by PAUL COLLITS – KARL Marx famously said that history always repeats, first as tragedy then as farce.
As always, and right on cue, the Scott Morrison-led Government emerged from its bunker to speak truth to Marx’s maxim, only to deliver a heady mix of both tragedy and farce.
- We now have government grants to “combat” the deplorables.
- This shows the political class is very, very frightened. Scared witless.
- Yet all the COVID extremism has come from the governments of Australia, and their acolytes, not from protesters.
This is from a walk-on-both-sides-of-the-fence government that doesn’t believe in vaccine mandates but allows them to happen everywhere on its watch.
Sometimes, it actually creates and enforces them itself. This time, it is being steered by the Minister for Home Affairs. I speak of the brand new super-charged funding of anti-“terrorism”.
Here is a headline from 2018: Senate hears questions over Karen Andrews throwing object at staff member.
Moving to 2021, we have this (in March) in relation to Ms Andrews, one of Morrison’s bomb-throwers (pun intended): Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews promoted after she made my life hell, says female staffer.
The story went as follows: “A senior Liberal adviser has taken stress leave from Karen Andrews’ office after claiming the new Home Affairs Minister bullied, humiliated and victimised her over a six-month period.
“The complaint, first made by the long-serving female adviser in August and raised again on March 14, has come to light after Ms Andrews was promoted from the industry portfolio by Scott Morrison on Monday in a reshuffle designed to enhance focus on women’s issues.
“In a letter sent to Ms Andrews earlier this month, the senior adviser – The Australian has agreed not to name her at her request – claimed the workplace bullying was so significant she was “suffering severe stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and depression”.
“She also alleged Ms Andrews’ office had asked her to “undertake work outside my employment”, claiming she was asked to “organise a fundraising event for the Liberal Party of Australia”.
“The adviser has worked for NSW and federal governments for more than three decades, is highly regarded by cabinet ministers and has personally known the Prime Minister for 20 years.
“She first lodged a complaint in August last year when she spoke with Ms Andrews about the culture and conduct in her office. The next day, she claimed in a letter sent on March 14, Ms Andrews’ chief of staff directed her never to call the minister again.”
The Minister has denied all allegations. What she cannot deny is that she and her government are bullying everyday Australians, every day. And in ever new and exotic ways.
Andrews has just announced $61.7m in new funding for counter terrorism measures. What is this all about?
It turns out it is about all of those pesky protesters who think the Government in Australia (pick one, any one) stinks.
Ms Andrews said the Government had “zero tolerance” for anyone threatening “the peace and cohesion of our society by trying to use violence to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal”.
“Australia is a peaceful, tolerant and harmonious country, but we cannot be blind to the fact that there are those among us who seek to sow hate, fear and discord,” she said.
One report (from the hyper-woke SBS) stated breathlessly: It comes amid an alarming uptick of anti-government conspiracy theorists.
Who, apart from Karen Andrews, her overpaid bureaucrats, a few ASIO spooks paid to worry about these things and rent-an-academic media stars like Professor Greg Barton of Deakin University (just oozing with media mentions), thinks that this is “alarming”?
The professor is a specialist in Islamic extremism. What he knows about the benign, broad-based, diverse, mums-and-dads protest movement – clearly the target of the Government’s latest bullying effort – is not clear.
Now, worrying about government overreach (a very, very polite term for what has happened to us these past years) qualifies you as a terrorist.
Conspiracy theorists? These would be the people who are clear-headed and who do their research. And who have been spot-on about just about everything that has occurred in relation to COVID and to the “pandemia” (Alex Berenson’s term).
Gigi Foster, one of Australia’s few brave and sensible COVID realists and co-author of the book The Great Covid Panic, speaks of “crowds” in the same way that the talented and now famous Belgian psychology professor Mattias Desmet speaks of “mass formation”.
Foster punts out of the park claims that the freedom movement is extremist and dangerous. Rather, she finds a far-from-uniform group of protesters, people who have been impacted by the COVID State in many different and horrible ways.
They might be someone who:
- Has lost his or her job;
- Believes politicians have too much power;
- Doesn’t want to be vaccinated;
- Believes that what is being done is an insult to his or her bodily integrity; or
- Has had a child who suicided during the lockdowns and home detention.
Put simply, they are protesting for the right to live a normal life, as Mark Steyn and Brendan O’Neill have recently discussed.
Some of our protesters might believe odd things, but most probably don’t. Very few would be remotely “extremist”.
Even fewer would be prone to any violence. They certainly aren’t right wing, or any “wing”, whatever the spooks at ASIO and the broader worrying class might think or say. (“Wings” are so the-day-before-yesterday, and those who still talk in these terms politically are not keeping up.
They haven’t noticed that the world has changed, and that the only political bifurcation that matters is the rulers and the ruled).
Many of the protesters aren’t even anti-vaxxers in the way that term used to be defined, until eight minutes ago.
On the other hand, Foster accurately describes COVID Cult politicians as “crazed” and obsessed”. It is the Branch Covidians about whom we should be worried, not the dissidents who were initially called stupid and selfish, sometimes granny-killers, and now re-branded as extremists, even terrorists.
The “crowd”, as Foster calls the suppers of the Kool-Aid who have bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker – indeed, they have driven it – are actually the people that are easy to stereotype. Of one single mind.
Ill-informed, obsessed, panicked, hysterical, fevered, craven, fearful, suspicious, masked, jabbed, malevolent, dare one say, cult-like. Now there is an irony, Ms Andrews.
The Government’s gaslighting package contains $10.7m for community grants “to combat extremists”.
Community grants! The ScoMo Government still dares to speak of grants. (Well, Bridget McKenzie – as in the adventures of Bridget McKenzie and gun club grant rorts – is one of Andrews’ colleagues at Home Affairs, along with the tennis-star-deporting minister Alex Hawke).
One can only imagine the uses that will be made of such grants by their no doubt worthy recipients.
Perhaps there will emerge some more of the bum puppets recently funded by the Australia Council.
This Government in Canberra, we already know, is so good at disbursing grants.
The Communications Minister has been grilled over a taxpayer-funded grant awarded to a queer cabaret artist who has created a “bum puppet” featuring a drawing of the PM on her backside.
A Chinese Australian poet who writes on toilet rolls about bodily fluids has also been given the Australia Council for the Arts fellowships worth $80,000.
Despite the opportunities for further merriment, there is something much darker going on here.
The sneering, spiteful, insulting, scapegoating, dobbing culture that has emerged in Australia during Covid, among the Covid Kool-Aid class – personified by Jack the Insider, low-rent journalist-academics who see the unvaxxed as “free-riders” or worse, Melbourne cops and curtain-twitchers who ring CrimeStoppers to report maskless barbecues – is, in effect being rewarded with grants.
On top of all the propaganda, the diet of lies, the daily COVID death porn, the casual and not-so-casual discrimination against dissidents, the fines, the shut borders, we now have government grants to “combat” the deplorables.
This is simultaneously risible and sick-making.
An expensive distraction, yes, but clearly a sign, too, that the Orwellians are still firmly in control in Canberra and ruthlessly determined to keep the jackboot on the throats of citizens. Shaming us all the while, while shaming themselves.
The fact is that all the COVID extremism has come from the governments of Australia, and their acolytes in the bureaucracy, the corporate media, the universities, and the like, not from protesters.
Extremist language and extremist policies, executed ruthlessly.
Extremist, anti-constitutional legislation. Extremist resort to the abandonment of parliament.
Extremist courts bending reflexively to the iron will of governments. Extremist treatment of the unvaccinated in the Northern Territory, lugging them off to detention camps.
The violence has come from police, not citizens. They are the ones with the rubber bullets and capsicum spray. They are the ones clubbing septuagenarians. Banging heads into the pavement.
Perhaps the impressive film-maker, Topher Field, who made the chilling documentary Battleground Melbourne, should apply retrospectively for a grant.
As Sarah Mclellan points out, the so-called conspiracy theorists have now been reclassified as extremists, and will be the target of next-level government attention: “The rationale that dominates the minds of the mainstream, which for over two years has dictated the dominant discourse, seems to be now moving into very dangerous territory that ought to be horrifying by anyone’s standards.
“The government has re-framed what it means to be an ‘extremist’ causing eerie echoes of the Orwellian Thought Police to grow unnervingly apparent. ‘Extremists’ are portrayed as anyone who questions or supports a different view of the COVID narrative perpetuated by the government and media.
“They are seen as threats to national security akin to the Jihad terrorists. Citizens who dare think for themselves, research, and actively engage in critical thinking are targeted.”
The Karen Andrews approach is straight out of the playbook of (now in hiding) Justin Trudeau, as the freedom-fighters of Canada lay siege to Ottawa.
Othering and labelling with falsehoods. Trudeau branded protesters in Ottawa as a “few people shouting and waving swastikas”.
It sounds a little familiar. Andrews has implied as much. Fancy a Liberal minister modelling herself on the Canadian boy wonder.
As The Mail reports: “Angry truckers have lashed out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after members of their convoy protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes during another weekend of unrest in the country’s capital city.
“They have also strongly denied that they have ties to ultra-right-wing groups, insisting they are just ‘ordinary truckers’.
“It’s intimidation, nothing else,” Freedom Convoy protestor Guy Meister told dailymail.com on Monday.
“We are just a bunch of hard working truck drivers who are out here protesting the Government’s COVID mandates.
“We aren’t political, we are the working class.
“…‘We are not right-wing conspiracists, we are hard-working everyday Canadians who just want our freedom back,’ said Doull, who lives in Grand Manan, New Brunswick.
“Since dailymail.com arrived in Ottawa last week we have seen no indication of violence or vandalism or any extremist political agenda. In fact, the demonstrations have shown the opposite.
“Apart from the incessant honking of their horns, all has been peaceful. The truckers seem to have united the people of Canada in a common goal, to get rid of government mandates.
“People who came out to support the protestors brought food, clothing and other supplies. Families came with their children in tow, some with newborns, in sub-zero temperatures to show their support.
“We have not even seen any arguments with the few counter protestors who were in attendance.”
I think we all realise who the Nazis are here. If anything, “Nazis” infiltrating the peaceful crowds, who are acting more in the spirit of Gandhi and MLK than Hitler, are likely to be security force plants. Yes, it does happen.
Or perhaps Andrews is taking her cues from Uncle Joe Biden, whose Department of Homeland Security is now starting to crack down on dissent.
As Alex Berenson, himself fearing being targeted by the spooks, reports: “The White House has begun an extraordinary assault on free speech in America. It is no longer content merely to force social media companies to suppress dissenting views. It appears to be setting the stage to use federal police powers.
“How else to read the National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin the Department of Homeland Security issued on Tuesday? Its first sentence:
“SUMMARY OF THE TERRORISM THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES: The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories... [emphasis added]
“You read those words right.
“The government now says ‘misleading narratives’ are the most dangerous contributor to terrorism against the United States.
“The bulletin’s next sentence: ‘These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. [emphasis added]
“You read those words right too.
“A federal agency says that to ‘undermine public trust in government institutions’ is now considered terrorism. Speech doesn’t even have to encourage rebellion or violence generally, much less against anyone specific. It just has to ‘potentially inspire’ violence.
“Later, the bulletin explains exactly what speech the government now considers a terrorist danger: ‘Widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.’
“There’s that word misleading again.”
As in Canada and now Biden’s America, so in Australia. Peaceful protest in order to get back nothing more than normal life.
Freedom in diversity and diversity for freedom, might well be the motto, as Gigi Foster says.
To suggest anything more is simply a smear. Is this the new Liberal Party way of interacting with everyday voters?
The Karen Andrews-led gaslighting is next-level, sooling ASIO onto us as is suggested in its Annual Threat Assessment.
The headline reads: Dating apps like Tinder and anti-COVID vaccine mandate protests drawing ASIO’s attention, according to annual threat assessment.
The Director General warns: … how COVID-19 has sent online radicalisation into “overdrive”, with isolated individuals spending more time exposed to “extremist messaging, misinformation and conspiracy theories”.
Oh, and ASIO is also worried about Manchurian candidates with overseas support running in the election. Really.
Haven’t we had enough Man(Mal)churian candidates running the major Parties already? Why don’t we worry about them a bit more?
It has all been edged up a notch, and those who thought the Australian COVID police State couldn’t get any worse may be in for another rude shock. They do not like pushback.
And isolation is the problem? Whoa! Whose idea was isolation, Karen?
I wonder what the “Good Liberal” in Macquarie Street makes of this new move by his Canberra colleagues.
Perhaps someone should ask him. You will probably find him atop the Harbour Bridge erecting an Aboriginal flag – currently his highest priority, apparently.
Or perhaps in a meeting room in Macquarie Street or the MLC Tower, consulting his new board of female economic advisers. (Who knew conservatives had become so woke? The only surprise is that the NSW Premier isn’t hell-bent on plonking a rainbow flag atop the Coathanger as well.)
Rome continues to burn and those whom we thought to be the defenders of freedom are, at best, missing in action, and at worse, themselves tightening the screws on what little remaining freedoms we have.
What this does show is that the political class is very, very frightened. Scared witless. Not of terrorism, but of push-back.
They now have unprecedented power, and they ain’t giving it up without a dirty fight.
The Canadian trucker-heroes have shown what weaponised popular will can look like. And the COVID class doesn’t like it one bit.
Just as the Canadian Mounties are attempting to stir up trouble among the peaceable crowds of Ottawa, so too the panjandrums in Moscow on the Molonglo.
Other the unvaxxed, then turn them into something scary, something to be crushed. Align them with the January 6 Washington trouble-makers. Domestic terrorists, in Biden-speak.
Needless to say, the Opposition weighed in on the new funding to fight “terrorism”, through the under-talented and over-promoted Kristina Keneally, that friend of migrants, now that she is running for the lower house in Sydney’s west (at least if they are from Ohio), and post-Vatican II theological eminence grise.
Naturally, her response to Karen Andrews was redolent of every utterance from every Opposition the world over during COVID – “too little, too late”.
It is as if the COVID cult’s central management committee prepares extra-strong doses of Kool-Aid for parliamentary oppositions.
Make the deplorables pay even more! As well as the routine naming and shaming of the usual suspects, that heroic though sadly tiny band of truth-tellers from the Government backbench. The few who respect evidence and human rights and who value and promote independent thought.
What is it about the name Andrews, though?PC
Big Pharma is about to be sued out of existence because……. | SOTN
State of the Nation February 10 2022
There is now an overwhelming body of hard evidence that categorically proves that the American Big Pharma producers of Covid ‘vaccines’ committed intentional and egregious fraud in the roll-out of their extremely dangerous and deadly injections.
The true scope and magnitude of their fraudulent corporate conduct is only now coming to light; nevertheless, the irrefutable proof of premeditated fraud which has already been accumulated is so incriminating that Big Pharma will eventually collapse.
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are not the only Big Pharma companies that have poisoned to death and/or sickened countless American citizens; all the other vaccine manufacturers are also culpable of perpetrating a multi-decade criminal conspiracy. For example, both the mandatory childhood vaccination schedules and voluntary adult flu shot programs have been rife with fraud and malicious intent as the rapidly growing number of serious vaccines injuries and deaths clearly indicates. See: FLASHBACK: COURT RULES VACCINES CONTRIBUTE TO AND CAUSE SIDS DEATHS
In point of fact, the great number of vaccine-induced injuries and post-vaccination deaths suffered by school children, which have occurred uninterruptedly over many years, is proof positive that Big Pharma knowingly committed a murderous fraud as they continue to today.
Let’s face it: When even a former BlackRock executive comes out and makes these damning statements, the end is near for the entire Big Pharma international crime syndicate. Continue :-
New Zealand police brutalize freedom convoy protesters in nation’s capital
Prof. Werner Bergholz: Dangerous Chemicals and Nanotubes Found In Covid Test Swabs | The Crazz Files
Free Dr. Paix – Innocent War Veteran kidnapped by Australian Police
Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years”
A group called “Public Health and Medical Professionals For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s documents concerning adverse events from their Covid “vaccine”, which Pfizer fought to have concealed 55 years, but a courageous judge ordered them released anyway.
Report Prepared by:
Worldwide Safety Pfizer
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