AFP swoops on Pell cash scandal

FEDERAL police have commenced inquiries into suspect transfers of Vatican cash just days after Victoria Police were accused of being incapable of running an unbiased investigation. 

According to reports in The Australian newspaper the probe was launched after new information was recently passed to Australian Federal Police. 

The source of the newly uncovered evidence has been identified as Austrac, an Australian government agency tasked with detecting organised crime via financial transaction activities.


Victoria Police were provided similar information and are also investigating.

In Senate hearings this week Austrac confirmed the veracity of Italian press allegations that A$1.1m had been mysteriously transferred from Rome into Australian bank accounts.

The newspapers claimed the transactions occurred around the time of Cardinal George Pell’s discredited sexual abuse trial and were intended to “influence” testimony against him.

Cardinal Pell’s complainant has denied receiving payment for his testimony.

The AFP’s involvement follows harsh criticism of Victoria Police by the Dean of Law at Melbourne’s Swinbourne University Mirko Bagaric.

Prof Bagaric this month accused his State’s police force of being too “political” and suggested it could no longer be trusted to run an unbiased investigation.

“It is the only jurisdiction in the developed world where police corrupted a lawyer to become an informer against her clients,” he wrote.


“Their enforcement of the pandemic lockdown laws suggests an unhappily close relationship between the police and government.”

Prof Bagaric said Victoria had become the most closed and secretive justice system in Australia.

“There are more suppression orders in Victoria than the rest of the nation combined,” he said.

The legal academic said Victoria police’s “unprecedented” handling of Cardinal Pell’s discredited investigation had disqualified them from investigating the Vatican cash transfers.

“Cardinal Pell’s trial lawyer Robert Richter QC is right to call for an investigation – an independent one – into the Vatican money allegations,” Prof Bagaric said.

“The prosecution of Pell was far removed from the orthodox criminal investigation and trial process.

 “There are many odd aspects associated with it, starting with the unprecedented actions of Victoria Police in establishing a task force targeting Pell before any allegations had been made against him.

“Police even actively advertised for victims.”

Cardinal Pell wrongfully spent more than 400 days in a maximum security Victorian prison before his conviction was unanimously overturned by the full bench of Australia’s High Court.

He recently returned to Rome to met with the Pope, just weeks after Francis sacked high ranking Cardinal Giovanni Becciu over questionable financial transactions.PC

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Cardinal George Pell meets with Pope Francis in Rome. (courtesy: The Australian)
POLITICOM: The rule of law has been restored
POLITICOM: ‘Get Pell’ crusade continues despite High Court ruling

2 thoughts on “AFP swoops on Pell cash scandal

  1. Thank goodness for good, brave people like Professor Bagaric, speaking out and demanding the exposure of corruption. I hope the Federal Police do an extremely thorough job of investigation, are able to name all those in this fetid swamp of lies and evil bigotry.
    Cardinal Pell was subjected to shocking and cruel abuse from such as the ABC and most of our shameful media. This innocent man was incarcerated in maximum for 400 days.
    Sky News, (and in particular Andrew Bolt), was the one unbiased media organisation that was intelligent enough to know that nothing added up, that many rats had been working their underground malice. It’s as well Pell had his faith to keep him strong!

  2. It’s clearly a Deep State thing, we are seeing it exposed now with the FBI and CIA, and their fabrication of evidence to throw out Trump.

    Our Victorian Police have demonstrated they are in the same mould, and just like the Brown Shirts, that will attach the Church and fabricate evidence at what ever cost.

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