Albanese needs to travel more

by JOHN MIKKELSEN – IT APPEARS Airbus Albo needs to spend more time oversees to help get his head around the importance of nuclear-powered energy. 

While the Prime Minister’s at it, he should pack in all the nuclear nay-sayer Labor premiers, Queensland’s out of touch LNP leader David Crisafulli and Victorian Liberal fence sitter John Pesutto along with Energy Minister Bowen. 

Germany is a great example of how not to transition to renewables. Its manufacturing is now seriously at risk, just as it is in Australia.
John Mikkelsen
Freelance Writer & Author

This could be an overseas jaunt that actually may bear fruit.

First stop France, whose President Macron called on Australia to lift its nuclear ban after our government rejected a nuclear pledge at the Cop 28 summit last year.


The declaration to triple nuclear energy capacity globally by 2050 was endorsed by more than 20 countries at the UN climate change conference.

When asked by 17-year-old Nuclear for Australia founder Will Shackel about nuclear energy’s role in global plans to decarbonise, Macron said he hoped Australia would manage to lift the ban.

“Nuclear energy is a source that is necessary to succeed for carbon neutrality in 2050,” he said.

Well, despite his faults, Macron knows that France produces 70 per cent of its energy from nuclear and exports power to other EU green dream believer nations such as Germany and Italy.

“France’s total net exports amounted to 31.1TWh in the second half of the year, with most of the power flowing to Germany (8TWh) and Italy (8TWh). In the first six months of 2023, France’s net exports totaled 17.6TWh.”

Sacre bleu Albo, take your Aussie tour group up to France’s rich agricultural areas: the vineyards, dairies and cheese factories and enjoy a bottle or three of some of the world’s top wines, with a side serving of Gruyere, Camembert or Roquefort.

You’ll see it’s far from a nuclear wasteland and there’s no three-eyed fish to be caught.

Back on the Airbus, next stop Germany. This is a great example of how not to transition to renewables.

Its manufacturing is seriously at risk, just as it is in Australia. Even Greens’ hero Greta Thunberg says Germany should re-open its mothballed nuclear plants.

Then off to Finland for a more pleasant experience. A big new nuclear plant beside a picturesque lake with more healthy fish.

And as a result, the Finns went from suffering among Europe’s highest power prices to enjoying its lowest.


They now pay just a fraction of what the wind and solar obsessed Germans are forced to pay for their obsession with intermittent unreliable renewables.

When Finland fired up its 1600MW Olkiluoto 3 nuclear plant in April 2023, power users were bound to notice that average spot electricity prices dropped from €245.98 per MWh in December 2022 to €60.55 per MWh hour in April 2023.

If that doesn’t impress Albo, he can jet across the Atlantic to Canada’s Ontario, the home of cheap nuclear energy which is about to expand and power many more homes.

For decades, Canada and Ontario’s nuclear technology has been world-leading, providing safe, reliable and affordable energy – as well as good jobs for workers with more than 75,000 Canadians employed across the nuclear supply chain.

Ontario has even offered to sell its technology to Australia as a safe, cost-effective power source.

Canada is also constructing a small modular reactor which Mr Albanese claimed didn’t exist commercially anywhere, even though one is operating in China, with more to follow.

Studies over many years including by The Lancet have confirmed that nuclear is the safest form of energy, despite the fear mongering.

In fact, it’s probably a lot safer than wind turbines and associated survey work which have been blamed for multiple whale strandings off the New Jersey Coast, deaths of hundreds of thousands of birds and bats as well as less obvious “infrasound” harm to humans and wildlife from low decibel penetrating sound waves.


“With ever larger wind turbines, the frequencies are getting lower and lower. This makes infrasound more problematic and dangerous,” German biologist Dr Ursula Bellut-Staeck told The Epoch Times.

All this should all be enough to convince any reasonable, open minded person that there should be a serious discussion on lifting the unreasonable ban on nuclear power and considering it as part of our energy mix if we want to keep the lights on and reduce emissions.

Defence Minister Richard Marles very reluctantly admitted in Parliament this week that our submariners would be safe alongside the nuclear reactors they will live with for long periods underwater.

And those subs will visit and be serviced in major Australian ports. So, cut the fear and smear campaign Albo and Bowen. Its got more holes than Titanic.PC


(I last wrote about the advantages of nuclear energy back in June 2019 after Labor lost that unlosable election. About the only thing that’s changed from my perspective is the government.)

John Mikkelsen

John Mikkelsen is a former editor of three Queensland regional newspapers, columnist, freelance writer and author of the Amazon Books memoir, Don’t Call Me Nev
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Anthony Albanese. (courtesy YouTube)

2 thoughts on “Albanese needs to travel more

  1. One way ticket pls…. endless honeymoon.
    And he can celebrate the destruction of Australia and the ALP

  2. Cut your carbon footprint whilst I increase mine . The Greens are running the country not Elma Fudd.


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