Welcome to a ‘conned’ Country

by SEAN BURKE – WELCOME to Country ceremonies are a money-making scam with no credible links to Indigenous culture or traditions, according to Aboriginal academic Madison King. 

Ms King said these ceremonies, which have been forced upon Australians for years, were a “made-up” tradition. 

This is the outcome when you let a lie go on for that long. People now think Welcome to Country is real, that this is what our culture is.
Madison King
Aboriginal Academic & Author

“Welcome to Country is a private matter, it’s a personal matter. Doing it for thousands of people at the same time – I reckon it’s BS,” she said on a YouTube post yesterday.

“Everything about it is wrong, but they try to make out that it’s normal. It’s not normal.


“I never turn up to anything that has Welcome to Country. If it is one-on-one or family-to-family, I’ll do it. Otherwise I’m not interested in doing it as a collective.”

Ms King, who has a double degree in psychology, criminology and justice, said the traditional ceremony was a religious-style event acknowledging the spirits of the dead.

“This modern-day Welcome to Country, however, was made up by what we call the ‘people in the purple circle’, a bunch of know-all f#ck-alls,” she said.

“They are forcing their religion onto you.”

She said the “purple circle” had been dishonest to enrich themselves.

“This is the outcome when you let a lie go on for that long. People now think it’s real, that this is what our culture is,” Ms King said.

“It’s just entertainment. Look at all these people who go to boxing rings clapping sticks or onto football fields carrying on with didgeridoos.

“That’s not our culture. Didgeridoos only came from a small area in the Northern Territory.”

She said the wider Australian community needed to be aware of the con.

“It’s one thing to do a little entertainment, but put things into perspective – that’s not our culture.


“We didn’t just go around and have corroborees and stuff whenever we felt like it. There was a purpose and meaning to it.

“What an insult to all the mob that still do corroborees as a tradition, while you mob make a mockery out of it for money purposes.”

She said every-day Aboriginals were disgusted by their money-grabbing city cousins.

“At the end of the day, Aboriginal people from communities are humble people. We don’t need recognition.

“That’s modern-day sh#t that is taking away from – and bastardising – our culture and our traditions so you mob can feel better about yourselves.

“Go to a community and you see how different the mob is to these people in the city that will milk our culture and tradition for money.

“So spare me the BS!” PC

Everything about it is wrong…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Madison King. (courtesy YouTube)

10 thoughts on “Welcome to a ‘conned’ Country

  1. Sydney anti-Disinfo Bill rally at Speaker’s Corner an apt location
    PUBLIC RALLY 11.30 am Saturday 28 September, 2024
    Speaker’s Corner, Sydney
    Art Gallery Road, ‘The Domain’, Sydney (opp. NSW Art Gallery)


    Australia’s global advocacy for the suppression of free speech
    Augusto Zimmermann
    Gabriël A. Moens
    3 May 2024
    The Australian government has recently announced its plan to rejuvenate its contentious ‘misinformation and disinformation’ legislation, which had been shelved last year for lack of bipartisan support. However, perhaps not surprisingly, the Coalition has now reversed its critical stance, with its Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, agreeing to work with the government to curb the ability of social media platforms to post ‘harmful’ material.
    The horrendous violations of fundamental human rights over the last years have revealed the existence in Australia of an invidious trend to authoritarianism. The maintenance of a democratic society requires the greatest amount of freedom of speech and the least number of restrictions as is necessary to protect the legitimate interests of Australia and its people. Yet, this attempt of the Australian government to become a global advocate for the suppression of free speech, to possibly trigger the ‘external affairs power’, is another egregious example of governmental overreach, which ultimately aims at the imposition of an elective dictatorship that punishes the dissenting voices of those who disagree with the official narrative. Those who still cherish democracy and freedom have a moral duty to fight against this authoritarian imposition of state control of information.

  2. Australia and the rest of the world are in real trouble – we must all stand united for all our freedoms, rights and choices and reclaim it all >

    “Who Owns the World?” A Small Group of Big Money
    By Peter Koenig
    Global Research, February 26, 2024
    Who Owns the World” is the title of an extraordinary documentary, describing how Big-Big Money controls not only every aspect of your life, but has a stranglehold on every government, the political UN body, as well as every UN agency, and all industries and services of this globe.
    These largest investors are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street.

    These same investment groups also control over 90% of the world’s major media.

    Even Rupert Murdoch’s media empire is majority owned by BlackRock / Vanguard.

    It is therefore no miracle that hardly any news penetrates the walls of secrecy about these major shareholders of every aspect of human life and life-related activities and businesses.
    They control politicians, geopolitics and military deployments
    It is a monopoly that can literally not be opposed by traditional means. They have also invented the “rules-based order” — overruling every international and national law at their will.
    They know no limits, no ethics and adhere to no human or human rights standard. POWER is them.

  3. AUSTRALIA – The Timeline of Treason – By Dick Yardley – In acknowledgement of Mr. Dick Yardley’s 30 years of relentless research and analysis of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (1901) and his recording of events leading up to the constitutional crisis we now face.
    31 March 2023
    AUSTRALIA WE ARE LIVING AN ILLUSION! Our Rights, Freedoms, Land, Resources, and Wealth were handed to the Rothschild owned United Nations in 1959 in an act of Treason, progressively reinforced through further acts of Treason by EVERY Governor, Governors General and sitting member since.
    This is Our New Battlefront
    In THIS War YOU ARE THE WARRIOR – You Have NO Choice!
    The UN and the WEF are a Global Parasite that Threatens EVERY ONE OF US and our children!
    Steve Jeffery – Just One Focus – Truth
    Our Constitution is REAL and LIVING! It was subverted, stolen by a global criminal cartel! It’s now time to reinstate it and the rule of law!
    THIS is our REAL, LIVING Constitution
    Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (1901) With Amendments and Royal Assent
    Read it…Download it…Learn it…Embrace it…Apply it to every aspect of your life…Quote it to ANYONE or ANY corporate entity posing as government or its agent. Quote it to ANYONE who attempts to speak or act outside of it. Our Constitution IS THE LAW! Anything else is FRAUD.

    Please see this website and share everywhere !

  4. Australian Political Treason, Treachery and Sabotage – Who Stole Our Country? – 30 years intensive research by Mr. Dick Yardley.
    1 March 2023
    Australia as we know it is just an ILLUSION! This book, FREE to download, is the result of 30 years intensive research by Mr. Dick Yardley. It details the people, the timing and the insidious manner in which this group of traitors implemented their treacherous acts to hand our country in a bloodless coup to the United Nations.
    Author and Constitutional researcher Mr. Dick Yardley invites all Australians to read and/or download a copy of his book Treason, Treachery and Sabotage.
    The fraud, which saw this group change by stealth, over years, our constitutions both federally and state; saw them register our country Australia as a corporation in the United States of America (Inc.) and copyright not just one version of their fraudulent Constitution but FOUR versions.

    I ask you all to PLEASE consider, how on earth ANYONE alleging to be our elected leaders can take ownership through copyright of the PEOPLE’S CONSTITUTION.


  5. Thank you Madison for speaking out about the sham surrounding the “welcome to country” ceremonies.
    Aboriginal culture is to be respected and allowed to maintain it’s integrity.
    Not to be abused, politicized and weaponised by left wing activists.
    The more that the “real mob” speak up the better. Spread the word!!!

  6. Aboriginals didn’t have a culture. They lived as close to nature as is humanly possible. They did 3 things: killed the Mega Fauna, the biggest man made extinction ever; they burnt the place down; and thirdly they warred endlessly amongst themselves. Nothing from this 47000 years prior to the English arriving is extrapalatable to modern Western society. The aboriginals only achievement was being lucky that the English settled here; if it had been the Portugese, the Spanish, the French or some of the Asian nations they would have been wiped out.

    As to welcome to country and native title: they are lies. The people perpetrating them are grifters and haters of modern Australia.

  7. Hilarious how gutless monarchists clinging the trinkets and baubles of another country’s empire claim they don’t believe in symbolism.

    Senator Alex Antic, Senator Malcolm Roberts, Senator Ralph Babet, Warren Mundine, George Christensen, Gary Johns, Daisy Cousens, Lyle Shelton, Avi Yemeni, Topher Field, Damian Coory, David Adler, Stephen Chavura, John Ruddick, Augusto Zimmermann, James Allan, Gabriel Moens, Alexandra Marshall, Bernard Gaynor, Michelle Pearse, John Steenhof, Martyn Iles, Andrew Cooper, Rocco Loiacono, Andrew Sedra, Dave Pellowe.
    A Mere Symptom of a Much Bigger Problem
    Church And State director, Dave Pellowe, was asked at a ticketed meeting in a Christian church of Christians wanting to hear Christian teaching on important political issues why he made a point to read Psalm 24:1 instead of the politically correct “Acknowledgement of Country”.
    His factual and unflattering analysis of traditional Aboriginal religion contrasted with Christianity was falsely reported to the Queensland Human Rights Commission as “vilification and humiliation” of an individual because of his race and religion.
    The QHRC has accepted the complaint and is compelling Dave to attend conciliation hearings, with further judgements against him possible if he doesn’t publicly apologise for preaching the Gospel as he did and undergo re-education in Aboriginal suffering.
    The increasingly evident problem is a society and legal systems which nurture easily offended citizens to quickly choose lawfare, the weaponisation of the grievance industry to punish uncomfortable, unapproved opinions. Para-judicial bureaucrats are creating victims of innocent, usually defenceless people.
    It’s time to urgently intervene in injustice.
    Please continue >

    AUSTRALIA UNDER ATTACK BY THE UN – Insider Discovers Plot to Use ‘Voice’ to Strip Our Assets!!
    Our Constitution is REAL and LIVING! It was subverted, stolen by a global criminal cartel! It’s now time to reinstate it and the rule of law!
    Australia, and our Australian democratic freedoms are in the sights of a cunning Global Predator. Foreign vultures silently circle our Great Southern Land, casting ominous shadows upon the unwitting population below.
    Examining the Globalist Conspiracy to use the “Indigenous” as a land-grab.
    Introducing Aboriginal Whistleblower and The Voice Opponent: Josephine Cashman
    Josephine Cashman is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer (acclaimed Prosecutor), entrepreneur, and a former member of the Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council (appointed by Tony Abbot in 2013). Pertinently, while occupying the Indigenous Advisory Council, Cashman discovered a plot by the United Nations to use the decoy of the “Aboriginal” and “Indigenous Rights” to asset-strip Australia and to remove all private land ownership.
    Scheming for a New World Order: The United Nations Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum
    On September 25, 2015, the UN Member States adopted and launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.[Edit: and is being implemented in Australia by Local Government Councils]
    21 April 2023

    Welcome to being conned – WELCOME to Country ceremonies are a money-making scam with no credible links to Indigenous culture or traditions, according to Aboriginal academic Madison King.
    Ms King said these ceremonies, which have been forced upon Australians for years, were a “made-up” tradition.
    This is the outcome when you let a lie go on for that long. People now think Welcome to Country is real, that this is what our culture is.
    “Welcome to Country is a private matter, it’s a personal matter. Doing it for thousands of people at the same time – I reckon it’s BS,” she said on a YouTube post yesterday.
    “Everything about it is wrong, but they try to make out that it’s normal. It’s not normal.
    “I never turn up to anything that has Welcome to Country. If it is one-on-one or a family-to-family, I’ll do it. Otherwise I’m not interested in doing it as a collective.”
    Ms King, who has a double degree in psychology, criminology and justice, said the traditional ceremony was a religious-style event acknowledging the spirits of the dead.
    “This modern-day Welcome to Country, however, was made up by what we call the ‘people in the purple circle’, a bunch of know-all f#ck-alls,” she said.
    Madison King – Aboriginal Academic & Author

  9. Saw this earlier in the week, and thought this was a courageous young lady for speaking out. Now it turns out that she’s a bona fide academic. My admiration rises higher!


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