SHE’S promising to spend up big, green-light euthanasia and run cover for sexual predators working in school classrooms.
This is the debased policy platform Queensland’s incumbent Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk believes will see her re-elected next Saturday week. And according to opinion polls, she might be right.
The Queensland Labor leader has no problem adding huge spending atop huge debt. She’s an expert.
She’s also committed to legalising euthanasia, making it the centrepiece of her re-election campaign.
And, to seal the deal, she plans to safeguard her recently passed Child Sexual Abuse laws which provide legal protections for sex dolls while leaving school kids as easy prey.
Despite record State debt – $100b by mid 2021 – Ms Palaszczuk isn’t retiring her credit card.
She’s promising to add hundreds of millions more. Just take her promised law and order spending spree as an example.
She wants thousands more police at a cost of $624m. The Liberal National opposition has, by comparison, pledged an extra 60 cops at a cost of $20m.
A sceptic might think Palaszczuk was creating a police State.
And while the conservatives are pledging tax cuts, Labor is throwing another $642,000 at the arts and bundles more cash at almost anything else they can think of.
Then there’s Ms Palaszczuk’s response to the Royal Commission into the Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse.
A sceptic might think Palaszczuk was either creating a safe haven for sexual deviants or else running protection for her radicalised Teachers’ Union. Or both.
Rather than legislate against “people in positions of authority” having sex with their charges – as the Royal Commission recommended – she’s instead protecting “at risk” sex dolls.
It’s now illegal in Queensland to sexually abuse a doll that resembles a child. But teachers can still kiddy fiddle, no problem, so long as their victims sport a pulse.
Every other State except Queensland followed the commission’s recommendation and outlawed teachers preying on their students.
Queensland’s alternate government, the Liberal Nation Party, promised to do likewise. But Palaszczuk thinks she’s onto a winner. Maybe she is? In some sick and depraved way.
Then there’s State approved suicide – or euthanasia. This is the centrepiece of the Palaszczuk re-election strategy.
No details have been released, mind you. Just a promise that the process would be fast tracked if Labor was returned.
The premier didn’t announce her personal opinion on the issue but said her MPs would get a conscience vote.
“I have my own personal views,” Ms Palaszczuk said. “But I believe individuals and families should be empowered to consider all the options available in consultation with their medical professionals.”
The move could wedge LNP leader Deb Frecklington whose Party opposes the euthanasia slippery slide. Frecklington did say, however, she would also allow a conscience vote.
The euthanasia announcement has been described by LNP strategists as a diversion by Labor to draw attention away from its disastrous economic management.
Queensland Labor has somehow delivered worse unemployment figures than Victoria Labor — a State that’s been in a total enforced lockdown for four months and counting.
But none of it matters to Queensland voters, apparently, so long as their teachers are gratified, their elderly are topping themselves and their State is hurtling towards bankruptcy.PC
Australia is going to the dogs while we have no credible Opposition, which has been usurped by the Left who are also usurping the once good name of the Liberal Party. Something should be done to sue the Left under patent law.
As Paul Murray has repeated nightly on his show on Sky, for at least the last month, – ‘Flush this mob – I’ll lend you the Domestos to get rid of the stain’!
He loves Qld. but sees the shocking damage Palaszczuk and her gang are doing, the almost irreversible debt they have run up.
Right now I’m not thinking about euthanasia, I’m thinking about the State election and why Labor where too scared to produce a state budget. What are they hiding?
Is it the massive debt they accrued before Covid or does it have something to do with QLD having the highest levels of unemployment for 7 Years.
Labor cant hide behind Covid or euthanasia for ever.
Perhaps we could focus on policies that help people with the business of living. Personally I’d say that’s a lot more important than the business of dying.