by JURIS LAUCIS – WHILE the onslaught on Ukraine raged this week, President Joe Biden unleashed a salvo of devastating rhetoric, warning Putin that the US would steadfastly defend “every inch of NATO territory”.
To soften the blow on the sensitive Russian empire builder, Biden was at great pains to make it crystal clear there would be no NATO involvement in the Ukraine.

- Rapacious imperialists slurp up appeasement as if it were a nectar of the gods.
- Biden’s “heroic” words about NATO territory were nothing but a double bluff.
- In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea, with hardly a whimper from the rest of the world.
In other words, we don’t want to offend you, take Ukraine but no more.
The heroic words about NATO territory were nothing but a double bluff.
Biden must know that Putin has no intention of bringing NATO into the fray: why would he announce that he was putting nuclear forces on high alert, if not to ensure that NATO went into paralysis, thereby ensuring NATO was side-lined without a single shot being fired.
Biden’s fighting words are even more reprehensible in the morality stakes.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine together with the Baltic States and other subjugated east European countries, gained independence.
After the Ukrainian border with the Russia was defined, a third of the former Soviet Union’s nuclear arsenal remained on Ukrainian soil.
In a gesture of good will, with the cessation of the cold war and a seemingly benign new Russian State, the Ukraine deactivated its nuclear stock of weapons, in exchange for a guarantee of security.
The Budapest Memorandum of 1994 purported to offer territorial security to Ukraine. The signatories: Russia, USA and the UK.
Right now, 28 years later, Russia is hell bent on annihilating the Ukraine, and the USA and UK are scripting a place in infamy, by declaring inaction to be a virtue and reneging on their commitment under the Budapest Memorandum.
If history has taught us anything, it’s that rapacious imperialists slurp up appeasement as if it were a nectar of the gods.
In 1935 the UK hoped to avoid war with Italy by agreeing to Mussolini taking over Ethiopia, only to see Italy join Germany in WWII.
In 1938 Neville Chamberlain agreed to Germany taking over the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.
On returning from talks with Hitler, Chamberlain infamously waved a paper with Hitler’s signature, proclaiming “peace for our time”.
Less than a year later Hitler’s army marched into Poland.
In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea, with hardly a whimper from the rest of the world.
He had every reason to think, taking over the Ukraine, a former part of the Soviet Union, would also go unchallenged.
And shamefully it did go unchallenged, except for the courage of President Zelensky and the incredible nationalism of the Ukrainian people.
Should Putin succeed, is there any doubt he will continue in his quest to regain the territory lost in the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Non engagement with Putin is only putting off the inevitable, which will only become exponentially harder.
Whilst Putin’s nuclear threat continues to cripple the West with paralysis, he can do whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases, futile rhetoric notwithstanding.PC
Right on the money.
When Putin placed 80,000 troops on his western border a few months ago it became clear to everybody outside of our moronic western leaders that trouble was at hand. Yet their response was talk and bluster.
When Putin sent those same troops into Ukraine four weeks ago, they almost acted surprised.
Honestly, are these the best we have? God help western civilization.
In their delusional world, it’s almost as if they believe the woke narrative – “If you identify with being at peace, then you are at peace”. Someone please give these fools a safe space out of reach of causing more death and damage.