ANTHONY Albanese has downplayed alleged criminal behaviour within Victorian Labor, ignoring industrial scale “corruption” and instead focussing on “sexist and homophobic” comments.
In a blatant attempt to divert attention from allegations of branch stacking, taxpayer fraud, secret pay-offs and possible signature fraud, the blindsided ALP leader said he was appalled by the politically incorrect language used by ALP kingpin Adem Somyurek.
Albanese’s comments pre-empted the sacking of Somyurek, – the Victorian Trade Minister who later resigned from the Labor Party – following an explosive 60 Minutes program that aired on Sunday evening.
“What we saw last night [on 60 Minutes] was a corruption of the political process. It has no place in the Australian Labor Party,” Mr Albanese said during a prepared statement on Monday morning.
“I want a political system that all Australians can be proud of and where I see something that doesn’t fit in with that view, I will take action.
“The national executive committee will be meeting at 12.30pm today … from that point in time Mr Somyurek will not be a member of the Australian Labor Party.”
The rest of Albanese’s statement focussed on political correctness.
“The comments that we saw last night were that of someone who was prepared to denigrate not just people who he saw as his opponents but also people who were working with him,” he said.
“There were sexist comments, they were homophobic, they were completely inappropriate. In particular I’ve got to say that the comments about the minister responsible for taking action against violence against women in Victoria, Gabrielle Williams, were just breathtaking in their ignorance and in their inappropriateness.”
“I’ve been very consistent, I’ll continue to be consistent, the Labor Party will be a better Party with the removal of this individual.”
Notably, Mr Albanese didn’t mention a single allegation of criminal activity levelled at Mr Somyurek and his factional henchmen. A casual listener would draw the conclusion that Somyurek was being sacked for being a bit nasty towards women and homosexuals.
Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson SC, a former counsel assisting the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption and a director for the Centre of Public Integrity didn’t mince his words.
“It’s just an incredible compilation of damning material … that commonly carries a heavy jail sentence – not months, years,” Mr Watson told 60 Minutes.
Secret audio and video tape recorded of Mr Somyurek captures discussions about house bombings, branch stackings, taxpayer funded rorting, physical harm to other ministers, secret pay-offs, signature fraud, betrayal and political take-over.
“I wish I could say ‘I can’t believe it’ but it’s happened and it’s wrong, just very wrong. Using tax payer funding to branch stack is a criminal offence.
“If that was proved there would be a strong case for multiple criminal offences. I mean, it is a diversion of public money for an ulterior or improper motive and that’s misconduct in public office.
“It’s a very serious offence that carries a hefty jail term.”
Mr Watson headed the corruption investigation into NSW Labor in 2012, which saw the imprisonment of multiple government ministers.
“It tells me things haven’t changed since the enquiries that I held in NSW involving the Labor Party,” he said.
Mr Watson said there could no longer be any excuses.
“It’s fundamentally bad and there is no innocent complexion to place on it. The fact the ALP were placed on notice so recently and told ‘stop doing this’ only aggravates it.”
Politicom understands criminal referrals are to be made.PC
Albanese is a total out of touch fool and either a liar or a complete hypocrite. He was the same loony who said he has seen no evidence of corruption in Parliament when indeed it is rife within his own Party. Albanese is another left wing phony who along with the rest of his corrupt comrades wants Australia to become a socialist republic and must never ever be allowed to govern this Country.