AUSTRALIA has had eight mega-droughts over the last 1000 years. The biggest was a 39-year drought between 1174 and 1212 AD during a century of aridity (1102-1212 AD) during the global Medieval warming.
There was a 23-year mega-drought from 1500-1522 AD. It was continent-wide. Tree ring studies in Western Australia covering the period from 1350 AD show many 30-year droughts during the Little Ice Age between 1300 and 1850 AD.PC
Professor Ian Plimer’s latest book Green Murder (www.greenmurder.com) will be released by Connor Court Publishing in late November. Pre-publication orders are discounted are signed.
Transition and Pumped Hydro for climate hoax purposes;
Renewables by 2030, pumped hydro …..
There is no climate emergency, August 2022
It is certainly refreshing to see some truth now that Prof. Ian Plimer is contributing and with David Flint there may be some hope for Australia in future. Well done Politicom.
The climate does not change as it refers to stability of the conditions . It is determined by a nations altitude and latitude thus the climate in Singapore different to that is Australia . Weather is a prediction and not a concise science . There is no magic dial to change the climate/weather and we as humans need to stop trying beat Mother Nature at her own game . We have been duped by a Virus (flu) and have leftist attacking anything they can because they did not get hugged enough when they were little .
All weather is normal if you back far enough but BOMs ever is only 20 years. All to do with sunspots and planetary cycles. http://www.facebook.com/inigo360/
Not long after the Abbott Coalition Government was elected during September 2013 scientist Dr Jeniffer Marohasy and colleagues wrote to the Minister responsible for the Bureau of Meteorology and presented evidence that BOM media weather data releases were inaccurate when compared to historic record data. The Minister requested an explanation from the BOM and was apparently told “errors and omissions” were discovered and steps would be taken to eliminate them in future. Prime Minister Abbott and other Ministers proposed an independent audit, that due diligence be conducted at the BOM but they were unsuccessful, a small majority voted against the proposal in Cabinet. In 2015 Prime Minister Abbott was replaced with Prime Minister Turnbull.
Later Jennifer Marohasy reported other BOM “problems” such as automatic weather stations located in or near heat sinks resulting in inaccurate temperature recording, and that temperatures recorded had at times been adjusted up (say 29.6 became 29.9 so that over time the warming trend was pushed higher), and that historic weather record data from before 1910 was not being considered, and more.