Screenshot: Royce White/Youtube

Royce White, a former NBA player and vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, has emerged victorious in the Minnesota Republican Senate primary.

This win positions White as the GOP’s candidate to challenge incumbent Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar in the upcoming general election.


According to White’s website:

My name is Royce White. I’m a father and a patriot ready to fight for The Free People of America. I was born and raised in a working-class family here in the Twin Cities. Currently, I am a pro athlete in both basketball and mixed martial arts. Early in my career as a professional athlete, I fought against the NBA to create a mental health policy when there wasn’t one.

Our community finds itself at the center of a culture war, amongst many other forms of warfare… Spiritual, Psychological, Economic, etc. Like many communities in crisis across our country, we need leaders who will not sell out. I’m going to represent the people of Minnesota in a bigger fight for American citizenship.

Right now, we face an enemy that intends to bastardize our citizenship through an idea called globalism. We must begin to understand how the global affects the local and take a stand for God, Family, and Country. I have fought against the corporate community responsible for this globalist agenda. Send me to Washington so I can continue that fight on the Senate floor in the swamp.


Go Vote Today! The People Are Coming! This is the signal from the noise.


— Royce White (@Highway_30) August 13, 2024

White is exceptionally bright and an expert on the Democrat Party’s tyrannical hold on the black community. He is the far left’s greatest threat. An intelligent black man who sees through their lies and is not afraid to speak out.

During his opening monologue in Steve Bannon’s War Room, Royce White pointed out that 51% of black men, a majority, now support Donald Trump for president.

There is an awakening taking place in America today.

Royce White: These liberals, they’re the fascists. They want a merger of the corporation and the government. They want the Googles to become the government. They want the authority to tell you if you’re hesitant about a vaccine or if you question elections, that you lose your freedom, you lose your business, you lose your assets. These people are patently fascists. But they just tell you, don’t believe your lying eyes.

That’s who Governor Tim Walz is. Let’s get to Governor Tim Walz here. He’s so moderate. He’s got that Minnesota nice midwestern personality. Let’s talk about Tim Walz. Tim Walz is everything that’s wrong with American politics. They smile in your face. They have a way of delivering the message. That’s what they call palatable. He’s got that ‘A’ politician thing going on.

Me, I’m not a politician. In fact, I tell the truth in such a way, it’s probably to my own detriment. But Christ got crucified for saying it like it is. A lot of our other heroes throughout history have met the same fate. I’d rather take it that way than stand up and smile in people’s face and stab them in the back. That is a hallmark of communism, and Tim Walz is a Communist. There’s no doubt about it.

Now, we can talk about the strange Putting the tampons in the little boy’s bathroom, and that’s absurd. Yeah, sure. That’s a signal. That’s a signal that people have lost their minds for sure. We can talk about his role in 2020, and that’s another signal. Absolutely. We can talk about the stolen valor, and we probably should. Don’t let up on that thread, because if those allegations hold true, we are talking about a man who’s about as dishonorable as you could possibly be in our culture, in American culture.

But let’s go to the signal from the noise, the real signal, the deep signal. The deep signal is when you have an $18 billion surplus and not a single penny of it goes back to the working class citizens, you’re a Communist. When you, as a governor, have an $18 billion surplus and you find every place to allocate that money other than to give it back to the people, you are a Communist. That’s That’s who Governor Tim Walz is. That’s what Governor Tim Walz did.

He had an $18 billion, billion with a B, billion dollar surplus, and not a single penny of it went back to the people. Another signal from the noise. No, the Democrats are going to tell you, We’re going to protect all you Black folks. Under us, your lives will get better. Prosperity is right around the corner. It’s been right around the corner for 60 years. It’s right around the corner for you. Just wait. Just wait once you vote for us every 2-4 years. It’s right around the corner, Black people. It’s right there.

You can almost smell it, can’t you? If Kamala Harris gets up there with a fake Southern accent and talks like she makes homemade biscuits, it’s right around the corner for you, black people.

The post Trump Ally and Former NBA Star Royce White Secures Victory in Minnesota GOP Senate Primary appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.