Forget warming, new Ice Age looms say UK scientists

EARTH is rapidly entering into ice age conditions according to an international team of environmental scientists led by Cardiff University in Wales. 

The researchers say melting icebergs in Antarctica are acting as a trigger for a prolonged period of cold temperatures on earth. 

Their study identifies variations in the earth’s solar orbit – which alters levels of radiation reaching the planet – as the primary cause of melting icebergs. 

To use the words ‘climate emergency’ indicates that you have absolutely no knowledge of the past…
Prof Ian Plimer
Geologist & Earth Scientist

“When the orbit of the earth around the sun is just right, Antarctica icebergs begin to melt further away from Antarctica, shifting huge volumes of fresh water away from the Southern Ocean and into the Atlantic Ocean,” their report said.

“As the Southern Ocean gets saltier and the North Atlantic gets fresher, large-scale ocean circulation patterns begin to dramatically change, pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere and reducing the so-called greenhouse effect.

“This in turn pushes the Earth into ice age conditions.”

The reportMelting icebergs key to sequence of an ice age: New study unravels long-standing climate mystery and provides insight into how our planet may change in the future, was published on January 13, 2021.

Lead author Aidan Starr, from Cardiff University’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, said: “We were astonished to find that this lead-lag relationship was present during the onset of every ice age for the past 1.6 million years.


“Such a leading role for the Southern Ocean and Antarctica in global climate has been speculated but seeing it so clearly in geological evidence was very exciting,” he said.

Australian geologist and earth scientist Ian Plimer said the next ice age was inevitable.

“It’s normal to have cycles of climate and we are getting towards the end of a warm period,” Prof Plimer said.

“The peak of the warmth was about 5000 years ago and we are heading for the next inevitable ice age.

“Climate is cyclical and just because you live on planet earth doesn’t mean you can control major planetary systems.

“To think that you can control what happens on the planet means you would have an ego incommensurate with your knowledge.”

Prof Plimer said earth had endured six major ice ages and was experiencing nothing unprecedented.

“We’ve had glaciations when the ice expands and warmer periods when the ice retreats,” he said.

“All of that happened before humans were on planet earth and every single major ice age started when we had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now.

“To use the word ‘unprecedented’ shows that you have expunged history and geology from your knowledge.

“Likewise to use the words ‘climate emergency’ indicates that you have absolutely no knowledge of the past.

“By having forty years of dumbing down our education system and now having people not taught to be critical nor analytical, they think they can get away with saying anything – and that’s what the climate alarmists are doing.”

Prof Plimer was particularly critical of Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology.

“By using words like unprecedented, you only need to go to their own records to show they are telling porky pies,” he said.

“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drives global warming.

“If you think it has been shown, then please give me the five scientific papers that show this.

“That question has never been answered.” PC

Nothing unprecedented with climate…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Prof Ian Plimer. (courtesy North Queensland Register/Mental Floss)
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12 thoughts on “Forget warming, new Ice Age looms say UK scientists

  1. As Prof Plimer rightly says, there is no evidence that CO2 is the cause of global warming. Furthermore, what climate alarmists cannot explain is how our planet went through 5 ice ages – followed in each case by global warming such as we’re experiencing now – when THERE WERE NO HUMANS ON THE PLANET !!!!

  2. It was the Rio Conference (left out the word).
    I also forgot to mention that Australia has reduced its land are under trees by over 90% in the last 220 years. That is equivalent in tree density to about 3x Borneo.
    Borneo was once touted as the “lungs of the Pacific”.
    Oh yes – lungs. Let’s remember in all this debate that it is good to be able to breathe fresh air. I have been reminded of that during the lockdown.
    We have also had better rainfall in Sydney than I can remember for 45 years (or 4 or 5 La Ninas ago). The reason? I can only surmise because fewer cars on the road.
    And let’s remember that trees cool the earth as well as sequester CO2.

  3. Prof Palmer, geologists are all the same. They study fossils and rocks and know nothing about gaseous physics, plants, thermal physics or – as it turns out – what was causing the Antarctic ice cap to melt in the first place.
    Antarctica is a continent. Of rock-hard material. The Antarctic ice cap was 5 Km high when last reported at the first global warming in Rio in 1992. The Antarctic ice has been melting at a steady 50 vertical metres per year. It doesn’t just push off icebergs like the Arctic that is merely ice-covered sea.
    Yes we are probably heading for an ice age – unless we take steps to reverse an almost irreversible temperature rise. The heat from car motors, aeroplanes, foundries and bushfires is accelerating the warming effect of CO2 and methane. Trees and ocean are absorbing it. If we continue to reduce tree-covered areas, more will be dumped into the ocean, acidifying it but not enough to prevent the tripling of CO2 levels.
    Meanwhile the ocean floor is becoming freezing to the rapid ice-melt. (The Antarctic ice cap was recently reported at 2,700 metres).
    This will cause seismic activity on the ocean floor around the edge of the tectonic plates that are warming from the overall increase in temperature (you see, Professor, heat rises). This leads to earthquakes and volcanoes.
    So it is preventable. So lets, invest in solar, hydrogen (massive employment and export opportunities in Oz), solar-powered EVs and plant trees as fast as we can.
    So, if anything is going to cause the next ice age, it is massive volcanic activity.

  4. Interesting. Icebergs melting further north (i.e. colder conditions at lower latitudes) is the corollary of tree lines descending on mountains (colder conditions at higher altitudes). Higher tree lines in the past are evidence of times warmer than now.

  5. Sean, Prof. Plimer, Hugh,
    If only all the climate alarmists could read and digest the plain facts above, their completely erroneous concerns about CO2 would be obliterated. Then we could all concentrate on real nature conservation, cleaning up our oceans and preserving the dwindling wilderness areas.

    AND AUSTRALIA COULD BUILD MANY NEW COAL-FIRED POWER STATIONS and use the huge supply of first-grade black coal under our Continent to supply masses of cheap, dependable energy once more.

  6. Prof Plimer speaks sense and his CO2 challenge, set years ago, has not been refuted. I think it’s all to do with collective behaviour, vested interests, gullibility … but more than anything, an unnecessary division between two sides which could be ameliorated if each talked to the other. In the meanwhile governments and big business interests limit our economies, cause financial hardship to many and frustrate new approaches in dealing with climatic matters which affect human interests.

  7. The one piece of evidence I find that the warmest have put up is rising water levels around Florida. They are blaming the slowing of the Gulf Stream no conducting the waters away. The warmer water expands and so the level rise.
    But. If the huge amount of energy contained in the Gulf Stream is not transferred to Europe then Europe will freeze and an ice age will occur. NOAA data does show a recent reduction in the flow of the gulf stream and a drop in surface temperatures. The document I read believed that a reduction of flow for as little as 11 years may create a tipping point. Can u believe any climate prophets any more.

  8. Funny. When I was in school they warned of global cooling, then it was warming and now it’s climate change. Or what the rest of us call seasons.

  9. When they talk about climate change, they’re really talking about ‘Global Control’.

  10. Who cares what they predict? Imagine believing someone who claims to know what the weather will be like in 50yrs. We can’t even figure out what it will be like next week.

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