CORONAVIRUS fatalities are in-line with annual flu deaths with continued claims of a pandemic being wildly exaggerated according to newly released research.
In a study presented by European clinical director Dr Martin Feeley and biochemical research engineer Ivor Cummins they demonstrate that excess mortality from COVID-19 is “not very much greater” than the excess mortality observed during the 2018 flu season.
Using the latest European data they say actual 2020 fatalities were 15+ times lower than computer modelling had predicted. [see video below]
Dr Feeley said while initial harsh measures taken by governments were “totally acceptable”, this was no longer the case given what is now known of the disease.
“COVID-19 is profoundly different from the Spanish flu, which was an indiscriminate killer that targeted the youth,” he told The Irish Times.
“Our latest experience has taught us that at-risk and vulnerable individuals are identifiable with remarkable accuracy; and protective measures and social distancing are effective.”

Chemical Engineer Ivor Cummins said the COVID-19 epidemic had ended in Europe in early June and that its resulting deaths per million GOMPERTZ Curve was remarkably similar to most flu seasons.
“In 2018, Europe had approximately 140,000 excess flu deaths from a population of 360m in the over 45-year-old demographic,” Cummins said.
“We note that 2019 had a very soft flu season, so we had a lot of people built up here who otherwise would, sadly, have passed.
“When COVID seasonally struck, there was a lot of ‘dry tinder’ is one term being used – all those age-susceptible co-morbid people still around to be hit with the Coronavirus.
“And the total for 2020 is around 180,000 fatalities. So you’ll note that it really isn’t that much different to 2018. In fact it’s lower than the year 2000.
“Generally speaking the difference is not great. Some people may say ‘but we had masks and lockdowns this year’, but they’ve been shown to have had very little impact.”
Mr Cummins used Sweden as an example of not having lockdowns, but experiencing a similar deaths per million curve as those who did.
He said the computer modelling was “catastrophically high” in its fatality estimates.
“The actual death impact is 10-15+ times lower than the modelling by Imperial College and others.
“Modelling for Sweden indicated 105,000 deaths but it ended up with less than 6000.
“This exaggerated modelling is what threw the world into turmoil.”
Dr Feeley said virus-related deaths among people aged under 65 who do not have underlying conditions are uncommon, and transmission by children while possible is also uncommon.
“The presence of a chronic illness is the all-important factor in determining a person’s COVID-19 risk,” he said.
“You can identify with amazing accuracy who is at risk, as with no other disease.”PC
Unlike many of the so-called ‘experts’ I actually am an expert on pandemic management having developed pandemic management plans for several NSW state and local government entities and public/private companies as part of my professional work in business continuity and crisis management.
This issue of lockdowns has been totally overplayed especially in Victoria and Queensland. The two Premiers in those states have created enormous harm to the people who live there and who have had their livelihoods adversely affected by these morons who are only interested in their political futures.
Yes, I agree, but with a reservation Sean and Justin.
As with most events, a huge proportion of the media, (excepting most at Sky, The Australian and The Spectator, plus some), created the usual enormous drama around the virus, scaring everyone profoundly.
I’m so glad there has not been a large death toll here in Australia, but every time I’m tempted to feel a tiny bit complacent, I remind myself that my husband and I are indeed in the ‘at risk’ category and, although this virus affects 99.7% quite mildly, I remember how concerned I felt when British Prime Minister Boris was literally fighting for his life in hospital! He’s still in his fifties!
However, we MUST live in a society which sponsors freedom of movement, thought and speech, freedom to earn a living and socialise and most importantly we MUST be treated as sensible adults, able to make our own decisions and able to protect ourselves and others.
That tends to happen when the media buys in so unquestionably. Every unrelated death it seems – even drownings and shootings – were placed in the Coronavirus column if the deceased had so much as a trace of the virus.
Madness piled on top of madness…