Albo has set up Australia to fail

by ROGER CROOK – IT WAS a cynical act by Albanese’s Labor government to open the gates to more than 500k immigrants, when they knew there was nowhere for them to live? 

It was callous to welcome these people when they knew full well the nation’s health services were in crisis – from doctor and hospital wait lists, to ambulance ramping, to aged care. 

While Australia was pre-occupied denying the Prime Minister the promise he made to the Aboriginal people, migrants from around the world flooded into the country in extraordinary numbers.

Labor, as all governments before them, know that migration improves the national balance sheet.

Migrants bring money into the country which they spend; migrants get jobs and pay taxes; everything is taxed; so, the treasury coffers swell and the government can boast.

In May 2023 Labor did boast as it handed down the first budget surplus since 2007; a surplus due to an increase of $33b in income tax receipts driven by high employment, and $61b in company tax receipts, driven by record breaking commodity prices.

Opening the doors of this nation to immigrants was a deliberate, cynical and callous act of a government that knew full well the effect another 500k migrants would have on the comfort and welfare of the Australian people – yet they did it.

It is a sad story for Australia.

The forecast migrant intake for 2023-24 is 190,000.


After Labor’s election in 2022, and as the nation attempted to get back to something like normal after the pandemic, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, calculatingly distracted the Australian people away from the task at hand.

At the same time, to all intents and purposes, he removed himself from the affairs of State by calling a referendum that was dear to his heart.

The Voice referendum, designed by a select group of Aboriginal people and the Prime Minister, proposed that Aboriginal Australians be given a preferred place in formulating the laws of Australia.

The referendum became the Prime Minister’s mission in office. He claimed he was unifying the nation when in reality, he was splitting it asunder like never before.

As the months past, his rhetoric became ever more shrill as the polls showed the nation was increasingly against his proposition.

The polls were right, 64 per cent of Australian voted against the referendum. Prime Minister Albanese was visibly shaken and despondent.

While Australia had been pre-occupied with denying the Prime Minister the promise he made to the Aboriginal people, migrants from around the world flooded into the country in extraordinary numbers.


The recent influx of about seven million (some say 10 million), predominantly young, illegal migrants into America has increased the population of that country by about 2.4 per cent.

State governments and many city councils are complaining bitterly about the structural and humanitarian problems the illegal migrants are causing. City facilities are under stress, crime is increasing, the resident populations are becoming agitated.

The recent influx of 500,000 predominantly young legal migrants into Australia has increased the population of Australia by about 2.0 per cent.

So far there have been no “official” complaints from the Labor States or local councils, nevertheless, this influx is straining an already stressed infrastructure.

Mr Albanese made a commitment on election night: “I can promise all Australians this, no matter how you voted today, the government I lead will respect every one of you every day.”

When he made that pledge, he must have known there were more than 122,000 homeless people in Australia.

He must have known there were about 57,000 vulnerable families waiting for a safe and secure social housing home; a home just like the one he proudly grew up in with his disability pensioner, single mother; Albanese constantly reminds us of his background.

What respect was he showing to the homeless and those waiting for a safe and secure home when he did nothing to stem the migrant tsunami that was flooding into Australia?

The Labor Government must have known house prices, already among the most expensive in the world, would continue to rise with more buyers in the market; the law of supply and demand cannot be ignored.

With median house prices ranging from $1.2m in Sydney to around $850k in Melbourne and Brisbane, the aspiration to own a house dies quickly with the young in Australia.

The new Minister for Housing, Julie Collins, must have been made aware there were virtually no rentals available anywhere in Australia for another 500k people on top of those already searching in vain.

Rental vacancy rates of one per cent were common, as were rental auctions, so where were the migrants going to live and did the new minister care? The answer must be no. To her and her Party boasting took precedence over the needs of Australians.

There are now, in 2024, reports of overcrowding in some suburbs of the capital cities; two and sometimes three families living in the one home. Seeking shift work so they can take it in turns to sleep and shower. Is this what we want in Australia?

There is no alternative. Those with the most money can pay the highest rents; three incomes are better than one. Three can afford what one can’t; so, the three displace the one and where does the one go?

Many migrants have poor English and subsequently families of the same language and ethnicity are tending to gather in the same area. Migrant ghettos contradict the aims of integration and assimilation both central to the principles, the very ethos of Australian migration.


The Federal Government is considering a new plan to ease pressures on the health care system. But some say it’s a long-term solution to an imminent crisis.

The Minister for Health & Aged Care Mark Butler spoke to then Today show host David Koch on August 16, 2022:

Koch: The gap fee for a standard consult with your doctor is now more than the Medicare rebate itself. Is that causing too many Aussies to clog up emergency departments and ring 000 to avoid it?

Minister: “It’s probably the most potent symbol, David, the first time in Medicare’s 40-year history that the gap fee that people pay out of their own pocket is more than the Medicare rebate itself.

“And it’s a symptom of a broader challenge that patients and doctors talk to me all through the last couple of years leading into the election, telling me it’s harder than ever to see a doctor.”

Recently I looked at the availability of a doctor’s appointment at two of the biggest medical practices in my regional hometown; between them they employ more than fifty doctors.

There were two appointments available on the Tuesday after a long weekend. One of the doctors had appointments available for a couple of days after that.

For all the other GPs there were no appointments for a week; many for two weeks, and for some, for a month.

There was a time when a bad cold and a sore throat was sufficient to see a doctor. I was at the emergency department at my local hospital the other day and I now know where kids are taken when they’re sick.

Is it any wonder there is ambulance ramping when emergency doctors are treating aches and pains, sore throats and kids with snotty noses?


An Australia Medical Association (AMA) report in 2022, “General Practice workforce: why the neglect must end”, suggests there will be a shortage of 10,600 GPs by 2031.

In Australia there are about 370 medical doctors per 100,000 people; an increase in our population of 500,000 means we need another 1850 doctors.

The yearly graduation of medical students in Australia is about 3700. The annual rate of retirement among medical practitioners in Australia is about four per cent.

There are about 105,300 medical practitioners in Australia at present; we are expected to lose about 4,200 every year to retirement; so, what on earth are we going to do to provide a doctor to meet the needs of another 500,000 people?

Just to stand still we need those doctors planning retirement to keep on working; and we need another 1850 doctors just to care for the new migrants and we need them now.


In an AMA report “Hospitals in Crisis” published in October 2021: “Our hospitals are full – there simply aren’t enough hospital beds or enough doctors and nurses – and tragic stories of deaths, deterioration and delayed care are becoming increasingly commonplace.”

The nurse-to-patient ratio in Australia is about 12.3 nurses per 1000 people. To cater for another 500,000 people, we need another 6130 plus nurses. There are about 450,000 nurses in Australia at present; in 2022, 80,000 nurses retired and about 20,000 new nurses graduated.

A McKinsey survey in 2022 predicted there will be a shortage of between 20,000 and 40,000 nurses by 2025. That survey is supported by the University of Victoria, although they predict Australia will need another 100,000 nurses in a couple of years.

In Australia there are about 2.5 hospital beds per thousand people. An additional 1250 beds are now needed to take care of the extra 500,000.

There are 450 beds in Royal Perth Hospital; this means there is a need, right now, for another three Royal Perth Hospitals to care for the people who accepted the invitation to come and live in our country.

How many Royal Perth Hospitals are under construction right now in our capital cities and regional centres?


When the wait lists for social housing at 57,000 is growing by 10 per cent a year and the number of homeless is at least 122,000, why did the government allow 500k more people into the country when they knew, there is nowhere for them to live? Nowhere.

Why allow more people into the country with the full and certain knowledge that their very presence will drive the housing crisis to new highs of unaffordability for all Australians?

What kind of government invites another 500,000 people into the country when they know the national health service is in crisis? When they know there is a shortage of doctors and they had been told it was going to get worse, far worse.

The answer is a Labor Government; a Labor Government led by Anthony Albanese that is committed to achieving, in its first term, at any cost, the socialist ideological objectives it has dreamt about in Opposition for more than a decade.

A Labor Government that may well deliver another surplus budget, a surplus, which will have been achieved at the expense of the health and welfare of an ever-increasing number of Australians seeking the basics of care and comfort of life in Australia, built and enjoyed by previous generations. PC

Roger Crook

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Anthony Albanese. (courtesy AMAC)

4 thoughts on “Albo has set up Australia to fail

  1. Meanwhile two VIP Flight Business Jets flown to Scone Airport NSW carrying many people including the Prime Minister and and Minister Blackout Bowen to the recently closed Hunter Valley Liddell Power Station (close to Bayswater Power Station and sharing a coal mine and water supply). Williamstown RAAF Base and Newcastle public Airport not far away by dual lane highway.

    However, the Liddell Power Station is operational and if some other use for that land was considered demolition and new buildings would be necessary, after obtaining NSW Government planning approvals.

    The photo opportunity-stunt was to announce a billion dollar donation to a private sector proposed venture to manufacture solar panels. But China is the world market leader so how could an Australian company compete with China? There is also an over supply of solar panels, production has exceeded demand. And, China and other nuclear powers are racing to become market leader for supply of Small Modular Reactors – SMR – as demand for this latest generation of over 75 years in service technology increases because SMR is factory made and can be supplied with factory made building kits reducing construction time and cost. A small modular nuclear reactor is exactly that, a nuclear reactor but smaller than the built on site nuclear reactors in the many large power stations already operating.

    By the way, the Albanese Labor Government just announced an agreement with Rolls Royce UK for them to supply SMRs for the next generation nuclear submarines to be built in SA. Including a down payment securing delivery and scheduled production line planning. Labor say Australia does not have nuclear expertise, please Google ANSTO, operator of the Sydney Lucas Heights nuclear reactor and involved in research and development of nuclear science based technologies. RAN personnel are training on board nuclear submarines with the US and UK, future private sector power station potential.

    Nuclear reactor is not an electricity generator as some people apparently believe. But can replace coal fired boiler technology to produce steam to drive steam turbine electricity generators. The ANSTO reactor produces radio isotopes for commercial and medical purposes – nuclear medicine units in hospitals.

  2. ” IT WAS a cynical act by Albanese’s Labor government to open the gates to more than 500k immigrants, when they knew there was nowhere for them to live?”

    Also consider the over 50,000 illegal immigrant asylum seekers that Labor let into Australia from 2007 to 2013 bypassing offshore detention processing based on UNHCR rules and providing them with Temporary Protection Visa and welfare support, and access to legal aid and Australian court appeals after their asylum application was rejected and appeal against that decision lost.

    Albanese Labor after May 2022 cancelled TPV and granted remaining illegal immigrants permanent residence here. They also overturned deportation orders for illegal immigrants appealing against deportation orders.

    All of the illegal immigrants were provided with accommodation adding to the housing problems for Australians generally.

  3. “A Labor Government that may well deliver another surplus budget, a surplus, which will have been achieved at the expense of the health and welfare of an ever-increasing number of Australians seeking the basics of care and comfort of life in Australia, built and enjoyed by previous generations.”

    Surplus based on accounting for Future Fund that had always being accounted off budget. Windfall revenue from export of mining resources that Treasurer Chalmers carefully avoids identifying as mining related. Tax revenue increasing and including bracket creep for income taxpayers. Savings by cancelling, cutting back and/or deferring ADF equipment orders. And other creative accounting.

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