THE ABC has been accused of supporting Marxist ideology – aimed at turning Australians against each other – as it sides with extremists’ demands to topple national statues.
In a lopsided piece appearing on its publicly-funded on-line service, the ABC this week argued the case for removing statues of prime ministers, monarchs and white settlers.
The national broadcaster, while focussed on only one viewpoint, suggested “authentic reconciliation” was not possible while memorials to first Prime Minister Edmund Barton, King George V, Sir Henry Parkes and Captain Cook remained upright.
The article, titled “Should statues which ‘don’t respect traditional custodians’ be removed from around Canberra?” follows weeks of social unrest triggered by Australian Communist Party-inspired Black Lives Matter rallies.
“To a white person, it’s their history. It’s not mine, and it’s not my children’s, or my grandchildren’s, or my nieces and nephews,” Canberra’s Matilda House told ABC staff.
The article was co-written by ABC activists Kate Midena and Dan Bourchier – who have written extensively on “racist” deaths in custody and the evils of imagined medical conditions such as “unconscious bias”.
Australian Monarchist League’s Philip Benwell said the ABC should be ashamed.
“This seems to be part of the Marxist inspired ‘Tear down the statues’ campaign and the ABC should be ashamed of itself for promoting such rabble rousing,” Mr Benwell said.
“The Australian Monarchist League is vehemently opposed to the removal of any statue of King George V or of Sir Edmund Barton or indeed of any of Australia’s great leaders of the past.
“This divisive campaign, which we realise has probably not emanated from mainstream Aboriginal groups, will do the Indigenous cause no good and, in fact, is quite likely to tarnish future discussions aimed at reconciliation.
“The statues of George V and Sir Edmund Barton are a part of Australia’s history. We are not, yet, a communist/fascist country where symbols of the past are eradicated in favour of an uncertain bleak future.”
Mr Benwell said George V was King of Australia for 26 years and he, like his grandmother, Queen Victoria, and his son, George VI and granddaughter, the present Queen, had always taken an interest in the welfare of native populations.
“Whenever the Queen has visited Australia, she has always made a point of meeting with Aboriginal groups, as has her son, our future king, the Prince of Wales,” he said.
“The Australian Monarchist League condemns and will actively oppose any attempt to remove the statues.
“We call on the ABC to adopt, at least, a modicum of patriotism – or nationalism if they prefer – and honour those great men, like Sir Edmund Barton, who founded the nation-state of Australia.” PC
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: ABC carrying water for communist-inspired social unrest. (enhanced)
POLITICOM: Left tough on statues, soft on child rapists
POLITICOM: Black lives don’t matter to radical Left
The majority at the ABC are so anti everything Conservative, so unapologetically skewed, so unpatriotic that they would erase our vitally important history.
Its now high time our elected Government erased them. Except for Classic Music Radio, we definitely don’t need them. The really important information is accurately provided by Sky News and other Foxtel channels, with some popular Aussie content provided by other free-to-air channels.
It has become patently obvious to all and sundry that the ABC is certainly “not” for the majority of people any more and have become totally biased towards the left. This is completely unsatisfactory and as they are now only a propaganda arm for the Labor and Greens parties they must be privatised to prevent more of tax payers money being wasted.
Plenty of aborigines don’t want “White history”, but they will quite happily pocket large sums of “White money”. Such people as these are rank hypocrites who have no sense of shame.
Disgusting and shame on the ABC!. After pocketing billions of dollars from the Australian tax payer over the years it works with communists who despise democracy and seek to divide us. Let’s hope people wise up to the lunacy of the “Left” and vote for conservatives.