IS THE premise on which alleged climate change science is based true?
The most prevalent problem is that few in public life are brave enough to ask this fundamental question, and voters are entitled to an answer, given that the known drop in living standards that they’ll otherwise suffer will cause great hardship.
- It’s past time to look the sacred cow in the eye and ask the obvious question.
- If man is not markedly increasing global warming, isn’t it time to re-visit renewables?
- Few in public life are brave enough to ask this fundamental question.
We now know that China poses a serious, sovereign threat.
Before the powers participating in various alliances to contain them neuter their needed economic growth with ever higher energy costs, however, they should jointly explain why the developed world must alone turn to renewables to counter growing CO2 emissions, and how these emissions are warming the planet.
We’re repeatedly told that the cost of renewables is rapidly dropping, but that is in no way reflected in escalating power prices, or reduced reliability and increased blackouts.
These days few dare to question global warming science. It’s difficult for any layman to get a grasp of this subject whilst the proponents refuse to debate the likes of Ian Plimer, contemporaneous to branding him a heretic.
If they believe what they say then they should put up, and debate him and others in a public forum, or shut up.
We all understand about eliminating pollution, as we can see what damage it does.
Is the filtered steam that emits from the latest coal fired power stations, however, really affecting temperatures, which is what we need to know? What is the problem with using the new emissions-free nuclear generators, which are apparently safe from mishap, unlike their predecessors!
Solar panels show promise in sunny climates, and can greatly reduce costs on a hot day, but cannot operate without back up baseload power at night or expensive batteries, which are unable to power industry or offset inclement weather.
Wind power in its current form is hideously expensive, dependent both on prevailing winds and accompanying supportive baseload power, and hydrogen is for the future.
We’re told that we must cull our livestock herds to reduce methane emissions, but animals have been freely flatulating since the dawn of time without incinerating us.
Climate and temperatures have always changed, as evidenced by a study of the world’s temperatures during the past 8000 years taken from ice core samples in Greenland.
Australia has historically endured shockingly high temperatures, droughts and bushfires since the 1800s yet these are now blamed on more recent carbon emissions.
Many of the green proponents are heavily commercially invested in renewables, and some scientists seek funding in return for beating the global warming drum.
No-one in parliament wants to commit political suicide by asking the hard questions, but it’s in our national interest for us all to be better informed about this subject.
We’re repeatedly told about rising seas, yet Sydney’s Fort Denison’s tidal measurements have stayed the same since 1880.
Some of Sydney’s northern beaches are supposed to have been washed away by global warming, but then habitually regenerate.
Likewise the ABC told us that bad storms some months ago had permanently devastated Byron Bay’s beaches, which was news to the locals, who since saw the same return to normal.
The Bureau of Meteorology regularly produces graphs to show warming biases, but omitting inconvenient earlier hotter years and taking temperatures from lower altitudes, or where heat has been trapped by buildings, really isn’t helpful.
Certainly the snow level has risen in the Snowy mountains since the 1960s, but is that retreat cyclical, or otherwise! Northern Britain was warm enough for the Romans to grow grapes there long ago.
The claim that rising seas are reducing the habitats of some pacific islands is ridiculed by satellite photographs taken both in 1979 and now, showing no difference.
Of course pacific island leaders will beat this lucrative drum, so when they encounter any empowered mug wandering their way they will naturally try to extract monies for our alleged emissions sins, which is much easier work than trying to sell trinkets to tourists.
If man is markedly increasing global warming, then of course mankind must respond, but if not then we really need to re-visit renewables, the lucrative emissions industry, and electricity prices, and concentrate much more on reducing pollution and planting more trees, to counter third world land clearing.
Both Britain’s and New Zealand’s energy costs are skyrocketing, appropo renewables, and Australia’s have more than doubled, but we’ve yet to feel the real pain.
A number of factors are pressuring us to make a terrible mistake.
Firstly, the current US administration has embraced renewables, whereas President Trump, like PM Morrison, had no time for climate science.
Secondly, British Prime Minister Johnson is now a captive of his current wife’s obsession and his anatomical needs, but before her influence he took a much more hard headed view of these seemingly fatuous claims.
We need the new Brit, American alliance for our sovereign safety. The condition attached by these two, and by the EU as part of a free trade deal, is that we roll over, acquiesce, and sign up to this probable warming fraud.
Thirdly, those who dare question current orthodoxy are metaphorically burnt at the stake as we revert to medieval practices, and trash advances made during the past few hundred years when learning how to question and reason.
Mr Morrison and Treasurer Frydenberg, when faced with an awful choice, have acted in what they consider to be in our best national interest, whilst trying not to commit us to wrecking our economy and living standards.
Fourthly, the extremist NSW Liberal government intends phasing out coal fired power by 2040. The price to pay is as follows.
In the past year 81 per cent of NSW’s electricity came from coal and 13 per cent from renewables, most of the latter having previously been subsidised by the taxpayer, more than doubling prices for what consumers would have otherwise paid.
What will happen? South Australia has afforded us a sneak preview after literally blowing up its coal fired power stations.
There were bad blackouts, power failed in hospitals, people died, prices went through the roof and businesses faced oblivion, until other States threw them an extension cord.
Victoria, having banned gas drilling and destroyed some of its own power stations, faced a similar slower fate, until bailed out by the national grid.
Once our power stations have been destroyed, there are no more extension cords.
When we realise our terrible mistake, it will then take several years to build new ones, and our resultant high unemployment rate and GDP reduction will not only destroy our living standards, but leave us particularly vulnerable to our foreign aggressor China.
The wheels of government move slowly.
After the “sublime” skills of former PM Turnbull and his sidekick Christopher Pyne negotiated the French submarine debacle, the government took an eternity in geopolitical time to exit this blatantly hopeless $90b idiocy.
Many of the deals Turnbull struck whilst PM require re-visiting, and a start would be to exit from Snowy 2.0 and build another power station, which would be much cheaper
This time voters have much more at stake, so should voice their concerns if they care about their country’s very existence.PC