by PAUL COLLITS – THE title of one of Cat Stevens’ early classics turns out to be an apt description for the hapless, short-term, finger-in-the-dyke Premier of the Sunshine State, Steven Miles.
Where does the Australian Labor Party dredge up these creatures?
- From which rock did the endlessly silly-grinning Premier Steven Miles emerge?
- You’d think the death cultists might come up with something fresh to describe their ongoing slaughter of the innocents.
- That’s how they usually do it. Trust them? I think not.
Miles from Nowhere? And the equally hapless Federal Immigration Minister, Giles from Nowhere?
This would be one Andrew Giles, a former Slater and Gordon (of course) refugee lawyer (whatever that is) who has been responsible for one of the biggest political bungles in Australian history.
The release of hundreds of criminals onto the streets, after Labor failed to act on a timely “heads up” from the High Court.
The last three X (Twitter) contributions from Andrew Giles read as follows: “Happy Holi!”; “Happy Greek Independence Day”; “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”.
You get the drift. Never mention Easter, of course. That went out decades ago. If I were he, I wouldn’t be talking about detainee bills, either.
Back to Miles. He was endorsed for high office in Queensland by the Unspellable Premier herself. He slithered into office on the back of her forced resignation, has suffered the humiliation of two thumping by-election swings, and now uses his time to engage with the issues concerning Molly the Magpie.
The recent by-election results were described for Miles as “brutal”. I am guessing the LNP never thought it would get to hold Ipswich West.
The Guardian opined: “The path to re-election for Queensland Labor looks like a narrowing goat track after its ‘Super Saturday’ losses.”
That good? The unions are coming to the rescue, on cue: “Steven Miles’ old union drops $500,000 on a new political campaign just a few weeks before strict spending caps for Queensland’s State election kick-in.”
Against this, the billionaire coal miner Chris Wallin is launching his own campaign against Miles’ Government. All power to Chris in his endeavours.
Miles and his government are busying themselves in their final days in office with abortion-up-to-birth and assisted dying.
Life in Queensland is still, indeed, beautiful one day and perfect the next. Not for the unborn, of course.
In the far north, there are still signs of life (literally), with billboards proclaiming messages such as “love them both”. The culture of life there never makes it to George Street (Brisbane), though.
From which rock did the endlessly silly-grinning Steven Miles emerge?
Miles has only been in the Parliament since 2015. He has mainly been Minister for State Development, a largely ceremonial and inconsequential role that generally turns out good news announcables, giving money to businesses and other worthy grant recipients, sucking up to industry and promoting the State as an investment destination.
A normally no-risk portfolio. (I know. I worked for numerous ministers for State development). Junkets are normally included as part of the deal. Sister city relationships and such like.
One of his jobs has been to drive the totally embarrassing and useless proposed destruction of the Gabba and the building of a new stadium in the same place, for the 2032 Olympics. Oops. Now they are decidedly nervous about that one.
Before all these parliamentary accomplishments, he was, inevitably, a union organiser and a Director of something called Reveille Strategy.
Formed in 2015, Reveille Strategy works with Unions and other membership organisations on strategy, public policy, governance, change, capacity building, message design, technology, campaigning and organising.
None of which should be remotely surprising. The trade union-tethered new Left-on-steroids remains Labor’s chief recruiting ground, and is the main reason for its endless and entirely predictable disconnect with normal people.
It’s the reason it staggers into office with 32 per cent of the primary vote.
I suppose we should be grateful the Queensland Labor Party didn’t pick Cameron Dick when the Unspellable One left the building. Too many Anthony Weiner (the former New York sexting Democrat politician) type jokes just waiting to happen.
Another very minor blessing of the Miles premiership is that he has 46 XY chromosomes, and hence we avoided all of the dreaded troika of Queensland Labor females, Jackie Trad, who has left the building, the Minister for COVID tyranny, Yvette D’Ath (who is leaving the building soon) and the Cult of Death warrior Shannon Fentiman, who is now Health Minister, since swapping over earlier with D’ath.
We see that Slater and Gordon is, indeed, an automatic in-tray and out-tray for Labor politicians.
In relation to Death’s departure, the ABC headlined: “Queensland Labor’s departure lounge is filling up as Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath announces resignation.
D’Ath, who, unsurprisingly, received death threats during COVID, was responsible for shutting the NSW border for months on end, leaving thousands stranded, at a time where there were fewer than twenty “active” cases of the piddling lab-virus across the State.
As a Queensland hospital nurse recently told me, COVID was “a walk in the park” compared to Influenza A.
Ms Fentiman is, alas, still in the building, and staying put. Like Miles, she is from the Party’s Left. She pulled out of the leadership contest (which delivered Miles) when it became clear she was going to lose.
What are her achievements? They all seem to go in one particular direction. Fentiman, who very recently decided to allow nurses to provide abortion drugs, recently said the Miles Government would “always defend a woman’s right to make choices about her sexual and reproductive health.”
Ah yes, the old woman’s right to choose canard. Don’t ever use the A word. A bit like Happy Holi at Eastertide.
You would think the death cultists might come up with something fresh to describe their ongoing and ever-expanding slaughter of the innocents.
Then there was this: “Fentiman as the Child Safety Minister paved the way in Queensland to allow same sex couples to adopt children with legislation passing the Queensland Parliament on November 3, 2016, with both the Liberal National Party and Katter Australia Party opposing the legislation.”
Clearly, Ms Fentiman doesn’t get irony. Child safety? Same-sex couples raising children?
Back to Yusuf Islam, aka The Cat.
Strangely and coincidentally, the same Cat Stevens standard turns out to have different and creepy relevance to our political times, especially in a week that saw the passage in Canberra of the sinister Digital ID legislation.
Cat sings:
I have my freedom
I can make my own rules
Oh yes, the ones that I choose.
Nope. Not anymore. No more air travel, no more access to government services, compromised banking services and not much of anything, an endless extension of QR codes, updated vaccine passports, climate and other thought crimes recorded, if you don’t sign up for your Digital ID.
That’s how they do it. Trust them? I think not.
No doubt, every Labor Government across Australia, including that of Miles from Nowhere, will be cheering this on. And a few unmoored, unhinged Liberals as well.
The Cat still has something to say to us.PC
Addition to my previous posting >
Who committed this crime against humanity?
JAN 06, 2024
See >
SPOTLIGHT ON CHANNEL 7 – Covid crisis: Watch an economist’s Professor Gigi Foster) BRUTAL response to health expert’s claim about Australia’s handling of the pandemic
PUBLISHED: 02:10 AEST, 1 July 2024
Spotlight on Seven: What didn’t make the cut might save your life
Why weren’t we told about the black triangle scheme during covid?
JUL 02, 2024
But then Spotlight put medical expert Professor Robert Booy onstage to talk up the gene-vaccines, without disclosing his financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
Big Pharma’s point man onstage, conflicts undeclared
Professor Robert Booy was introduced as an infectious diseases pediatrician who “has worked at the University of Sydney for almost 20 years in the fields of vaccinology, epidemiology and infectious diseases”.
Spotlight did not tell the audience that Professor Booy is paid by companies that make vaccines and, like almost everyone in medical science academia, his career progression is reliant on Big Pharma favour and funding.
He received more than $81,000 in payments plus more than $2600 in travel costs from Big Pharma companies from November 2020 to April 2023 according to industry lobby group Medicines Australia’s disclosure log. https://www.medicinesaustralia.com.au/code/transparency-reporting/payments-to-healthcare-professionals/
The drug makers include GSK, Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, Merck, Roche and Janssen-Cilag (better known as Johnson & Johnson).
Please continue for full article
Also see Health Professors roasted as covid tax debate gets too hot for seven program >
Another small example of the alleged disgusting Conflicts of Interest in Australian Vaccination Policies compiled by The Heart Party.
Information Paper – link hereunder > see Corruption/Conflicts of Interest items all through this Information Paper. This is the Tip of the Iceberg !
Note >> From Page 40 Why You are not getting truth from Mainstream Media Empires
Page 51 Censorship of Academic Research – A Critical Analysis of Australian Government’s rationale for its Vaccination Policy – Dr. Judy Wilyman – University of Wollongong – A Disgusting, Relentless and Abusive
Campaign against Dr. Judy Wilyman to stop her.
Page 52 International Medical Council on Vaccination
Page 29 Information – The Truth on the Flu Vaccines/vaccinations – Absolutely ATROCIOUS DAMAGE/
Also, please in particular, see the information on Victorian Government > Revolving Doors > Big Ties > Big Pharma > Big Medicine et al but as stated, the entire system is corrupted with systemic and extensive
conflicts of interest – please look all through this Information Paper for Corruption/Conflicts and I have only scratched the surface herein !
Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’
Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.” 29 February, 2024
Bombshell: Official Data from Germany’s Ministry of Health Confirms The Devastating Impacts of The Covid Lockdowns, “More Harm Than COVID-19”
The German Government’s Report Confirms the legitimacy and validity of the numerous independent scientific reports on the alleged pandemic, which have been the object of censorship
By David Averre, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Prof Denis Rancourt, and Mark Keenan
Global Research, April 04, 2024
Daily Mail Online 26 March 2024
What is significant is that the German Health authorities based on official data have now been obliged under Freedom of Information to reveal the devastating nature and impacts of the Covid lockdowns imposed on 190 countries, starting March 11, 2020.
Most of the independent studies including those conducted by Global Research have been the object of censorship.
Of Significance, the official documents of the Germany’s Ministry of Health consistent with the independent reports published in the course of more than 4 years pertaining to the COVID-19 lockdowns, the mandatory wearing of the face mask, and the experimental mRNA vaccines.
A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.
The people await the most severe punishment for all those responsible and complicit in this Covid Fraud which has killed, disabled, injured, damaged and destroyed the lives of many and wiped out countless small businesses, tanked economies and destroyed all our rights, freedoms and choices and it will continue to end in Total Permanent Tyranny/Totalitarianism, unless they are stopped by the people.
Regarding substack Article by Alison Bevage (Channel 7’s Spotlight program Sunday 30/06/24)
Alison’s insight into the TGA & trial medicine:
Alleged > “The TGA’s safety monitoring system consists of voluntary reporting. . .
Doctors were ‘discouraged’ in March 2021 when the medical boards and AHPRA told them not to criticise the gene-vaccines on social media or face disciplinary action.
The public had no idea how to report or even if they could.
To monitor safety, the TGA tells drug companies to scan social media for reports of injuries.
But the Home Affairs Department and the federal Health Department both told social media platforms to censor posts by gene-vaccine injured people, as revealed by Freedom of Information requests.
This is insane.”
More than insane, allegedly, it’s evidence of criminal intent to hide crucial safety signals in a trial.
1. FDA-CDC* Oct 2020:
CBER Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, CBER VRBPAC Meeting October 22, 2020
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines:
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change*** ▪ Guillain-Barré syndrome ▪ Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ▪ Transverse myelitis ▪ Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy ▪ Convulsions/seizures ▪ Stroke ▪ Narcolepsy and cataplexy ▪ Anaphylaxis ▪ Acute myocardial infarction ▪ Myocarditis/pericarditis ▪ Autoimmune disease ▪ Deaths ▪ Pregnancy and birth outcomes ▪ Other acute demyelinating diseases ▪ Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions ▪ Thrombocytopenia ▪ Disseminated intravascular coagulation ▪ Venous thromboembolism ▪ Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain ▪ Kawasaki disease ▪ Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children ▪ Vaccine enhanced disease
2. Pfizer* doc Feb 2021:
Over 1000 known adverse conditions allegedly hidden from the public.
The Truth About Covid – 1000 ways to lie
Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic – ……..indicating that the increase in stillbirths was higher, the higher the vaccination rate.
This correlational finding is in line with previous correlational findings in the temporal domain, showing that excess mortality was highest during the months with a high number of vaccinations.
February 2024
February 2024
Christof Kuhbandner
Universität Regensburg
Matthias Reitzner
Universität Osnabrück
Continue to read full Paper >
Pfizer purchased companies that produce drugs to treat the same conditions caused by covid vaccines
In 2017 a former vice president of Pfizer blew the whistle and said that pharmaceutical companies intentionally design vaccines to keep the public in a state of illness to profit from the treatments of vaccine-induced illnesses.
Pfizer’s acquisitions of other pharmaceutical companies since the rollout of its covid vaccine seem to indicate this is indeed the case.
In 2021, Pfizer’s acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals raised eyebrows. The purchase price seemed disproportionate to the market size of the drug they acquired – a drug that is a potential therapy for all kinds of immuno-inflammatory diseases, including inflammation of the heart. As we know, myocarditis began to skyrocket after the rollout of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines.
In 2023, Pfizer purchased Seagen Pharmaceuticals, known for its cancer drugs. Was this because of the connection between the mRNA injections and “turbo cancers”?
In 2022, Pfizer purchased Global Blood Therapeutics for its drug to treat sickle cell disease, again for an amount that seemed disproportionate to the profit the company could make off the drug considering how many people have the disease. Does Pfizer know something we don’t? Will we see a blood cell disease epidemic as well?
Pfizer’s New Heart Pandemic > https://drtenpenny.substack.com/p/pfizers-new-heart-pandemic
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny > https://substack.com/@drtenpenny
Please continue to read full article >
German study shows that Covid vaccine has ‘no beneficial effects’ while enormously increasing excess mortality
A new study from Germany has revealed that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines have had “no beneficial effects” at the community level, while finding that “the more vaccinations administered in a federal state, the greater the increase in the excess mortality rate”.
In other words, the vaccines did exactly the opposite of what we were told they would do and states with higher vaccination rates are suffering the most deaths, reports Baxter Dmitry .
The study’s pre-print paper is titled “Differential increase in excess mortality in the German federal states during the COVID-19 pandemic” and was conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Regensburg in Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at the University of Osnabrück.
Continue to read full article >
So Minister, why is your $65m ‘Vaccine Queen’ not answering questions?
AUSTRALIA’S “vaccine queen”, Professor Kristine Macartney, has gone AWOL at a time when questions are being asked in the Senate and elsewhere about the failure of the Federal Government to protect Australians from half-tested and often lethal mRNA vaccines.
One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts recently asked Australia’s most senior medical bureaucrats and the big-shot Labor lady, Senator Katy Gallagher (Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Minister for the Public Service), why Professor Macartney was absent from recent Senate Estimates Committee hearings.
Prof Macartney is described in bios as an “expert consultant” to the World Health Organisation including the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety and COVID-19 in Education, and is chairwoman of all key Australian vaccine and communicable disease advisory committees.
Detailed grant information (inserted comment inserted looks like she has removed that information!) provided on the CoFaux website show that the lead vaccine researchers driving all government policy in Australia received $65,330,038 in government grants covering 2020-2021. Prof. Macartney’s name appeared first on every item in a list of recipients of the grants, which according to CoFaux authors, mostly “appears to be money from the WHO, GAVI and PATH and or for “general support services”.
Minister Gallagher dodged a question from Senator Roberts asking if she could confirm the $65 million figure and what the grants were used for and whether there was a conflict of interest from Macartney chairing the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), which recommends if the federal government should add more vaccines to the schedule, and also the government’s Advisory Committee on Vaccines. He said it seemed like Gallagher had set up Macartney like some sort of “vaccine queen”.
The surly Minister, whose body language seemed to indicate disgust at having to be cross-examined by a mere One Nation senator, hand-balled the question to the Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly who took the question on notice, like most other questions.
Please continue to read full article >
Giggling Gurtie… what a dill.
While Deputy Premier of Queensland he commented after returning from one of his family holidays in NSW at Byron Bay that the town should be in Queensland.
He also at another time refused to honour a debt to the New South Wales Government for services provided during the hotel quarantine pandemic period, millions of dollars involved.