![Albo & Gates hatch their globalist plan](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Bill-gates-albo-300x500-1.png)
by PAUL COLLITS – AS IF Bill Gates hasn’t already done enough damage to Australia and Australians – think vaccine deaths and injuries and ruinous climate policies, just for starters – he has to come visit us.
In order to grant our endlessly disappointing Prime Minister an audience with vaccine and climate royalty.
- While we know what they talked about, we don’t know what they agreed to do in partnership.
- This is a worry, given the sum of evil deeds these two men are separately already up to.
- This is the strange, new ideological hybrid that now runs the place.
To talk about alternate energy, climate action and pandemic preparedness, three favourite topics of Gates and core to his global agenda.
And three topics at the very bottom of the to-do lists of just about every normal Australian voter.
While we know what they talked about – who wouldn’t? – we don’t know what they agreed to do in partnership, if anything.
That itself is a worry, given the sum of the evil deeds these two men are separately already up to.
Albo is setting out summarily to crush Australia’s economy with his (Liberal Party-shared) climate fantasy, to impoverish us with energy madness and to poison our Constitution and society with embedded, institutional racism.
No, it wasn’t just any old meet-and-greet. And yes, a mutual admiration society this meeting would surely have been.
Albanese told Gates he was “very welcome here”.
You bet. These two are very much on the same page, determined as they are to implement a “globo-cap” or “neo-Leftist” world order.
This is the strange, new ideological hybrid that now runs the place, and to whose core elements both major Australian political Parties now adhere. And in which the ordinary voter gets well and truly shafted.
This explains how so-called old-Left troopers like Anthony Albanese can break bread with mega-rich monopoly capitalists like Gates. Something that would have had old Labor standard-bearers like Doc Evatt and Arthur Calwell spinning in their graves.
All politicians love flattery, especially flattery from the rich and famous. And Bill Gates III, the son of a eugenicist (and head of Planned Parenthood, the American abortion machine) and a rich, glorified software developer who got lucky (by rigging computer operating systems markets), understands this more than most.
Bill, of course, is on first name terms with Albanese’s predecessors Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard. Gillard now chairs one of Gates’ partner institutions, the British Wellcome Trust, itself having direct linkages with the eugenics movement and up to its armpits in the global vaccines scam.
The interconnections among all of the global climate and pandemia grifters are immense. They shimmy their way around all of the Davos-style gab-fests, they “penetrate ze cabinets” as Klaus Schwab reminded us some years back in relation to Canada, they reward their politico-foot soldiers with corporate, university, global governance and NGO sinecures – think Tony Blair, Helen Clark and, no doubt in time, their shared acolyte, Jacinda Ardern – and they get governments in their pay to enact policies to the detriment of their people.
Sadly, but not surprisingly, the serially disappointing ScoMo was also a fan.
Albanese’s predecessor, Scott Morrison, was inspired to commit to a 2050 net-zero emissions target after reading the billionaire’s book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster.
Morrison regularly quoted large slabs of the book to advocates and critics of stronger action on climate change.
God help us all. (I have always thought that the best way to avoid a climate disaster would be to put Bill Gates behind bars).
Gates’ favourite trick is to butter up politicians and buy off media companies, like The Guardian. The latter, like Albo, is an example of an allegedly Leftist actor teaming up with a rich monopolist to achieve shared neo-Leftist outcomes.
The result is “advocacy journalism”, something with which we are only too familiar in Australia.
Gates is also a dab hand at buying off universities and academics. Having recognised who occupies the commanding heights of communication and agenda setting, he sets out to control them, for his own purposes.
Hence the “two clicks to Bill Gates funding” rule, which explains so much about the world and why so many media organisations sing from the Gates hymn sheet.
An important part of Gates’ day job is to tour the world making sure that all the politicians are on-side with his continuing agendas. Hence dropping in at Kirribilli House. Call it relationship-building.
Gates isn’t the first to recognise that one’s in-the-toilet reputation from business misdemeanours can be rescued by attaching oneself to Big Philanthropy.
It goes back a long way, at least to John D Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil then later went into biomedical research and … vaccines!
In some ways, the first famous Rockefeller created the model. Gates just does it best, and with by the far worst global consequences.
(Perhaps not coincidentally, David Rockefeller, the grandson of John D, who for a time ran Chase Manhattan Bank, got into the new world order game also championed by Gates, through his creation in the 1970s of the Trilateral Commission.)
Robert Malone, co-inventor of mRNA vaccines and now a fierce critic of the COVID State, has been especially unkind to Gates, calling him a monopolist, a narcissist, possibly a sociopath, a nefarious actor, and anything but benign.
Gates’ championing and co-funding of the Event 201 war-game style simulation of a global pandemic, conducted in October 2019, involving the ubiquitous Australian ex-public servant Jane Halton and spookily predicting, almost to a tee, the actual policy responses of governments when they discovered the COVID virus a few months later, is especially sinister.
Gates’ most consequential lie about the vaccines was the false binary between lockdowns and the return of freedom that, he argued, the vaccines would deliver. He said it first.
Then all the puppet politicians around the world parroted the lie, and so the idea for vaccine mandates was cleverly planted in the popular psyche and embedded in the elites’ narrative. It was all down to Gates.
As if Gates’ COVID crimes aren’t enough, he is now on the trail of the next pandemic.
He is, of course, a key funder of the World Health Organisation (WHO), along with the Chinese Communist Party. (Again, that strange collaboration between global capitalism and communism.)
The WHO is seeking to take over global pandemic responses and remove these from the control of democratically elected governments. All with the active collusion of the shadowy pandemic industry.
As David Bell and Emma McCarthur have noted: While the WHO works in the spotlight, the pandemic industry has been growing for over a decade and its expansion accelerates unabated.
Other major players such as the World Bank, coalitions of wealthy nations at the G7 and G20 and their corporate partners work in a world less subject to transparency; a world where the rules are more relaxed and a conflict of interest receives less scrutiny.
ScoMo was ready to sign over our public health sovereignty before the recent election. Sadly, it was a sleeper issue in the non-event that was the May election.
Perhaps some curious journalist should ask Albanese what his views are on the WHO Pandemic Treaty and Australia’s participation in it. Did he and Gates discuss this?
SBS TV asked, following the meeting with Albanese – is Australia prepared for the next pandemic? A chilling question, and not for the reasons that the media might think.
We know what Gates would like Albanese to do. Perhaps Jane Halton might be appointed to head up some new QANGO to run it all.
She already has all the sinister connections. And we know she knows Bill.
It is beyond belief that Gates would not have been actively lobbying the Australian Government in relation to the WHO Treaty.
And, no doubt, offering billions to help smooth the process. That is the way he rolls. And sadly, we have yet another prime minister ready to play lap-dog.PC