What the Pfizer!

A VERY dear friend was diagnosed with COVID before Christmas. She had a sore throat. 

She was either prescribed or advised to take a Pfizer “anti-viral”. She then became seriously ill. The same thing happened to a friend of hers. 

Big Pharma makes billions and billions of dollars from these drugs. They know they don’t work. My friend now knows they don’t work. Science knows they don’t work.

After a couple of days my friend threw the pills away. Then she got better.

This is the other Pfizer scam – the Paxlovid scam. You have to pay over a thousand plus bucks a throw for this poison. And if you are exempt from full payment as a customer, rest assured that you and I are paying for it, through taxes.


Pfizer executives should be in jail for alleged manslaughter and fraud. Yet they are still producing, marketing and selling vaccines and “anti-virals”. Medications that still don’t stop COVID, don’t stop transmission, don’t make you better and allegedly kill people.

Their pills and potions are not just allowed by our governments, they are endorsed. We are still being encouraged to take them – like in Western Australia.

Children remain encouraged to get boosted.

Not unrelated, Albo’s Government has just opened a taxpayer funded mRNA factory in Melbourne to produce this garbage.

His Government’s press release read: “World leading Moderna vaccine facility opens in Victoria

“The Southern Hemisphere’s only mRNA manufacturing facility has opened in Victoria – backed by the Australian and Victorian governments – ensuring world-class mRNA vaccines and medicines can be made in Australia and creating hundreds of jobs.

World leading!?

The flailing, failing, lame duck US President just granted COVID vaccine manufacturers’ immunity from being sued until January 2029 – just after Trump leaves office.

If they are safe and effective, why the extended immunity? Why the immunity in the first place?

These are two very obvious questions which, when asked, are always ignored.

This isn’t historic criminality. Anyone who isn’t white hot angry about this aspect of the plandemic simply isn’t on the side of truth and justice.


So, to Paxlovid. Canadian medical expert Roger Hodkinson reports: “Pfizer’s COVID-19 drug Paxlovid did not work for many vaccinated people, according to a new paper from the company’s scientists

“ ‘It was embarrassing to watch the administration and many doctors recommend this without any credible data,’ Dr Vinay Prasad wrote, criticising the government for spending north of $12b for courses of the treatment without much trial data.”

Taxpayer dollars were wasted to make a donation to Pfizer. Let that sink in.

Craig Kelly reports: “After the TGA has approved $2b in payments to Big Pharma – for ‘COVID anti-virals’ Molnupiravir and Paxlovid – Oxford University finds them useless.

“Over 1.5m Australians have been prescribed Molnupiravir and Paxlovid to treat COVID, at a cost of $1100 a course.”

Yep, kind of shocking. This is “the science”.

Big Pharma makes billions and billions from these drugs. They know they don’t work. My friend now knows they don’t work. Her friend knows they don’t work. Science knows they don’t work.


But, they make you sicker! Calling them “anti-virals” is a lie. They appear to be pro-virals – and never forget that proven drugs like Ivermectin were driven out of the marketplace so that Big Pharma’s lethal wonder-poisons could slither into our lives, under the cover of emergency use authorisation.

This crime has never been prosecuted. It continues to this day and is still prescribed by Australian doctors.

Someone once said – I think it was RFK Jr – that Big Pharma’s business model is to make you sick and keep you sick for life.

Our democratically elected governments and their bureaucrats are conjoined with this business model and with its progenitors.

This goes way beyond public choice theories of “capture” and goes to criminal collaboration. In Australia, we know where they live. It is called Canberra.

All the while, the evidence of COVID vaccine dangers pile up and are ignored as conspiracy theories.

How did this occur?

Well, the corrupt class of corporates who conspire in private to dud their customers, has merged with equally corrupt public servants (elected or not) to form a comfortable, interconnected class of shysters.

They sell their “virtue” while being privately and ideologically comfortable with their fascism.

Lefty public officials have formed what Marx would have called a “class” with profit-driven companies – and the new conjoined beast acts forever in its class interests. That is how they keep the scam going, and how they cover up their crimes.


The key actors shimmy between gigs in universities – funded by Big Pharma – and government and corporates and write “commentary pieces” for the legacy media that is funded by … Big Pharma.

They undertake “COVID reviews” for government. They land in globalist institutions. They get gongs for their service to the corporate State, and sinecures. They all escape accountability.

Dear old Karl wouldn’t have seen this coming.

The deep State and the corrupt Left-wing and so-called Right-wing governments in its pay form a UniParty protection racket for criminal capitalists.

This conspiracy of silence continues only because we let it.

The COVID companies have made more than $200b from “anti-virals”.

Businesses have always made money from selling us things we don’t need. Big Pharma has taken that old trick to another level. They don’t just sell us things that don’t work, they sell us things that kill us and make us sick.

All the while they have us believe this is called “public health”.

And, worse, they convince our duly elected governments that this is public health.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Craig Kelly. (courtesy The Guardian)

1 thought on “What the Pfizer!

  1. Various state governments built – or planned to build – containment camps during covid, to accommodate what they thought would be a relatively few vaccine resisters. When it turned out the resistance was far larger than expected the camps mostly dropped off the radar.
    I’d like to see the same thing happen to the vax factory in Victoria. If nobody’s taking the junk juice the place will shut down.


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