An open letter from Lismore

DEAR Premier, 

So, now we are in the age of geographical gaslighting. Bullying by postcode. Well done, Mr Perrottet and your little friend at The Australian (one Rhiannon Down, who has a tag on her twitter account “get vaxxed asap”). 

I see that you have “spoken sternly to the unvaccinated”. Well, please allow one of your constituents to speak sternly back. 

We always feel most aggrieved against those in whom we’ve placed our trust, and then they proceed to only let us down.

It was you yourself who was reported thus in September 2021: “Mr Perrottet told Joe Hildebrand vaccine passports shouldn’t be in place indefinitely.

“Once every single person in this State has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then we should open up for everyone.

“I want to see more unity and not a two-tiered society.”


Vaccine passports bad. Bullying and shaming of the unvaccinated okay. When relentless evidence – yes, I know it is suppressed – day after day shows that Omicron has killed the vax, that the pandemic is over, and it has nothing to do with the number of people single, double, triple or quadruple jabbed. Spot the problem here, Mr Premier.

Now you have taken to the airwaves to attack the city where I live: “NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has issued a stern warning to those who choose to remain unvaccinated against COVID-19, after it was revealed that every patient in the Lismore hospital intensive care unit had not received the jab.

“Mr Perrottet said half of all ICU admissions across the State were unvaccinated, though at the Lismore Base Hospital in NSW’s Northern Rivers area – in the State’s anti-vax heartland – all six seriously ill patients were unvaccinated.

A stern warning, Mr Premier? (By the way, how do you know the patients are even from Lismore?  Have you been given their files to peruse?  By whom?  Is not our medical information secure in the Premier State?)

I find this utterly offensive. I now find you utterly offensive. (It is also incoherent drivel, and I will come to that).

We always feel most aggrieved against those in whom we have placed our trust, and then they proceed to only let us down.

Daniel Andrews could never trigger the same emotion. Nor Mark McGowan. Nor Gladys. Nor the nutter from Darwin. Nor the piece of work from Brisbane.

But you, Mr Premier of the Free State of NSW? We had our hopes.

Now, day after day you dash them. You are the master of the pingdemic, with shortages rampant, key services in peril, people off work or out of their jobs.

All thanks to Mr Dominello, master of the bio-digital State.


You bully your own employees into getting the jab. You retrospectively set out to fine recalcitrants who haven’t reported their positive tests. An outrage for a Liberal.

You make us all wear face nappies that do not work. You stop us from singing. (Why is that, will someone please explain?)

You release us from the papers-please shopping experience only to do a U-turn a week later. This is learning to live with the virus, is it?

Aided by your mates from the Murdoch Press, whose (let us say) financial and ideological alignment with Big Pharma is well-known after two years of relentless propaganda, one of its journalists (the term is used advisedly) chose to name and shame one of the six COVID patients in Intensive Care at Lismore Base Hospital. One who might be dying.

What right does Rhiannon Down have – despite working for Murdoch at The Daily Vaccinator – to publish details of people who are regarded by her employer as scum, a deplorable and an enemy of polite (vaccinated) society?

This is gutter journalism of the kind we would normally expect (and regularly receive) from Murdoch tabloids like The Daily Telegraph and The Advertiser.

Ms Down may as well have published the poor patient’s address and a photo to match. After all, she is only a taro card reader! From Mullumbimby, for God’s sake.

I repeat, she may be dying. The only remaining question is where to have her executed. And this journalist’s editor let this despicable article through. How did she get the information to publish, I wonder?

Just because politicians have been politicising death for two years, continuously, shamelessly and to save their own political hides, it shouldn’t mean that supposedly decent leaders and respected journalists from broadsheet newspapers should as well.


Perhaps the sneering Ms Down has been taking lessons from her colleague Steve Waterson, whose latest tirade, ostensibly against the “clowns” (his word) running Australia, turns out simply to be an opportunity to bag the alleged weird health nut Novak Djokovic.

And by extension, all his unvaccinated friends down under who, according to the factionally evolving immigration minister, are on the verge of insurrection. For the Federal Court judges, seemingly, the Minister for Immigration is too big to fail. Stuff justice, decency and common sense.

Let us remind Ms Down (and yourself, Mr Perrottet) of a few facts:

  • If half the patients in ICUs across the State are unvaxxed, it means, does it not, that half the ICU patients are fully – well two jabs out of three isn’t bad – vaccinated? This would suggest to the casual observer that the vaccines do not prevent you catching COVID. It would also suggest that vaccines do not prevent you from being hospitalised with COVID. It would suggest that vaccines do not prevent serious illness and death from COVID;
  • Your evidence is anecdotal and cherry-picked, and ignores the findings of real, you know, scientific studies from all over the world showing that these vaccines do not work, and are killing and injuring more people than all the other vaccines together have over the past half century;
  • You are simply engaging in post hoc ergo propter hoc, ad hominem and straw man fallacies. [Look these terms up, Rhiannon, if you don’t know what they mean];
  • There is new evidence emerging that multiple doses of the vaccine attack the immune system’s capacity to resist viruses. No mention of real science here;
  • Like just about everyone else, you inflate vaccination rates (by including 16s and above) in order to make it seem that the unvaccinated are a tiny minority. Nearly a quarter of Australians remain unvaccinated (two jabs) and the booster (the new definition of being vaccinated means triple jabbed) has been taken by a mere 18 per cent of Australian adults (at the time of writing);
  • As far as I understand, no one has died from COVID in Lismore in two years. Local people, to the relatively minor extent to which they are under-vaccinated compared to the rest of NSW, might be said, therefore, to be making informed choices uninfluenced by Sydney-centric COVID propaganda. At least this is arguable;
  • You are not an objective journalist, as your twitter tag indicates. Your by-line should state this under every piece you write;
  • You are perpetuating the idiocy of the pro-vaxxer argument, “my vaccine will only work if you have yours”.

Ms Down’s article is yet more proof, if any more were needed, that the corporate media are now a legacy media working as paid-up servants of big government and the COVID State.

This is a propaganda piece. It explains the growing success, indeed, dominance of indie-media titans like Joe Rogan who can pull two hundred million viewers a month, ask the questions that the legacy media will not, and get out the messages from real scientists and thought leaders that Down’s media mates routinely silence, censor and pillory.

Your lot prefer to quote academics who are essentially shills for vaccine manufacturers, and who should say so.

A bit like the GPs in the United Kingdom who get twenty pounds per jab given. One Welsh doctor gave 20,000 COVID jabs in one weekend. Good work if you can get it. Journalists – let alone politicians – are meant to be truth tellers. That is what builds trust, remember.


This all happens, Mr Premier, on the day that your mates in Canberra have tossed the world’s best tennis player out of the country for the risk he allegedly posed to our health and civil society. Err, you mean your political comfort. Please don’t ever confuse the two. And take us all for idiots.

What a damned mess our country is in. When the supposed good guys aren’t. Being lectured by someone who looks and acts more and more each day like the toff head prefect of a private school reprimanding the juniors for not having their daily bottle of milk, is beginning to grate a little.

Wise up, learn to live with this virus, and learn to live with your own impending electoral doom.

Show some dignity in high office, and not act as a spruiker for unapproved, experimental, ineffective, unnecessary (for most) and dangerous (for many) gene therapies.

Geographical bullying marks a new low for the political class. Remember that deplorables know stuff, we read more widely than you do, we do not like bullies, and we vote, including in marginal seats like, say, Lismore.PC

Paul Collits

12 thoughts on “An open letter from Lismore

  1. He has to try to do u turn and save face without having egg on his and his crooked cabinets face. He knows it is a scam but somehow he has kept Hazzard and Chant on the books???? Letting it rip is the way to get it out and most will get better and have immunity the others who dont are natural attrition like the flu claims yearly. In 2019 310,000 people in NSW required hospital assistance 900 died. No lockdowns no threats no nothing. How does a world wide pandemic miss The Taliban and lay dormant when you eat & sleep and so on but attacks when you sing, dance and so forth?? Plan Demic = Scam Demic. The virus is the WHO, UN, WEF and Governments all over.

  2. Clinically accurate in every respect, a brilliant correspondence that beautifully summarises he lies and deception foisted upon us by government. Not one Australian state or federal government deserves to remain in office.
    Both Labor and Liberal failed to keep us safe, which was never their charter.
    Both Labor & Liberal have failed to represent the interests of the people which is their charter.
    Both Labor & Liberal have lied and they continue to lie to us,making every effort to suppress truth, science, data & research.
    Both Labor & Liberal have divided our population while trashing the health, wealth and prosperity of the hardest working amongst us.

    Yes Mr Perrottet, while you are far from being the worst or most extreme of our new breed of political dictators, you are a bigger disappointment than even our spineless excuse for a prime minister.

    Australia has had enough! We will not stand for our lives and our livelihoods being trashed!
    Both Labor & Liberal have put their political fortunes and their own interests ahead of the interests of those who they were trusted to represent.
    Politicians, Media, Bureaucrats, judiciary will all be held to account, every action that has damaged our lives, our small businesses, our nation’s reputation and our physical and mental health will be pursued and the perpetrators punished, even if it takes a decade to do so.
    Australia belongs to Australians, our rights belong to us the ere never privileges or rewards to metered out by governments or elites.

  3. An excellent article, speaking more truth than governments have for the last two years! Time to go for the Jugular and support UAP, ON, RUA, AOne, DLP, Almost anyone except Labor, Greens and LNP! What would happen if we left them three off the card 🙂

  4. “Lismore Base Hospital in NSW’s Northern Rivers area – in the State’s anti-vax heartland – all six seriously ill patients were unvaccinated.”

    The question I have is why are they in ICU? I’m sure if they were actually suffering from Covid 1984, Delta, Omicron, Flurona or whatever the flavour of the week is, it would have been shouted from the roof tops. Instead, what? Six people are in Lismore Base Hospital ICU being treated for, you know, a thing, but they are all unvaxxed. Completely twisted and massaged messaging from propagandists to support a collapsing narrative.

  5. A month ago, in a comment for an article, “Perrottet passes first big test” I said, in part. “Sorry, but I cannot trust Perrottet in anyway. I can NOT give him any credit whatsoever” I then actually made an excuse for him that he may be being hogtied by the factions, but many people came out in support of him. He’s our saviour, what I said was BS etc etc.

    I was wrong about the factions but not about Perrottet. He is a weak, limp wristed pretender. After the hit job on the Northern Rivers he is now threatening lock downs and more draconian measures for an even milder flu than the one Gladys the Mad went batshit crazy over. He will not stand up to the factions, he will not do the right thing by the people, he will continue the tyranny. Where are all his supporters now?

    Here’s a handy list for Dominic the Deceiver: the vaccines 1+2+3+4+boosters ad infinitum, masks and lockdowns DO NOT WORK. As has been proven around the world numerous times in hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers. (the real Science which is to Chant like garlic is to a vampire). The continuing threats, fines, mandates and violence against citizens shows Perrottet is in this up to his neck. To change my original comment slightly, of which I feel perfectly vindicated, I do not trust Perrottet in anyway. Prove me wrong.

    1. My comment on the same article read as follows:

      “Just have a look at Perrottet – there’s a very good reason that he looks like a limp-wristed weak-kneed know-nothing; an insipid cardboard cut-out.

      There are only three sorts of people in the parliamentary wings of the “Liberal” party these days:
      1. Left-wingers, who are controlling everything.
      2. Useful idiots, who don’t understand that.
      3. Spineless so-called conservatives who don’t have the courage of their convictions, and who float with the toxic tide of socialism because they care more about their position and their pay than they do about their duty of care to the Australian people.”

      The comment received four up votes and six down, so we can now understand why we keep getting “Liberal” governments that are in fact socialist, and that are run by empty-headed drop-kicks: conservative voters are unable to look at someone and understand what it is they should be able to see.

      1. The whole 2 (4) party system in Australia is rank and stinks to high Heaven. It needs pulling down completely. I trust a Nigerian spam e-mail more than 98% of the politicians in this country.

      1. The lying Australian government tyrants dictators have been cooking the covid books. They the Australian government bureau of statistics were instructed by the totally corrupt WHO to inflate the covid figures they want robust figures and they were instructed how to do it, this was on the ABS website.

        This is what has been and is going on with the totalitarian regime aka state and federal governments of Australia.
        The entire Australian vaccination policy is totally corrupted with massive systemic and extensive conflicts of interest everywhere including the deeply conflicted mainstream media empires with their extensive interests.
        There is and has never been any independent body to stop these criminal tyrants. The whole system is totally corrupted.
        They should all be charged with gross violations of Nuremberg principles/Nuremberg code for the tyrannical crimes against innocent populations.

        Unvaccinated lockdown in NT extended for Alice Springs, remote communities restricted – TOTT News

        Everyone everywhere in our world please watch this video and rise up United against these totalitarian regimes that have destroyed our lives and our countries and our democracies and our Civil rights and human rights and medical rights and freedoms so lets go and put a dagger through the totalitarian beasts..

        The Center for research on globalization by Professor Michel Chossudovsky
        The Agenda is to Vaccinate 7.9 BILLION People WorldWide; This is a Political Agenda-2019 COV Novella By POWERFUL Financial Interests (British Empire-Bill Gates & Fauci Are Members)
        DECEMBER 12, 2021

      2. Nah. Can’t be bothered to correct such an ill-informed and paranoid tirade. I mean really, if you can’t do the math on ICU admissions, it’s easy to understand why you get everything else wrong. It goes like this. 95% of the NSW population is double vaxxed, yet 50%, yes 50% of ICU admissions come from the unvaxxed 5%. In Lismore, where just 85% of the pop. is fully vaxxed on the latest figures, 15% of the population generates 100% of ICU admissions, and the rest of us pay for this indulgence. Kind of validates Darwinism.

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