by PAUL COLLITS – OF ALL people, it was Daniel Andrews who declared, with rare truth-telling cut-through, that the era of “COVID exceptionalism” was over.
Andrews was saying what every goon-government in the world had already decided, albeit far more surreptitiously.
- Those plotting the pandemic knew precisely how politicians would behave. And they did.
- We have finally accepted that COVID is, for most, a minor inconvenience.
- Court cases and legislatures are overturning vaccine mandates across the globe.
I am not sure who first coined the phrase “virus gonna virus”, but the heroic US dissident journalist Alex Berenson certainly gave it currency. The Atlantic (of course) labelled Berenson “COVID’s wrongest man”.
Yet, he has been one of its rightest men.
He deserves the credit for the phrase. It summed up the basic truth of virus management. Governments are poorly placed to control viruses, putting it as its kindest.
If only they had cottoned on a little earlier. We might have all been spared the worst three years of our lives.
The list of COVID State gifts to us is familiar. Lost freedoms. Crushed rights. Eliminated small businesses. Surplus deaths, without explanation and, apparently without State curiosity or remorse.
The evidence of the abrupt about-face, executed without the remotest remorse or self-awareness, is everywhere.
Now China is re-admitting international visitors. Despite the 88 million current COVID cases there, or whatever the real figure is. Who knows what the figure is. Now, who cares? We are post-COVID.
Novak Djokovic is playing tennis in Australia.
You now see about a dozen face masks in shopping malls and on trains and buses, on a good day. You can visit Bunnings and Woolies without a QR code.
At Mass, the holy water, the signs of peace, the collections, the absence of distancing, are all back. No announcements. No explanations. No regrets.
Court cases and legislatures are overturning vaccine mandates across the globe.
The godfather of Australian Chief Health Officers, Paul Kelly, says that we should admit Chinese travellers. No questions asked. Let them all in!
Borders remain open globally (except in the United States under the watch of the loony geriatrocracy still in place in Washington).
New viral strains (the kraken?) come and go, but life as sort-of normal has been restored. People are getting on with their post-pandemic lives, even as the virus is still (apparently) with us.
We have accepted that COVID is, for most, a minor inconvenience rather than a combo of the Black Death and Ebola. (I wonder just how the whole Ebola affair influenced the fear factor).
It all looks pretty silly now, that COVID exceptionalism, n’est pas?
It has been the greatest tip-toe away from policy madness and government induced hysteria in history.
In one sweeping statement of emperor-without-clothes, Daniel Andrews let the feline out of the bag. With a straight face. Without remorse or a sense of irony. And no-one says anything.
No journalist asked the obvious questions. What the hell was that all about? It has been an almighty replica of the famous James Thurber story of the day the dam broke in Ohio, where a whole town fell for the fear that they were about to be destroyed by a flood, and everyone ran. And ran. Nothing happened. Then they never spoke of it again. Literally.
The essential truth of the claim that “virus gonna virus” has come home to roost. All the evidence suggests that all the lockdowns, the social distancing, the masks, the vaccine mandates, and the rest, made not a jot of difference to outcomes. The science, this time, is in.
Overreach? Rejecting the truth of the King Canute position? Ludicrous fatal-conceit of governments, trying to further cement the idea that the State controls nature?
It is an old trick of the State to suggest that it is needed. And that all of its decrees are necessary, for our good. Read up on Machiavelli, Hobbes and Rousseau.
It is mission creep, of course, putting it as its most polite. That is what the State does.
It was the iconic, freedom-loving economist Friedrich Hayek’s phrase, the fatal conceit. He was speaking of socialism, and of his long-posited belief that governments could never know all the information held by free individuals needed to run a centrally planned State.
The COVID regime is the perfect example of the truth of Hayek’s conception of fatal conceit. This time it was lethal, for all those killed by the vaccines, killed because of lack of treatment for non-COVID illnesses, for those not granted access to banned but effective anti-virals, for those who died of mental illnesses and suicide associated with lockdowns.
Quite the list. Quite the fatal conceit.
The argument that governments could control a virus was always a myth perpetrated by clueless bureaucracies populated with millennials infected with delusions of grandeur and deeply embedded statist ideology.
That they got away with this for nearly three years is a sobering statement about the gullibility of voters. And a statement about the complicity of corrupted media and academics.
Expecting those who derided this common sense and science-backed view of viral progression to apologise to the rest of us is likely to be a step too far.
After all, who wants to admit to have been an idiot? Not just an idiot, but an idiot in pathetic, servile worship of an ideology.
An ideology in support of an international cartel of crooked corporations. The thrice boostered Barack Obama reacted to his bout of COVID with the well-rehearsed line – it is a timely reminder to get your shots. Really.
How does the idiocy of useful-goon governments fit with the emerging literature on COVID conspiracies?
Yes, it does. The idea that conspiracy theories about COVID collapse in the face of the “Hanlon’s Razor” theory – that policy can be explained by incompetence and not evil intent – fails to recognise that politicians are merely pawns offering obedience to those who are ultimately pulling the strings.
Those plotting the pandemic knew precisely how politicians would behave. And they did.
The lever-pullers knew that politicians across the globe would want to be non-Canutes, in thrall of the fatal conceit.PC
And then there is the mrna experiment side effects (I refuse to call it a vaccine)
Changes of ECG parameters after BNT162b2 vaccine in the senior high school students
763 students (17.1%) had at least one cardiac symptom after the second vaccine dose, mostly chest pain and palpitations. The depolarization and repolarization parameters (QRS duration and QT interval) decreased significantly after the vaccine with increasing heart rate. Abnormal ECGs were obtained in 51 (1.0%) of the students, of which 1 was diagnosed with mild myocarditis and another 4 were judged to have significant arrhythmia.”
“Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination
Myocarditis can be a potentially lethal complication following mRNA-based anti-SARS-COV-2 vaccination”
“Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults”
Swine flu vaccine 1 event per 100000 – vaccine withdrawn due to danger
Rotashield vaccine 1 to 2 events per 10000 – withdrawn
Covid mrna experiment recognizes 1 serious adverse event per 800 – vaccine promoted
Peer reviewed paper