by DAVID FLINT – WHAT on earth were Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong thinking with their flirtation with the very terrorists who began the current war with the worst and most inhuman attack on Jews since the Holocaust?
Have they forgotten the world’s declaration, “Never again”?
- Their aim is to navigate the ship so as not to sink in the polls.
- Their real policy is expressed in the evil mantra, “From the river to the sea”.
- Israel has been the subject of at least four surprise wars all for the purpose of achieving this very outcome.
Their incursion into diplomacy is perhaps guided by French politician Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, who believed, “There are no principles, only events”.
Meanwhile, a dominant consideration in everything the Prime Minister now does, goes to, says, or even wears, seems to be its effect on his re-election.
The aim is to navigate the ship so as not to sink in the polls.
These suggest the worst that will happen is Labor will be returned as a minority government in alliance with Labor satellites.
Much of course depends on a continuation of the gentle treatment so many in the mainstream media still give the government.
As to Ms Wong’s decision to abandon the role of commissar and pose as the Talleyrand de nos jours, the fact is that despite the significant role our army once played in Palestine, our diplomatic influence there today is minimal.
Our aid to the questionable UNRWA, and our recklessly bringing in Gaza residents, was no doubt well received in Islamist circles.
It is difficult not to conclude that the Hamas flirtation is not so much diplomatic, but relates principally to its impact in Labor’s 29 seats where there is a significant Muslim vote, ranging from 5 to 35 per cent.
This phenomenon began with a successful caucus revolt against Prime Minister Gillard’s decision to maintain the then bipartisan policy of supporting Israel in the United Nations.
The revolt was led by a cabinet minister who proposed a simple test: how could he defend that policy from the steps of the Lakemba mosque.
This no doubt explains the disgraceful failure of the Albanese and Minns governments to do their duty and nip in the bud the increasing wave of anti-Semitism, including the most explicit of hate speech in inciting violence.
As to the two-State solution, this is not even comatose. It is dead and buried. Initiated by the British long after they extracted Jordan from the mandate as an Arab Hashemite monarchy, the proposition has never been genuinely accepted by the Palestinian leadership.
Nor until the Trump presidency, was it accepted by a significant number of Arab governments.
Indeed the need to kill off an Abraham Accord with Saudi Arabia was one trigger for the October 7 attack.
When it comes to the crunch, the Palestinian leadership still does not genuinely accept the two-State solution.
Their real policy is expressed in the evil mantra, “From the river to the sea”.
This means one thing, and one thing only: the destruction of Israel and, at best, the expulsion of the Jews.
Unsurprisingly, Israel has been the subject of at least four surprise wars all for the purpose of achieving this very mantra.
The first three were waged by various neighbouring Arab States.
The fourth on October 7 began with the inhuman attack by Hamas, acting as agents of the Tehran mullahs, themselves partially funded by the foolishness of first Obama and then Biden.
Israel, the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have a democratic vote and enjoy civil rights commensurate with a Western democracy, prevailed in the first three wars. Just as she believes she must do in the current war.
The proof that the Palestinian leadership never believed in the two-State solution is that in the three negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, once at a meeting chaired by President Clinton where exceptionally generous terms were offered, the Palestinian leadership refused point blank to agree.
Nothing could be clearer. Not one Palestinian leader contemplates a two-State solution. Instead, they plan to drive the Jews into the sea and destroy Israel. From the river to the sea indeed.
So what was Minister Wong doing with her scheme to reward the terrorists who launched the current war to force Israel to go into Gaza?
It was as if she wrote to Winston Churchill in the darkest days of the war to tell him to do a deal with the Nazis.
Or as if she wrote to John Curtin whilst the Imperial Japanese were coming down to Australia, telling him how to run foreign affairs.
And what was she doing trying to investigate the sad case of the death of an aid worker, when Israel’s investigation was far superior and speedier than we or others ever conduct in similar circumstances?
Perhaps the government is inspired by similar moves by Joe Biden. On that, Texan Senator Ted Cruz says there is a popular media narrative that Joe Biden is really pro-Israel, the problem is his Party.
Not so, says Cruz. Joe Biden has been undermining Israel for more than 50 years.
As a senator in 1982, he threatened Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin with cutting off aid if Israel did not stop settlements in Judea and Samaria.
Cruz says Biden was saying then what he is saying now. “You don’t have any right to settle the land of Israel, and if you do, we’re going to cut you off.”
Begin replied: “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid, it will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3700 years of civilised history.
“Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and the ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country.
“We paid for it, we fought for it, we died for it. We will stand by our principles, we will defend them and when necessary, we will die for them with or without your aid.”
Cruz claims that is what the Prime Minister of Israel said to Joe Biden over 40 years ago and that is what the Prime Minister of Israel is still saying to him.
Aren’t they listening in Canberra?PC
Albo & Penny know very well that Burke, Clare, Bowen etc need the Palestinian Muslim vote, you don’t need to be a Rhodes scholar to work that one out.
Scum Begets Scum.
So sad that their logic relies on holding the vote of middle aged women and the youth.
Imagine allowing yourself to be taken for granted to that extent
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Don’t hasitate to conatct us.
Carole Hubbard needs to read up on the history of the Middle East and then perhaps she won’t be as ignorant as she obviously is at the moment. I’ve never read such ridiculous garbage on this website as her comments below – get a grip Carole!
Israel is accused by ICJ of war crimes. Do you know that it is illegal to target civilians, but this is Israel’s MO. History is written by the victors and doesn’t necessarily represent a true record of events. We can all see what is happening in Gaza. Israel’s response is not proportional to what supposedly happened on October 7 – if you can believe that story anyway. More like fiction like every building in Gaza has to be bombed because Hamas is hiding in them.
But what does “From the River to the sea Palesstine will be free” mean? You can take it 2 ways. It can mean what the official narrative says it means ie kill all jews, or it can mean that Palestine will be free from occupation by Israel. At the moment Palestine is an illegally occupied territory by Israel. see Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, tantamount to ‘settler-colonialism’: UN expert https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/10/1129942
Why wouldn’t From the River to the sea mean that Palestine will be free of Israeli occupation?
I don’t think that Israel or Palestine are the bad guys here – but rather it is the war mongers who benefit from pushing extremist idiologies.
No doubt I’ll get 10 thumbs down for this comment.
The official narrative is that Israel is blameless victims and Hamas / Palestine are terrorists. This is the official narrative. However, Palestine says that Israel is a terrorist organisation. It all depends on who is telling the story. We only hear one side of the story. God forbid that we should ever consider anything Palestine had to say or that either side is spinning shit, or that Israel is actually committing genocide. This just couldn’t happen because Israel is pure and god’s chosen race. I’d like to see some real discussion on this topic instead of just going along with mainstream narrative / propaganda(?). When is the last time mainstream media interviewed one of these muslim muftis and asked them what they were all about? They’re automatically downgraded as hate preachers. But if Israel says something against Palestine, that’s just fine because they were victimised in the holocaust and we can’t let that happen again.
Nothing should surprise us regarding Albanese, Wong and many of their far-left comrades when it comes to this conflict.
They are – and always have been – totally supportive of the Palestinian cause and totally averse to anything that’s said or done by Israel.
We are witnessing that right now.
Hamas is entirely to blame for every death and injury that’s occurred during this war. They started it and are now hiding like cowards behind innocent Gazans.
Our government should be demanding the immediate release of hostages and Hamas’ unconditional surrender. Their leaders should also be placed before the ICC to face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
But is Hamas entirely to blame for October 7?
Has this been proven without a doubt?
Does anybody understand the concept of the false flag operation? This is where one party commits an act and makes it appear as though another party did it.
Are you sure that if any evidence that showed that other than Hamas had a part to play in October 5, that it wouldn’t have been covered up?
I read somewhere that the Israelis guarding the wall at certain stations were taken off duty on that day.
I have also heard that attrocities were blamed on Hamas to give more credibility for war on Palestine. see WATCH: Israeli Media Admits Hamas Atrocity Propaganda Was Made Up to Drum Up Support for War https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64258
Well-reasoned article! However, in a tolerant society like ours, violent, and, indeed, lethal intolerance cannot be permitted. Importing known elements that will never shake off age-old toxic attitudes must be reversed. Abrogating any international treaties that prevent us removing toxic intolerance in our society is to be encouraged. Deporting imported, and even home-grown, intolerant individuals and families must be considered. As I have said many times, if you introduce even one piranha into a goldfish tank, what do you think will happen?