by PAUL COLLITS – IT IS an unusual week when I have scarcely noticed a US presidential election.
That’s what happens when one is close to losing a child, for the second time in a year.
- Joe Biden’s influence on Trump’s victory shouldn’t be discounted or dismissed.
- Revenge is best served cold(ish).
- I didn’t know that Trump would run a flawless campaign. Who would?
This defines perspective. When one’s whole world is threatened, close to home, one can easily park ephemeral events of the political realm.
When your whole reason for being is crashing down, things like US politics take on far less significance. Climate idiocy? The same.
Even Misinformation & Disinformation (MAD) Bills that threaten our core freedoms, whose fate is, weirdly, in the hands of, well, Senate weirdos.
But we go on. We go on.
I wrote an article early in 2024 saying that Trump would not win the election.
I am happy that I was wrong. Very happy. And equally happy to re-broadcast and think again about my failed prediction.
Why was I wrong?
I thought that the cheat margin would be too great. I thought that the well-oiled Democrat machine would click into gear. It didn’t.
I thought that Trump might well be in jail. He isn’t.
I didn’t know that Trump would be shot. I didn’t know that Biden would be deposed in a palace coup. And that the DNC would come up with a fool-candidate who ran dead last in the 2020 Democrat primary and who would, so spectacularly, self-destruct – teleprompters, celebrities-on-tap and a fawning media notwithstanding.
I didn’t expect the progressives to simply have no policies and no narrative other than “Trump is Hitler and here is Beyonce”.
Oh, and Joe Biden’s influence shouldn’t be discounted or dismissed. He jumped the gun on endorsing the Kamala robot. That wasn’t the plan. Nancy Pelosi thinks Biden cost them the election.
Joe, of course, embittered and with a doubly embittered (Dr) wife, famously put on the MAGA cap, has looked happy of late and had a good initial handover meeting with Trump, noting that he thinks there will be a very easy transition. Revenge is best served cold(ish).
I didn’t know that Trump would run a flawless campaign. Who would?
I didn’t know that he would assemble a crack re-election team that would feature Vance, Kennedy, Musk, Vivek and Gabbard.
I didn’t know that the alt-media led by Joe Rogan and the rest would prove to be critical (in a good way).
I assumed that the medical industrial complex would simply arrange another pandemic that would drive mail-in balloting, and hence rampant and consequential vote harvesting.They didn’t. Mpox didn’t work. Disease X? What even was that?
I underestimated Americans’ seemingly much increased, perhaps now embedded, pandemic scepticism. The well-drilled steal campaign fell flat.
Hence, there are a few explanations for the getting the outcome wrong by a wide margin, and perhaps for some fresh reflections.
For example:
- Does the 2024 outcome show that the theory of the 2020 steal was exaggerated, or even fabricated? I think not. The mystery of the fifteen million missing Biden votes from 2020 remains – and the theory of the steal has been given fresh evidence and impetus;
- If point one is correct, did the States sufficiently rectify the problems of the ballot harvesting of 2020, against expectations?
- Did the Dimcrats just stuff up this time on the steal? Despite giving illegal immigrants voting rights and moving them to swing States.
- Bringing Bobby Kennedy on board may have persuaded enough COVID unbelievers to forgive Trump for his awful mis-judgements in 2020, like Operation Warp Speed – the military-led rushing out of what Dr Peter McCullough has described as the most dangerous substances ever to be put into human beings – and so give Trump another go;
- Did the 2020 steal prove only a once-off? Fit for purpose in 2020, but not this time. In any case, Trump beat the steal margin, this time. The word landslide has been bandied about. He won a majority of the electoral college vote, won the popular vote and cleaned up across all branches of government. These things don’t happen very often.
Every single thing went right for The Donald, this time. You make your own luck, perhaps.
On the Kennedy/COVID issue, I thought there would be more people like Ed Dowd, unforgiving of both Trump and the Party of Biden.
The honest truth is that I am angry about what we have all been subjected to.
The lies, the harassment, the censorship, the gaslighting, the weaponized banking, the government aggression, the hate.
Yeah, I am angry. I don’t deny it. And I am angry about the failure of both political Parties to even discuss what we went through with the manufactured COVID crisis.
I am angry about how they have destroyed our lives, our children’s education and our health.
Enough of the excuses for my false prediction. Next point. There are clouds on the horizon. There always are in American politics.
Their Left might be thinking that there are several ways to steal an election. This time, it might be that we don’t steal the election but we steal the second term of office.
There are many already working on this. Some goon Democrat congressman no one has ever heard of was reported as suggesting that Trump’s victory wouldn’t be certified by the Congress.
Naturally, the fact checking industrial complex denies he said it, or at least that he said it after the election.
Whether Raskin said it or not is beside the point. That it was reported came as no surprise, given what Trump’s enemies have done to stop him in the past. It was all of a piece.
Might Trump still be killed before January 20, or perhaps beyond?
Iranians are in play. Two attempts have failed. Only a fool would conclude that that phase of life is over.
The seething hatred for the man is global, visceral, supported in high international places, broad and deep. This particular win threatens many.
There are still the New York judicial plays, despite Jack Smith’s apparent intention to go.
Trump’s many enemies won’t give up. The opportunities for sabotaging the second Trump term are diminished by the results in the House of Representatives and the Senate, of course.
Despite the efforts of (God help us) Mitch McConnell in rigging the Senate Republican leader race.
The Democrats tried to sabotage the first term, with considerable success. Indictments, lawfare, race riots, COVID, impeachments.
American politics are a forever war. The losers will not be going anywhere. They may even grow some sense, one day.
As Peter Boghossian said recently: “The enemies of liberty will not go quietly into the night.”
Indeed not.
And if the anti-Trumpers fail, will Trump himself fail? This time, I think not.
He knows he buggered up governance by picking the wrong people, over and over, last time.
An American pundit recently opined that it was a good thing that Trump lost in 2020.
There is sense in this view. Four years of Biden fascism have clarified many things for American voters – and worsened the condition of the Republic in highly visible ways that now simply demand redress.
Like warmongering, turbo-charged fiscal incontinence, a tanking economy, woke gibberish, porous borders. There is apparent clarity now, Stateside.
The stakes are much higher in 2024, the focus is far greater and Trump has a far better transition team now. And an emerging first-rate Cabinet, strengthened daily as we speak.
RFK Jr for one. Elon Musk for another. Vivek for a third.
These are not only serious players, but their appointments show the priorities of the incoming administration to be clear and spot on.
Attack the Deep State and cut the administrative State. And they suggest an anti-COVID State reset.
This might just be Trump’s way of saying I was wrong on COVID. If so, this could be massive.
The convicted felon, literally Hitler narrative now looks a tad like the day before yesterday’s story, given the landslide. And the Republicans’ now holding of all three arms of government.
Some goon (John Kelly) in the campaign suggested that Trump had suggested that Hitler had done good things.
Well, he did. The Germans certainly thought so, in the thirties. Hitler’s numbers were up in the 90 per cents, up to the War.
This is fact, whatever Trump might have said or thought on the matter. Who the hell cares?
Of course, none of all this mattered. Americans recognised that their country was and is in the toilet, and that there is a way out.
The literally Hitler story came up against the core common sense of Americans, who seem to have seen the scam for what it was.
Of all people, Trump couldn’t look less like a tyrant
The Americans have had tyrants in charge for the past four years. They seem to have recognised what real tyranny looks like. The threat to democracy charge always looked like horse shit.
There comes a time when the lies told by the establishment just look silly. It was the pub-test election, if you will.
Before the election, Barack Obama’s reported assertion, expressed to Democrat operatives in a private meeting, that “this one’s in the bag”, worried me.
I thought it was a statement of confidence in the steal. I thought he knew something.
It told me that I had been right to assume that it would be a repeat of 2020. It looked good for Trump, on the night, in 2020.
Then the counting stopped, miraculously. The trucks with mail-in ballots arrived. The software was employed to effect. It all changed overnight.
More Obama BS, as it has turned out, this time. I fell for it!
It all suggests afresh that the plandemic was anti-Trump strategy last time. The 2024 election simply suggests I was right about that one, at least.
Despite the enormity of the MAGA triumph last week, there persists a strange determination among sections of the centre-Right punditocracy to distance themselves from the result and from the victor.
It presents as statements that “Trump has his faults”. Trump seems to be the only politician in history to which this test is consistently applied. Why do people say this?
No one said of Reagan that he had his faults, as a standard introduction to the man and his tenure in office. Or crooked Joe Biden, Miranda Devine’s “big guy”.
Or Obama. Or anyone else. They all had their faults. And worse. Much worse.
It has been suggested, with compelling evidence, that Richard Nixon was a wife-beater. That he was a drunk. That he was mentally unstable. That he took money from the mafia. (The author is Anthony Summers, and his book, The Arrogance of Power, is a cracker.)
They’re all faults!
All anyone ever remembers of Nixon is Watergate, a truly minor infraction in the overall scheme of things.
In any case, there is also reliable evidence that Nixon was bugged, way before Watergate, by none other than Bobby Kennedy.
Of course, Jack Kennedy might also be said to have abused his wife, if not physically, then certainly mentally, through his many non-marital sexual excursions.
It is said that he had a quickie right before the telling presidential debate in 1960.
Thomas Reeves wrote a whole book about Jack’s faults, A Question of Character.
This view was an outlier view, though, and never part of the enduring Camelot narrative.
Tell me the last time that you heard someone say, of Jack, that “he had his faults”.
Ah, Dick and Jack!
Yet, somehow, with Donald John Trump, faults matter. And we have to be forever reminded of this. Go figure.
To this, the incoming regime would probably say “whatever, who cares?”
Mr Literally Hitler, the un-killed Orange Man, is off to Washington. Again.PC
The left has become so shallow and is now completely irrelevant. They have listened to their own ‘paid for’ media publicity and have been seduced into their own spin. All thinking people know most celebrities have sold their souls for personal gain. Why would any sane politician attach themselves to such human trash?
MAD (Misinformation & Disinformation Bill) Must Go with Senator Alex Antic
Join our trio of experts Katie Ashby-Koppens with Jody Clune, founder of NERA (National Electoral Representatives Alignment), and Senator Alex Antic, on Monday 18 November at 7.00PM AEDT to unpack the proposed Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 (aka MAD Bill), and hear how Senator Antic is involved and taking action.
Mon, 18 November 2024 7pm AEDT
The World health organization (WHO) – THE WHO’S POWER GRAB
The 2024 International Health Regulations and the new Pandemic Treaty and what they will mean for YOU!
Endorse Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The Covid “Killer Vaccine”.
People Are Dying All Over the World.
It’s A Criminal Undertaking.
We Call Upon its Immediate Cancellation!
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, November 15, 2024
“[…] a repeat of 2020 […]”
You mean a *repetition* of 2020 – “repeat” is a verb, “repetition” is the noun.
Linguistic exactitude matters, as any true writer knows.
Congressional Investigation into Authors of ‘Disinformation Dozen’ Intensifies
by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
November 15, 2024
Excerpt >
The Center for Countering Digital Hate, authors of “The Disinformation Dozen,” faces a Nov. 21 deadline to provide Congress with documents related to its alleged collusion with the Biden administration and social media platforms to censor online users.
Online censorship ‘may no longer be sustainable under intensified scrutiny’
According to GreenMedInfo, CCDH’s departure from X “appears to reflect an internal recognition that their operational model — characterized by critics as a US-U.K. intelligence ‘cut-out’ facilitating unconstitutional suppression of civil liberties — may no longer be sustainable under intensified scrutiny.”
In recent months, several mainstream media outlets have corrected stories that relied upon CCDH reports claiming “The Disinformation Dozen” was responsible for up to two-thirds of vaccine-related “misinformation” online.
According to Thacker, this reflects an increasing awareness by such outlets that readers are turning their backs on such reporting.
“The outlets that promoted CCDH propaganda are being investigated by their own readers, who are fleeing in droves. Readers are voting against this type of propaganda by refusing to subscribe to these media outlets,” Thacker said.
Yet, “many outlets continue to host these demonstrably false narratives without correction,” Ji said.
According to Ji, these false narratives resulted in medical professionals fearing the loss of their licenses for expressing non-establishment views, self-censorship among scientists “to avoid career destruction,” suppression of “critical public health discussions” and the labeling of millions of posts as “misinformation.”
“This isn’t just about suppressing speech. It’s about establishing a new form of digital control that echoes the colonial-era suppression our founders fought against,” Ji said.
“CCDH has polluted political discourse by pretending there is some absolute definition of the term ‘misinformation’ and that they hold the dictionary,” Thacker said. “That’s nonsense. They spread hate and misinformation to attack perceived political enemies of the Democratic Party.”
Ji called upon Congress to investigate “The full scope of those silenced beyond the ‘Disinformation Dozen,’” the “systematic suppression of scientific debate,” “media organizations’ role in amplifying foreign influence operations” and “dark money funding networks” supporting such organizations.
Thacker said Congress should examine possible CCDH violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. “We need to also look at how much foreign money they took in and whether we as a nation are comfortable with foreign influence trying to alter the law and political discussions.”
“The fight isn’t just about correcting past wrongs or personal vindication. It’s about preserving fundamental rights to free speech and scientific inquiry in the digital age,” Ji said. “If we don’t address this systematic abuse of power, we risk surrendering the very freedoms our founders fought to establish.”
Thanks for the great article Paul (as always) and here is some more good news which we all will continue to pray for >
Trump Taps R.F. Kennedy Jr. to Lead U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
President-elect Donald J. Trump late today nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense, for secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
November 14, 2024
RFK Jr. says Bill Gates, Fauci will both be arrested under Trump
Now that Donald Trump has been reelected as president of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is ready to get to work locking up Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, and every other Big Pharma executive who conspired with the media to censor the ugly truth about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines.”
Each of these Big Pharma hacks assumed that Kamala Harris would win and sweep the whole thing under the rug. Now that Trump is about to take office a second time, many of them are running for cover.
Kennedy helped unearth evidence showing that COVID injections are bioweapons rather than honest medicine. Their purpose, among other things, was to sicken the general public while reducing the population and laying the groundwork for global medical fascism.
Gates pumped billions of dollars into the production of the Operation Warp Speed jabs, which Congress and the Trump administration paved the way for with the PREP Act. Since Gates also recently funded $50 million to the Kamala campaign, Kennedy wants him to pay.
“[Bill Gates] has been indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the COVID-19 vaccine,” Kennedy said last month. “And he’s going to have to go to trial.”
“You think that he wants to go to trial here in the United States of America? [Do] you think that’s one of the reasons he chose to give $50 million to Kamala Harris?”
Please continue >
Robert F Kennedy Jr is after Big Ag Pharma poisons with plan to Make America Healthy Again
RFK Jr. breaks down the MAHA plan to reform USDA :
“We’re going to give farmers an off-ramp from the current system that destroys their health, wrecks the soil, makes Americans sick, and destroys family farms.”
1. “We’re going to REWRITE the regulations to give smaller operators a break.”
2. “We’re going to encourage sustainable regenerative farming that can build soil and replenish aquifers.”
3. “We’re going to BAN the worst agricultural chemicals that are already prohibited in other countries, and we’re going to remove conflicts of interest from the USDA dietary panels and commissions.”
Hopefully the US chemical bans will have the same effect on Australian agriculture and lay the groundwork for a national farm soils rejuvenation mandate to replace the 200 years of essential minerals that have been mined from Australian soils.
Paul, thank-you for sharing the difficulties your family is currently experiencing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter and your family. God bless.