 30 minutes before each of his press conferences. So his last hope – his news value – plummeted.
And we became bored. The look was the same, the messages very similar, the lack of sincerity obvious. Dan was wallpaper. Dan was flock.
And it’s not only the Victorian Premier who’s suffering. Every other State leader and the PM have done so many daily public conferences they are also wallpaper.
It can be fixed. The Prime Minister did his one-on-one interview on A Current Affair and showed that if you change the look and talk to individuals rather than an amorphous mass, you become interesting again. He brought with him the reassurance and calmness that the country needs. He answered every question, avoided none.
Ah, we thought, change! But then less than 24 hours later he was back at his lectern reverting to daily form. Boring!
The PM should consider changing the look and feel of his appearances and Gladys should do the same. Victoria is very close to the point where Dan should shut up and bring in a new, powerful, still-credible face, a person who shows they are in charge, responsible and capable.
Finding one within the State might be tough, within his cabinet even tougher. Perhaps he should look to a military leader.PC
Ineedatightjacket Dangerous Deranged Dan and the massive corrupted system huge huge huge huge conflicts of interest with mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical industry…etc.. it’s absolutely criminal !!!! In Victoria his global health Victoria and other massive massive ties with and to big pharma and mainstream medicine etc.
The entire system is totally corrupted with massive systematic and widespread conflicts of interest ! These vile conflicts of interest are absolutely staggering and this is about really serious crimes against innocent populations being committed!
These scum politicians and mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical companies and mainstream media! Those dangerous revolving doors!! The ties relationships. Partnerships memberships between politicians/governments l big pharma l mainstream medicine l. Mainstream media NEVER NEVER NEVER are any mandates EVER !!!! To be permitted as that is REAL CRIMES. CORRUPTION CONFLICTS OF INTEREST and state and federal governments have massive ties and by these tyrannical actions of mandates and all other tyrannical actions are committing the most heinous crimes against innocent populations!
All mandates and all other tyrannical government actions must be abolished now and forever more !
HEALTH AND SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT by Gideon J Jacobs December, 2021
Conclusion: The company has complied to its obligation under the various Work Health and Safety Acts’ requirements and determined based on a risk assessment that it cannot require any employee to have a Covid-19 vaccination. It can also not discriminate against any employee based on their Covid-19 vaccination status. Any state or federal directive or mandate requiring to do so will be in contradiction to both the Queensland and Australian Work Health and Safety Acts of 2011 as well as the Australian Disability Discrimination Act 1992.”
Soon Victorians will see the need to change their State wallpaper to something eminently serviceable, smart but Conservative?
If you ever wanted to see a politician who was wallpaper, it was Malcolm Turnbull! He wasn’t even flock because flock has raised patterns and he was just flat flat flat.
Appears many Senior Health Advisors are not highly educated to hold their positions.
In other words, possibly ‘not to bright’…
Aside, due to their incompetence a few State Health Ministers should step aside.
NSW and the VIC Premier also have ‘lost the plot‘ and should also be accountable.
All the rot started in NSW, then VIC.
What a mess we are in once again..
Peta Credlin is right. Dan should swallow that giant ego and bring in the army, not to do the work but to do the strategy and the delivery. Then we might trust what we hear.
Dan apparently has a group of people that “advise” him
I suspect he seeks advice from them individually and picks the advice he “likes”
Based on the terrible track record, I think the press should publish the names of the advice group and a brief CV so the public can see that Dan is getting a balanced and competent set of advice
And given the awful mistakes that Dan has made, the group should meet often to actually AGREE the daily plan
Dan is reasonable at the figurehead stuff but has clearly overlaid too much “don’t offend our potential voters” bias
The “something that needs to change” is that advice group, its composition and its impact on Dan to keep him on the straight and narrow
The problem is everything changes so quickly, but the look, feel and words don’t
The problem is everything changes so quickly, but the look, feel and words don’t