Is Joe Biden staying in the race? Is he dropping out of the race? Does anyone know? Heck, does Joe Biden himself even know?

The Gateway Pundit reported,

Biden’s campaign is desperately lashing out at reporters as Joe Biden convalesces at his Rehoboth Beach house.

Joe Biden was last seen in public struggling to get into his presidential motorcade after he announced he had Covid.

The damaging leaks are increasing amid rumors of an open convention.

According to a leak to NBC News, Biden’s family is discussing an exit plan for Joe Biden.

“Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions,” NBC News reported.

“The overall tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan — should Biden decide to take that step, as some of his closest allies increasingly believe he will — should put the party in the best position to beat former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office, these people said.” the outlet reported.

Biden’s team is scrambling to take control of the narrative as the media piles on.

A Biden campaign email was sent out Friday morning: “Joe Biden has made it more than clear: He’s in this race and he’s in it to win it. Moreover, he’s the presumptive nominee — there is no plan for an alternative nominee. In a few short weeks, Joe Biden will be the official nominee.”

If the oligarchs of the Democrat party actually decide to yank Joe Biden, talk about “undemocratic.” Removing the presumptive nominee in the eleventh hour hardly seems to respect the voice of the Democrat voters that cast their ballot for him during their primary. After years of lying about Biden’s mental fitness, now they don’t want to sleep in the bed they made.

This might end up one of the most interesting presidential election cycles of our lives.

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