Voters abandon ‘deceptive’ democracy

ONE Nation’s Pauline Hanson has been forced by the Australian Electoral Commission to take down a satirical cartoon about voter fraud. 

As reported by Sky News: “The AEC has ordered Pauline Hanson to pull her popular political cartoon series from social media after it failed to abide by authorisation requirements for electoral content. 

Australia has a “managed illusion” of democracy, where, mercifully, around a third of voters seem likely to preference anyone but the ruling Lib-Lab duopoly…

“The Senator’s office on Friday received an AEC letter, obtained by, requesting all videos uploaded to Pauline Hanson’s One Nation TikTok and Youtube accounts be removed by 8am Monday.

“The letter outlines the videos, which feature caricatures of politicians and political content, ‘do not contain compliant authorisations’.


“We request that you immediately remove all videos communicating electoral matter in respect of the 2022 Federal Election which do not include authorisation particulars that meet the requirements of the Electoral Act & Authorisation Determination and notify us when you have done so,” the letter reads.

So now the Electoral Commission gives in to trolls and bullies. The One Nation leader’s real crime was to have “weaponised satire”.

The story even reached as far as Mark Steyn’s GB News program, where Alexandra Marshall noted, among other things, that the AEC had banned the unvaccinated from working for them.

I assume this includes casuals employed at election-time. Yet more discrimination. Just like unvaccinated State Emergency service workers in NSW were prevented from rescuing people in the recent floods.

Then there is the case of Topher Field, the podcaster, film maker, freedom fighter and Liberal Democrats’ top Senate candidate for Tasmania.

Field had helpfully explained through a video (with his famous marbles) the intricacies of the preferential voting system in Australia, and how those supporting what have become known as the FFMPs (freedom friendly minor Parties) might vote most effectively.

He was asked by the new “harmful misinformation” gurus at the AEC to take down the video because it was not properly authorised, even though, as Field explained, the video was made before the election campaign and before he was the endorsed candidate of anyone.

Well, perhaps someone should tell the deceptive AEC about what ScoMo’s Government has been up to during the election campaign.

Sadly, the vaccine propaganda persists, deep into the campaign, without a skerrick of proper authorisation. The latest adverts feature happy, boosted people gloating over what they can do fully jabbed.

After two years, they say, we all need a boost! Perhaps those who haven’t had a boost – thankfully nearly half of the population – and who have lost their jobs as a result might beg to differ from the inevitable, dumb, beaming millennials deployed in the adverts. The dumbest generation, as Mark Bauerlein has termed them.


(At the time of writing, only 52.5 per cent of Australian adults had been “boosted”, according to the reliable Our World in Data; the Australian Government, of course, asserts it is considerably higher than this, but still fewer than two-thirds).

Hilariously (perhaps), the Department of Health website uses the phrase “spread freedom” to describe its activities in support of mass vaccination.

This qualifies the Canberra bureaucracy for membership of the Orwellian newspeak/doublethink regime.

This is Ministry of Truth territory. Continuing as a regime of lies, on the watch of former World Economic Forum employee Greg Hunt.

Disgustingly, the same web site is proffering vaccines free to 5-11 year-olds. Part of the government’s $13m booster campaign launched in March 2022.

Ironically, the Health Department’s web site also carries the statement: “The Government is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker Conventions  pending the outcome of the 2022 federal election.

That is another outright lie.

The adverts are, indeed political, whether or not they are supported by the other major Parties. That is irrelevant.

The whole vaccine campaign, instigated globally by Bill Gates (who currently has COVID), the China-run World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum and powered by useful idiot governments and their corporate media mates.

This has been one giant psy-op to gaslight ordinary people into taking useless, unnecessary and dangerous jabs in order to save the skins of governments and line the pockets of pharma and tech billionaires. Political boosters, you might say.

The father of public relations, Edward Bernays (author in 1928 of the PR bible, appropriately called Propaganda), would be proud of this lot, as indeed would Joe Biden, what with his own freshly minted Ministry of Truth.

And we still have to endure the endless evening agitprop during an election campaign, presumably okayed by the Electoral Commission.  All while electoral minnows like Hanson and Field get picked on and picked off.


The government and its unelected public health tsars might care to note the latest international data on the efficacy of vaccines and of their dangers.

Have the vaccine spruikers heard of the forced Pfizer data dump, for example? The nine hundred pages have revealed much, about the deaths during the vaccine trials, the impacts on pregnant women, the cover-ups, the evidence of vaccine shedding, the compromised trials, the absence of proper quality control and the political deals with the US Food & Drugs Administration.

The vaccines truth teller and investigative (Leftist) journalist and author Naomi Wolf, among many others, has pursued what Pfizer knew and when it knew it.

Her headline: “This was a clinical trial that they knew by August 2021 was failing – Vaccines were not safe and effective”.

Have the vaccine tsars seen the latest Israel data? Which demonstrate that the vaccine boosters are a crock: “A population-wide study from Israel published in The New England Journal of Medicine has found that a fourth dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine ceases to have any efficacy against infection within just eight weeks…”.

Oh dear. Eight weeks! That long… For the longest time, vaccine efficacy has been shown to have gone through the floor, with most of those now who get sick from COVID (Omicron), who transmit the virus to others, who are hospitalised, and who die from it, were fully vaccinated. Sad, but true.

Have they seen the UK data on vaccine deaths? Which show 27,532 deaths following vaccination in the USA; 828 in Australia, 14,379 in Europe and 2096 in the UK.

Not reassuring numbers for the experimental drugs foisted upon an unsuspecting world that was told by global governments, including ours, that the jabs were safe and effective.

Not to mention the millions of reported adverse reactions, thought by insiders to be merely a fraction of the total vaccine-related illnesses.

Has Daniel Andrews seen these figures? In a week where the Dictator on the Yarra sacked another few hundred teachers for not having been “boosted”.


Has the NSW Minister for Education, in a State where around 10,000 teachers got the sack over the vaccine, and where classes now take place led by university students in the playground?

Has Kerry Chant? Has Brad Hazzard? Do any of these people know that Denmark has ceased its vaccine promotion program, on the grounds of safety?

In view of the latest data on booster efficacy, perhaps we should be hauling the government before the Trade Practices Commission rather than worrying about whether to report it to the AEC.

Then again, the governments of Australia have been lying about the effectiveness of the jab since even before it arrived on these shores.

The vaccine was always a political strategy of self-preservation, never a health measure of any merit.

But I did think there were rules about election adverts that were not paid for and appropriately authorised by a Party. As opposed to the government of the day. Just ask Pauline Hanson and Topher Field.


What we currently have in Australia is a “managed illusion” of democracy, where, mercifully, around one third of voters seem likely to give their first preference to anyone but the ruling Lib-Lab duopoly.

With any luck, Topher Field’s helpful marbles will encourage even more to call a halt to the COVID State and all of its dishonest progenitors, marshals and vassals.

To have endured the nauseous life-destroying rubbish we’ve been dealt over the past two years, risibly in the name of “health policy”, followed by an election campaign where none of the first order issues of long-suffering voters have been addressed by major Party politicians, is almost too much to bear.

On a brighter note, at least now we can legally leave the country.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Pauline Hanson. (courtesy The Australian)

3 thoughts on “Voters abandon ‘deceptive’ democracy

  1. We are finished unless the people awaken to what is really going on.

    ELECTION 2022

    LINK: Be warned: The World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty” will destroy all remaining freedoms and unleash a global MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP


    ie. the main DRIVER of ‘where we now stand’ with all the tyranny, mandates, is DIRECTLY due to the WHO & WEF (UN) CoVid agenda – remember this when you vote.
    DO NOT vote for Liberal/National, Labor or Greens.

    NB. Please acknowledge that this extensive effort to collate information is independent research, and unpaid work, not affiliated with any political party.

  2. The so-called freedom parties ceased to exist under Howard and Abbott. They were doomed. Not a single MP among them.
    Then, within minutes of the Turnbull coup, they breathed new life – and Morrison’s left-inspired social policies have given them upwards of 10 per cent of the electorate.

    1. I believe that you are missing the earlier history, Mr Turnbull first approached the Labor Party but apparently realised that with his legal and business background he would not be popular with Labor factions, and then he positioned himself (branch stacking) to become the candidate for the Wentworth Electorate and managed to beat the sitting MP Peter King to become the candidate, and won the seat but went close to losing it . And after that he climbed the ladder within the Liberal Party which is a story in itself.

      With support from his own faction of Liberals In Name Only (LINO left) he worked to achieve his own objectives, which according to the website included wrecking the Liberal Party, he was interested in getting rid of the traditional centre to centre right Liberals (and Nationals) preferring to work on creating a globalist positioned climate change politics focused new alternative that, I understand could be an alliance with Labor and Greens.

      Many will recall how the LINO left (including the MPs calling themselves “the black hand” faction) undermined Coalition, predominantly Liberal leaders from John Howard and Peter Costello in government, and then in opposition Dr Brendan Nelson followed by Tony Abbott, the latter when he Opposition Leader and when he became Prime Minister. And consider the Turnbull focus on water supply including desalination plant support, wind and solar support, and emissions trading scheme siding with Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and much more.

      Then consider the 2019 Federal Election and Turnbull Family support with various other climate change politics based investors into so called renewable energy, electric vehicles and related infrastructure, etc., supporting the candidates masquerading as Independents opposing only Liberal and National MPs.

      Any close observer must realise that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has not been on Malcolm Turnbull’s favourites list. There are many examples of to indicate the opposite.

      Tony Abbott was the target of relentless negativity, character assassination attempts, cabinet leaks until he was replaced by Prime Minister Turnbull in 2015. Late in 2018 Prime Minister Turnbull was replaced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison who has been subjected to similar relentless negativity.

      The Teal Independant Climate200 Party candidates are the latest climate change industry representatives targeting the Coalition, not Labor candidates. It is all about gaining influence in Parliament and if possible removing Liberal MPs.

      Consider that during 2019 the Morrison Coalition gave notice to the wind and solar businesses that the Renewable Energy target and taxpayer subsidies of several billion dollars a year to those businesses would end by 2030. That company law legislation was passed forcing electricity suppliers to be more competitive. Proposals were made to State Governments for 4 new gas fired generators (1 each VIC and QLD and 2 NSW) and 1 new HELE coal fired power station for NTH QLD, all new competition for the wind and solar subsidised electricity suppliers (renewable energy that if it was cheaper does not need to be subsidised), and another the Federal Government investigating modular nuclear generators and with reference to Rolls Royce UK and the British Government’s support of the Rolls Royce modular project.

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