Young men abandoned after malicious accusations

by BETTINA ARNDT – WHAT gives a fundraising platform the right to act as our moral guardians determining which victims we are permitted to support? 

I’ve just been banned from GoFundMe, after starting a fundraiser to support a college tutor fighting an unfair dismissal case against a Melbourne university. 

The glaring lesson which emerged is there is nothing men can do to protect themselves from malicious accusations…


This fundraising platform is full of campaigns to raise funds for sexual abuse “survivors”, including those accused of other crimes, such as defamation.

But supporting this case was deemed “prohibited conduct”, and the woke institution pulled the rug out, refunding all donations.


The whole drama started four days before Christmas when one of our elite Melbourne universities announced they were firing the tutor.

His employment was terminated forthwith – just in time for the festive season.

This young man’s story should send a chill through the ranks of every man working in an organisation in Australia. His alleged crime was sexual harassment.

The glaring lesson which emerged is there is nothing men can do to protect themselves from malicious accusations.

This guy, I’ll call him “Chris”, was an ultra-cautious man, very conscious of the need to maintain professionalism in his role as a residential college assistant and tutor.

He’s a 30-year-old with a PhD, in his first job after achieving his degree in psychology, a position which required him to live with the students providing pastoral care.

All was going well until one of the girls, let’s call her “Eve”, took a shine to him. He hadn’t even registered her interest until a member of the administrative staff pointed it out to him.

Chris then took strenuous measures to ensure professional boundaries were kept, such as: telling staff and students he would never have female students alone in his room; making sure doors were kept open if he was with females in a common space; changing his personal phone number so students couldn’t contact him other than through email; and avoiding social interaction with Eve.

He also reported what was going on to the college principal, particularly when another student spread a rumor he was having sex with Eve, and sought advice from colleagues as well as the relevant university HR unit.

Eve was clearly not happy when she met resistance to her attempts at more intimate social interaction with Chris, complaining he hugged other students but not her when saying goodbye to them, or when he reopened the door of the common room where he was studying with her, after she had closed it.


In July, he was suddenly officially informed that a complaint had been made against him by Eve and told he had to leave the residential hall.

The whole matter ended up in the hands of an external investigator who took four months to interview Eve and the friends who collaborated her story.

Chris was not permitted to contact witnesses who could have supported his version of events.

Many of the alleged sexual harassment offences were trivial in the extreme.

Like catching her by the waist when she was tripping over. Placing a scarf around her shoulders after she had specifically asked for one. Placing a blanket around her and other students sitting outside on a cold night.

Including her in a group of students receiving goodbye hugs after an event. Placing a hand on her shoulder whilst herding students across a busy road. All these events occurred in the presence of other students, with Chris treating all students in a similar manner.

The most damning allegation involved Chris supposedly asking Eve to a movie night in his room, where he hugged her and touched her knee.

Chris says emphatically that this was a fabrication, pointing out that when this was alleged to have happened, he had already approached his superiors and the university’s HR program for advice on handling the unwanted interest Eve was showing.


Yet, the external investigator claims the movie night allegation was “proved”.

It’s notable that some of the more outrageous claims in the list – such as suggesting Eve be shown photos of male genitalia – was listed as unproven, presumably because witnesses failed to support her story.

There’s just no way this process can claim to offer just treatment to the accused man when the investigator chose to include only witnesses recruited by Eve, excluding those suggested by Chris who could have disproved many of the allegations.

This applies particularly to the administrator who warned Chris that Eve had a crush on him, and kept tabs on the young woman, noting her unhappiness when Chris put up professional barriers to restrain contact with her.

It is mighty depressing ploughing through the list of 35 allegations made by this young woman and her friends, knowing that many thousands of taxpayer dollars were spent on this one-sided investigation designed to shaft the accused young man.

In today’s climate, there’s just no other possible outcome from this arse-covering exercise than to dig up suitable dirt to support the university’s initial decision to turf him out.

We’ve had one of our campus justice legal team helping Chris through the investigation process and we are very grateful to him for his valiant efforts.


We started the GoFundMe to support the unfair dismissal case through the Fair Work Commission and are still collecting donations to fund this battle.

Throughout the Christmas period I worried about this impressive young man, who was already devastated when we first had contact back in August, after he found himself thrown out of the college and publicly shamed.

Now he faces the New Year broke and jobless after working for years studying for his PhD.

What a start to the New Year – a telling reminder of the dangerous world we are facing and the need for us all to step up, speak out and take on this mob controlling our lives.PC

Bettina Arndt

See Bettina Arndt’s blogs on Substack.

MAIN PHOTOGRAPHS:  Bettina Arndt accosted by protesters. (courtesy Pelican magazine/The Epoch Times)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Epoch Times on January 8, 2022. Re-used with permission.
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4 thoughts on “Young men abandoned after malicious accusations

  1. This swarm of female ‘preying’ mantis needs to be obliterated.

    They give rational, intelligent women, (all perfectly able to cope with any social interaction), a terrible name by claiming the brush of a butterfly’s wing is actually a hornet’s sting.

    Why now are they believed? They should be cast aside, these nasty, bitter insects!

  2. These sorts of people are not going to stop making fake allegations until society starts to punish them. 3 months in the slammer would be a great start. Then there are the hard to disprove allegations, of which Pell and Porter are so well aware.

    The Prince Andrew allegations seem to be wasting a lot of time and money. Providing that the photo of him and the complainant is bona fide, she appears happy enough with her arm round a younger prince. If she was already paid $15k for the alleged night’s work, plus the payout from Epstein, then what more does she want! She certainly wasn’t underage at the time regarding prevailing age of consent laws. Was she held prisoner and unable to escape? Does she allege that he raped her, or if not how was she coerced into the act? Why should the Queen have to pay her out, as otherwise that precedent could end up bankrupting the House of Windsor when future philandering Royals get themselves into strife, or walk into ‘honey traps’! These lawyer’s picnics are great for the legal establishment, but from the public interest viewpoint should be voided.

    All that said the royals are right to shun Andrew, whose former relationship with Epstein suggests that he’s a fool and a dunce.

  3. Seems that the presumption of innocence, that is the very cornerstone of our society is just being allowed to be cast aside.
    Woke / cancel culture is about blatantly taking away the right of free speech and presumption of innocence by emotional blackmail and bullying.
    Thus, it is our duty to call them out. The pendulum must swing before things get so out of hand that society is destroyed.
    Collapsing societies are not pretty at all.

  4. Woman appear to have taken the lead in the destruction of Western values. Good for them! If not for our armies largely inhabited by their fathers and brothers, Islam’s sharia ideology would prevail. Then what?

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